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Everything posted by Coaltergeist

  1. Alright, I have WIPs from Angel, Dan and SBeast! Thanks guys, they all sound great. I'll get some feedback back in a few days; they sound really good, however.
  2. My body is ready, Angel.
  3. Gotcha! Thanks, I only really use the small one. I just double-clicked it on the thread list before...
  4. Title. Can you? I was about to literally an hour after the site went down for the update; can't figure out how to do it now.
  5. I'm interested in more tracks. If they're from FE7, that's cool, but I want to try to have an even-ish amount of tracks from each game. Ie not 5 tracks from Awakening and Blazing Sword and only 1 from Stones. PS if you want FE7 tracks to remix, look here. PPS :^) EDIT: Agh, the update broke my beautiful formatting on the front page... Also currently trying to figure out how to change the title of a thread. Found it lol.
  6. UPDATE: I updated the front page with a tentative calender of WIP dates. I talked with Angel a bit; in the upcoming weeks, I'm going to try to submit this project for official OCR status. As for the calender, I wouldn't stress over it too much. I'm think from what I've heard from everyone so far, December/January sounds doable. Just remember that May 1st is a few days away, just let me know how everything's coming along. Also remember that if you have ANY QUESTIONS AT ALL, feel free to PM me, or if you want to reach me quickly, email me at coaltergeist@gmail.com. As for other parts of the album, we don't currently have any artists. Worst comes to worst, I know a guy that's usually really busy, but he MAY be able to help. I wouldn't hold out hope for him, but it's a possibility. And as for the OCR website, once again, worst comes to worst, I know a fair bit of HTML/CSS; I would like to get someone more professional, however. These things are not pressing matters, but they will need to be addressed. If you know anyone that would be able to/would want to help out, send them my way ! That's all for now; just a few updates now that we have a "full" tracklist. Remember, more tracks are fine, just as long as someone who is not committed to a track volunteers. There's always the possibility for bonus tracks, too.
  7. It is indeed! I'm super excited for the upcoming months. (PS Ephraim shredding on his guitar should be a crit animation in every game)
  8. Hey, if you wanna work on Prelude/Id~Purpose/Conquest/any FE:A song, that's cool. I assume you're still doing Prelude for your first song? I know people have been busy lately, I've been studying for final and haven't had much chance to work on songs. Just get it to me whenever you can in the next couple of weeks.
  9. What a bitchin' song, indeed! I'd love to put you down! And with that, we have representation from all sub-series! If anyone FINISHES their track and would like to work on a possible extra/bonus track, that would be a-ok !
  10. Lol it's nbd; I'm swamped with finals right now. Once classes die down I'll be back trying to finish my song for this album, the one for Unleash the Alchemy, and trying to get Isaac from Golden Sun into Smash Brothers. So far, we have representation from every sub-series except for the semi-obscure Genealogy/Thracia 776 sub-series. Personally I never got far into the fan-translation of Genealogy, but apparently it's the "best in the series". It isn't a big deal now, but if anyone knows any Fire Emblem fanatics that would like to participate, send them here .
  11. Hey if you still want Conquest for the album, it's up for grabs.

  12. 10 days before the check-in! Nothing serious, just seeing how everyone's doing . Garret is already working on Awakening, and he did express interest in Conquest. If he wants it, he can have it. (Angel holy crap I love the gif in your sig, btw)
  13. 1 month left before the first check-in! How's everyone doing?
  14. Nice. I used to post on the ZREO forums like a million years ago, IDK if you remember me. Nice to hear you're still working on stuff; I checked your album out and it sounds pretty great!

  15. Are you the same guy who did/does MREO? If so, long time fan, man :) .

  16. You're working on a Sacred Stones Song? Me too lol. Which one? I'm doing Truth, despair and Hope (Eirika/Ephraim) theme from late game. Love these games.

