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Posts posted by Cash

  1. My remix is coming along nicely. I put together about a minute of material between Sunday and Wednesday. Yesterday, I reworked the whole song, it sounds much better now. Watch out Neblix! Nah, you'll probably beat me without breaking a sweat. :)!!

    i will try to hook my primary PSU to my system and see if i can frankenstein my way through the rest of my track, but i'm not hopeful. if anything was fried i don't have the cash to fix it.

    Good luck! I hope you're able to put something together.

  2. I like it, short and sweet. The performance didn't sound too mechanical, though the balance and volumes of the instruments seems to be a bit off. The flute sounds too loud to me, it kind of steps on other instruments. Orchestral music is not my strong suit, so I don't have specifics.

    A well done remix so far.

  3. First, the good. I enjoyed listening to it, you have some interesting texturing going on in the remix. It has a nice ambiance. :< Aquatic Ambiance is always a good source, no matter how times you here it.

    My other thoughts:

    -the wobble bass is neat, but gets boring pretty quick, not much variation, and by the end the bass just sounds annoying

    -kick does seem to have too much reverb

    -the drums don't have much variation either, it's mostly the same beat over and over again, plus they're too weak for the style you're going for, very generic as well

    -that shaker thing, the one playing in the first 30 seconds or so, in the background seems off, timing wise

    -the whole song is repetitive, not much variation, except for small amount of arrangement, as it is now, the song goes on for too long

    -the bass is a reoccurring issue, it really starts to be a distraction, I suggest manually adjusting its wobble, if you can

    -the ending is kind of abrupt, it could be drawn out more

    -the intro could be extended, I think it could use some more build up, don't be afraid to draw it out, this is trance after all :-)

    This is a fairly good remix, but could be improved. I hope my feedback helps! Keep up the good work!

  4. Nice chilled out feel, a couple interesting synths. Good start for a work in progress. A few synth choice are iffy, drums need improvement, and it could have ended a little sooner, as the others pointed out.

    My thoughts while listening:

    -the pad in the intro and outro is too loud and grating, it also seems left heavy

    -that buzzing synth in the background is abrasive

    -the lead between 1:12 and 1:38 sounds bland, it starts to get annoying about half way through

    -weak, repetitive drums, need more variation and presence, especially in the middle section

    Keep working at it.

  5. Ahah, I was playing this game a couple weeks ago, and it actually fried my GPU. Guess it was too depressing even for machines. ;P

    Hands down one of the best narrative to ever come out of a military shooter. The part involving white phosphorus is imprinted in my brain forever.

    Also, The Line features some truly gorgeous scenery/art-direction. Nice to play a cover-based shooter not relying solely on the dark-brown palette.

    Inversion on the other hand...

    Agreed. The game is really a commentary on modern war shooters, done through the narrative and mechanics.

    Extra Credits did a two part episode on the game.

  6. I'm not any sort of expert, so don't stake too much on my comments. They're just an opinion, someone with more experience (or not) may disagree.

    Actually, I thought it was a good intro. I made sure everything was somewhat band passed overall so that it felt a bit empty, leaving people to wait for more to happen.

    Hmm, it actually sounds fairly cluttered to me, for an intro. It doesn't feel like I'm being led into the song, it just starts abruptly, at least in my opinion. It doesn't take enough time build up.

    All the timings I have are completely intentional.

    To my ears, they sound awkward, and don't seem to fit.

    The first lead is, by convention, supposed to be a large part of this genre. Read up on wikipedia's definition of Electro.

    I realize that, I was merely saying I don't like it, again, just my opinion.

    For the bass, I spent hours on end perfecting that bass. I really don't see anything wrong with it, and I've actually remade it several times. As for the "muddiness" that you hear, I've actually gone through and refined the EQ at least 20 times, so I don't think it's muddiness. I already do know that each instrument has to and does have their own area in the spectrum. It's probably just not the overall timbre you expected.

    To my ears, things sound a bit muddy, but I could be wrong. The bass, to me, sounds too loud at some parts. Again, others may think differently than I.

    Of course this needs to be longer. I wasn't done making it, as I said in the first post. :|

    I know, but when I'm giving feedback, I tend to mention everything that comes to mind when I listen, even if it's an issue you already know about.

  7. Overall, a good listen. Though I noticed a few issues.


    -the song just starts, not really much of an intro

    -there seems to be a timing issue at the 3 sec mark, not sure if that was intentional, but it just sounds off

    -I'm not a fan of the first lead, which plays through most of the song, the guitar sounding synth, it feels subdued, almost buried, perhaps too much reverb, it also gets to be grating

    -the bass is a bit overpowering at times, for example, at around 0:35, also at around 1:22, the temptation is to boost the bass, but it's easy to overdo it, which you have done here

    -the chiptune parts sound sporadic, they come in for a few seconds then disappear, which happens several times

    -as for the drums, the kick seems to get buried, I mostly hear the snare, and the timing of the hats sounds off, they don't really fit with the kick and snare, really noticeable in the first 15 seconds of the track

    -the song sounds muddy, too much going on I think, really pay attention to separating those frequencies, especially during the busy parts, they sound like they're bleeding into each other

    -also, needs to be longer

    -a better transition to Heart of Fire would be a good idea as well

    What I enjoy:

    -the backing synth that plays between 0:17 and 0:38, and later on

    -the organ was a nice choice

    -the 303 arp has a nice sound to it, though it could stand out more

    -the current arrangement is a nice variation on Vampire Killer

    I think this is a good start overall, but does need work. I hope my feedback helps! Keep up the good work!

  8. Example: Even though Cash and Change and I use the same DAW, we still used MP3s and WAVs, not project files, as a means to collaborate.

    Such restrictions are not necessary. The compo should be kept as-is imo. It worked wonderfully.

    I concur. :-)

    Well, it wasn't easy, but I sent in my vote. Good luck everyone!

  9. Ooh, Forest Temple is a great source.

    I like the hip-hop vibe you got going here. The bass is sounding nice.

    I hear a crackling sound in the background, it sounds like popping, a production problem. If it's intentional, it doesn't sound good. It's distracting, and really shouldn't be in the entire track, except in the intro/outro. The drums are a bit boring and repetitive, I suggest you change them up some. In fact, the entire track could stand some more variation. The track is rather sparse, not much is really going on here.

    A good start, but needs improvement. Hope my feedback helps, good luck!

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