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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Nothing happened to music. If you can't find music you like that was made within the last decade, you're not looking hard enough.

    People only think music was better in the past because they're looking at the classics, while ignoring all else. The same with movies, television, and video games. There have always been your Rebecca Blacks, the only difference being it's now more visible, thanks to the internet.

  2. This is a question, not specifically an issue to be fixed.

    On the Vault Boy mascot page, the bottom of the page indicates that the database doesn't list any remixes for the Xbox 360 version of Fallout 3.

    I'm curious, any reason why the remix wasn't listed under both versions of the game? Is this the appropriate thread for this question?

  3. Nuts and Bolts is great, people were expecting the style of the other games, and were pissed when they got something different. Recycle the same formula over and over again, and people will love it. Try something new and interesting, good luck. Once you get past the initial shock, and consider its merits, it's actually a ton of fun. It was a blast making all these insane vehicles to complete the challenges and explore the world. Flying was just so much fun.

  4. get your album signed not by david lloyd, but dave wise instead

    then it's worth it :tomatoface:

    I was mostly talking about the album, the signature is just a bonus. Not to mention the other stuff. I know, my post made it seem like the sig was the big selling point, but no. Who knows, maybe he'll became famous one day! (joke, half-joking)

    EDIT: the DKC2 album is my favorite one, so even more tempting.

  5. Well, I hope you haven't been assumin this whole time that you would win by default. That statement really didn't make any sense as you can't know for sure if a person is gonna turn in a mix unless they tell you otherwise or you find out when it comes listening time =P.

    Jakesnke17 indicated that he probably wouldn't be able to put together a mix early on in the week. When Neblix said he didn't put anything together, there was still a couple days left for mixing. At which point I wasn't finished, I didn't put as many finishing touches on as I otherwise would. In this context, my statement made sense.

    I didn't have to assume anything, I already knew ahead of time.

    I'm not really happy with my theme choice either, so that took away even more motivation. It was still fun though.

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