  17. Haha, I posted a WIP of a fire emblem song a few weeks ago, and I had the same problem . I think people just aren't familiar with the source material, especially for a Japanese only game. I however am familiar with FE6, so I hope my 2 cents was helpful. As for strings, I unfortunately have no good advice; I'm somewhat unfamiliar with both of those, but from what I understand, Edirol Orchestral can be really good if sequenced properly. As for samples, you can find many free samples online, and I think if you are just looking for one or 2 specific ones you should be fine and not have to pay much (if anything at all) for quality.
  18. Yeah, I felt that you put a large amount of time into the video, and it shows . I think that a few minor edits can make it a great standalone piece too.
  19. I've been thinking about getting feedback on tracks; I posted a WIP of the track I'm working on in the OCR workshop, but noone gave any feedback. I can assume that this is because people are not familiar with the source material. Because of this, I was thinking about a system where whoever wants to can upload a WIP to the internet (google drive maybe?) and people on this team can take a listen and get feedback. IDK, maybe mine was an isolated incident. What do you guys think; does it sound like a decent idea?
  20. That's a really cool mix! Very in-depth, very cinematic, and I love the various styles. Just some feedback I had from watching/listening for you to consider (I'm no expert I'm just going by ear): -At the very beginning (about 0:08 ), the sample from the original game skips a bit. this is likely just from improper sample placement in the sequencer; it's an easy fix, but otherwise I really like the intro. -Up until about the 1:00 mark, I was loving every second of it. That odd reverbed clap at around 0:58 (like you noted) does sound a bit strange and jarring. Maybe it's the filter on the sample, I'm not sure. A higher-quality/different version (or just a different sample) should be considered. -I REALLY love 1:10 to 1:55; I absolutely adore that orchestral/tribal percussion sound. At about 2:26, the guitar and fx comes in. While I do like the smooth transition, the guitar does sound a bit synthetic. I don't know if it is just a midi guitar or a sample library, but if it is, then I would suggest getting a guitar player to record it. If you don't know one, you can always ask here; someone would love to do a recording for a mix (usually ). -Around 3:16, the same issue arises with the clap again; it sounds a bit jarring, another sample should be considered. -At about 4:00 you had a cutting sound to match up with the video (will address the video in a sec). Quite frankly I though it was really disgusting; I feel that a more metallic effect (like ) would fit better and not pull the listener out of the mood quite so much as the fully visceral one does. Once again, completely up to you though; I don't think it would be rejected on that merit alone. Also same with 6:34, but to a lesser extent.-The kicks/bass at 5:26 sounds really distorted. I would suggest a cleaner sample to fit the feel of the current movement. -Guitar at 5:55 sounds much better than earlier, but I feel it could be more dynamic in terms of volume. At 6:03, there's an odd visceral/flame-y sound effect that has the same problem as the sword slice; too gross (for lack of a better word). And as for the sword sound at 6:34, I feel that it lacked the impact that it required, as it is basically the climax of the entire song. Okay, now let me address the video. The video is really really cool; you fit the song to the video quite well, and watching it is a blast. However, I listened to the audio-only mp3, and a minor flaw was apparent: some of the effects like the marching or the crowd screaming sound kind of out-of-place. I feel that the video was a major concern, and the effects do add to a more cinematic feel to the overall production, but as a song it sounds kind of weird. And don 't get me wrong, 95% of your song is really solid, and I love it, but I feel that adding and changing some things would be paramount to getting it posted on OCR. I really do want to stress that this is an awesome mix, and as a massive fan of Fire Emblem, I love it quite a bit.
  21. Garrett, sent you a PM, check it out. As for the 1st date, changed to May 1st because April 20th sounds weird .
  22. I updated the main page. The first check-in date will be april 20th. No pressure, just to see how everything's going .
  23. So as you may know, I am starting a small Fire Emblem remix album, and because I am not posted on OCR, I am trying my hand. Here is my WIP for a Heavy Dance/Dubstep remix of one of my favorite tracks from one of my favorite games. Keep in mind I am not finished arranging, I am looking for comments and critique on the style as it stands now. Don't hesitate to tear me apart . Source: WIP 1: here Those striking sounds are sampled from the game btw. EDIT for change in host.
  24. Love Awakening, super excited for If. Personally my favorite song is Id-Purpose, and the fact that it made it into sm4sh is even better. Still looking for people to join. Is there some other place I should look for remixers, or is here the best place?
  25. Bump for update. This is now official, I want this to happen, and I hope some of you do too
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