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Posts posted by Cash

  1. FoxxDragon, it's a matter of interpretation of the facts, not the facts themselves. The intention of the Kickstarter was obviously to fund the album, with physical albums as rewards. Obviously, you have a different interpretation. You interpret the reward for the $50 level as the asking price for the physical album. It is true that in order to actually have the physical album in your hands, you have to pay $50. If you chose to interpret the reward as an asking price, well probably nothing said here will change your stance. In the end, it comes down to a philosophical difference. You and some others feel the price is too high because the actual cost of the physical album is lower, others were willing to pay $50 because they view the album as a reward to a donation, as intended.

    Trying to get the OCR staff to admit Kickstarter was advertised all wrong is just ridiculous. Think about this from their standpoint. Why would they say this was advertised all wrong? This project has received such overwhelming support, it was and still is a huge success. You say this was set up poorly, yet the facts say otherwise. The original goal was 15k, now they are at over 65k with 24 days left, that doesn't look like a case of poor advertising.

  2. I'm saving this quote forever: Yes, this project made a profit, but it wasn't set up for the express purpose to make a profit. Therefore it was not "for profit."

    EDIT: My statement is a bit confusing, I admit. Enjoy, I hope you cherish the quote.

    Actually, I'm not sure if I would even call it profit. No product is being sold, and no one is getting paid. On that basis, this project is not for profit, it didn't make profit. Look up the word if have doubts.

  3. Because in the end, you only hurt the fans.

    At least we weren't asking for 15,000$ just to give people the chance to own one.

    Apparently the drama continues (unless I'm misreading your post). How exactly have the fans been hurt? Judging by how much money the Kickstarter project has made so far, I'd say the fans are pretty damn happy (myself included), most of them anyway.

  4. To me, the kickstarter is a non-issue. If you have doubts about where the extra money goes, don't donate. Seems pretty simple. The fact that the original goal has been surpassed by over 30k, this project has far more support than negative feedback. There will always be people who come out of the woodwork looking for trouble every time something new is tried. That's not to say people shouldn't ask legitimate questions. The problem is when people start making accusations that someone is getting a profit, with no basis whatsoever for those accusations.

    And to anyone who feels slighted by not being invited to the album, well boo hoo, get over it. There were tons of other remixers who could have been invited, but weren't for whatever reason. Thinking you weren't invited because you're being slighted is childish and egotistical. To think you are entitled to an invite is absurd.

  5. emulator promise us a releas album this year

    Wait, who's emulator?

    Seriously though, whenever the album is released, it'll be worth the wait. We've waited this long, what's a few more days, or weeks, or whatever? Since someone brought up Gandalf, I've been waiting for the Hobbit movie since Return of the King came out, and that was about 7 or 8 years ago. Two years isn't very long at all.

  6. As far as I'm concerned, CP is the best gaming-oriented charity to donate to, simply because its so well run, does such a good job, and is so visible.

    Anyway, if your issue with a thread about giving money to charity is "TL;DR", that's... not really something I should be concerned with? I don't know, it's not that long of a post. :/ Certainly, the time is worth it for sick kids? Or at least any other charity that could be nominated. If you don't think it's worth your time... I don't really know how to respond to that.

    Actually, you should be concerned with length. If you want more people to pay attention, you should put the most important information right up front, in big bold letters. Short, and to the point is the best way to get more attention.

    Ideally, yes, people probably should be willing to take the time to read something that has to do with helping sick kids. However, we don't live in an ideal world; and given that we are constantly surrounded by all sorts of things vying for our attention, what stands out the most are short messages that go straight to the point, and that get in your face, so to speak. Image is important.

    CP may be a good charity, but certainly other causes are just as worthy. Is there actually public voting? The information you provided from Chase Legal specifically mentions Chase customers.

  7. Sad, yes, never cried though. I understand why people cry at works of fiction, it's just not how I react. I rarely cry, not that I'd feel ashamed if I did more often.

    Final Fantasy 9 has an undertone of sadness, the game is really emotional. The relationship between Zidane and Garnet, Freya and Sir Fratley, Vivi and the black mages, and Eiko has no family, except for the moogles.Of course, there are happy moments also. Steiner and Quina always make me laugh. The moogles are also funny.

    I didn't think Aeris dying was sad when I was young, I thought she was annoying and weak. I wasn't really affected by the scene until I played Crisis Core, also a sad game. After seeing how they portrayed her in that game, it made me sad that to know she was going to die in FF7. I think the saddest part of FF7 is Cid's story, I mean just listen to his theme music. Oh, and Red XII also has a sad story.

  8. Yeah, bass is too loud, at times it drowns out the other stuff. The guitar is way too harsh through the mix, it muddies things up a bit. At the 4 minute mark, I thought the song was over, it's an unnecessary break, or at the very least it lasts too long. This is mostly a cover, though there is nothing wrong with that, it means that it's not up to OCR standards; which may or may not matter to you, depending on your goals with this remix.

    I do hear your own arrangement near the end, which was nice. I also like that reverby piano, when it's not drowned out by the guitar. Overall, I think this is good work so far. Keep at it.

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