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Posts posted by Cash

  1. Edit: Well, I saw my rank.. :/ But, I actually had guessed that would happen. I shouldn't have listened to my fiancé on this one. xD I apologize to everyone for mucking up this competition, as well as for possibly damaging anyones hearing. :/ lol

    I didn't do much better, don't beat yourself. Dust yourself off, and just keep going. Even the best start at that level, they had to work their way up. Chin up. :grin:

  2. I listened to this one after hearing his latest remix. I really enjoyed the style in this mix, addicting describes my feeling of it. I'm actually enjoying the repetition in this one, it expands enough to keep it interesting. The song does a nice job of flowing between each variation. I never get tired of that little loop. I thought this was a great debut, nice remix.

    I like discovering the subtle variations in each iteration of the loop.

  3. First off, welcome to OCR! I like to see new faces.

    This is a descent start, but you really should use an mp3 host. I'm not sure which issues are the mixing, or from YouTube. Try using Soundcloud or Tindeck, I've never had a problem with either of those.

    For now, I'll say that your remix is too repetitive. It's essentially the one section looped several times with little to no changes, it should definitely have some more variation. The drums are weak and bland (or "vanilla"), they need more power and the patterns should be changed up more.

    As for the source usage, I don't recognize it in your remix, at least to my ears. Generally, the judges want about 50% of the source to be recognizable in the remix.

    I'll go into more detail about what I think are mixing issues, assuming it's not YouTube, once you find an mp3 host.

    I hope my feedback so far is helpful, and doesn't discourage you. Keep at it! :-)

    EDIT: By the way, what software did you use to make your remix?

  4. I agree, this is a cool remix. Nice synth choices. 8-)

    My main issue is the drums. Not the patterns, those are fine. The sound of the kick didn't sit well with me, it kept distracting me. It was too mechanical, it sounded very metallic. I hope that makes sense, I'm still not down on all the technical terms. I'm also iffy about the snare, not really sure how to explain it. I guess I'll say it seems like it has too much of a slap quality too it? You already submitted it, so you'll get better feedback from the judges.

    Other than that, well done. Good luck!

  5. Welcome to OCR, always nice to see new members!

    I enjoyed this remix, well done. The beat has a nice groove to it, really chilled out feel. I like how you varied up the source tune.

    I'm not sure about the fade out at the end, which you said was temporary anyway. The mix sounds a little right heavy to me. I don't really hear much panning on the left, I can hear the clap on the right.

    Overall, nice work. :-)

  6. After reading through this thread, it seems to me that the safest thing to do is change your name, Brad. This company seems serious and unless you want to take the time and money fight this with no guarantee of winning, I'd suggest taking the safe way out. Not much weight to a new guy's advice, but good luck in whichever decision you make.

  7. They're bitching about Prophetik, and now he suggested prophetic with a c as if it would not be trademarked.

    Yep, just noticed the c. Brad said he only uses "Prophetik Music" on his website and sells music under his real name, would they even have a case?

    Further, why are they even pursuing this? I don't see how Brad could possibly be a threat to their business.

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