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Everything posted by Coaltergeist

  1. Hey so I was looking for a great pair of heaphones for music in general. I've never really had an amazing pair of headphones before, and I would like to get some with a really great sound quality. I know a lot of people like to use a speaker setup for composition, but a full speaker system isn't really an option at my new place. I'd been looking at the Sennheiser Momentum 1.0 and the Sony MDR-1A. The mdr is pretty expensive, but apparently nicer than the momentum 1.0. I can get the momentum 1 for a decent price with amazon prime, but I've heard the momentum 2 is pretty nice as well. I'm really looking for something under $200, so if anyone knows of a great pair, absolutely let me know. Also if anyone has those 2 pairs and has a strong opinion on them, by all means let me know as well.
  2. I am pretty new to streaming, but I try to stream a few times every week. Just games right now, but I might do some music stuff in the future. twitch.tv/coaltergeist
  3. It's all good! Would have bumped a week or so ago to remind everyone, but I didn't want to triple-post. I'm gonna try to send a little update email to everyone tomorrow, try to get to know where everyone's at and show off the WIP of the cover art (it looks REALLY good so far )! I've been EXTREMELY busy with work and school, still ok to get this done, though, so like I have said before, post here, PM me, or email me with any questions/comments you have.
  4. That website has a download link for the GS soundtrack, but it's broken. This website has a working link: http://goldensun.wikia.com/wiki/Sound_Test
  5. Pulling out the Necronomicon for this one, eh?
  6. Sounds amazing; been a long-time fan of MREO and ZREO, would love to help out if possible.
  7. As long as the emulator is decent, there isn't a problem. Think about it this way; you can't rip a video file directly from the ROM, because the video is made on the engine. You're able to record it while the game is running, but the methods can lead to low-quality versions of the "originals." If you go on youtube and search for any song from the first 2 golden sun games, the result that you'll get has been recorded from an emulated ROM by a computer. That method causes background noise, and the quality isn't great. The way I'm trying it will be the highest possible audio quality with similar synths that I've tuned/made by ear. Here's an example from the teaser I put out on Reddit (it shows the before and after of a particular song): https://www.reddit.com/r/GoldenSun/comments/3835zz/golden_sun_soundtrack_remastered_90_done_will/
  8. Yeah I'll get them tagged and post them here (along with the sf2 i ripped I guess). The remastering thing has been fun; it was interesting to learn that Golden sun was pretty much the only gba game that didn't follow the audio rules. Most of the sounds and instruments were imported the normal way, but all of the synths were so complex and advanced (for the software) that they had to emulate them in the game engine. That means that some songs (mainly the battle themes) sounded a lot better/cleaner than other GBA games. On the flip side, however, it makes my remastering job harder
  9. The only problem is that they are unsorted. That means that they aren't named, and it includes every sound effect in the game, not just the music. There's like 300 midi files lol. If you need a specific one, I can absolutely find it for you, and that goes for any song. I ripped them because I've been remastering the soundtrack in CD quality for a personal project. As for the project status, that's great to hear! I'm definitely still prepared to work on it, and I knew that Brandon was relatively busy. That is great news, though. EDIT: I have a few tagged, and I plan on tagging the rest. I just don't have that many tagged. EDIT 2: Here's my folder with the untagged midis:
  10. I know I'm somewhat necroing this thread, but I recently ripped ALL of the midi files from the second game (which includes every song from the first game), so if anyone needs them at all (if this is still going to happen), feel free to let me know. And for the record I still have my song; it's nearing completion after I got the guitar samples, so I REALLY want this project to not die.
  11. We have an artist! I've been talking to someone, and he said he'd be willing to do some album art for us! We might need a separate person for the website, but we can probably reuse some art from the album/banners for the site. Give a warm welcome to AbsoluteZero! In other news, I submitted the project for official OCR status at the beginning of May, and I'm hoping to hear back from the Mods about that soon. I've decided that we pretty much have a full tracklist, but if anyone else wants to do music for the album, I'll consider it; we can always do bonus disk material after all. Its looking pretty good so far; I've been working on my song and I've been in touch with a programmer for the site, so get those WIPs ready for August 1st! Once again, if anyone has any questions, feel free to PM me or email me at coaltergeist@gmail.com (PMs go straight to my email inbox anyways, you can just cut out the middle man ).
  12. Thanks for the advice! I uploaded a new version, removed some of the wet on the master and *hopefully* made the cello more noticeable. I think it's better than it was before; the OP should work, but here is the link anyways: https://app.box.com/s/bl5ipdqxqkl9m3xxe5r11spsuzi8y7j3
  13. Bump. Updated the mix, added more reverb to master tracks, think it sounds much better. Would really like some feedback if possible... even if you hate it...
  14. Not going to submit this one, just something I've been working on. This is an arrangement for 2 guitars, a flute, and a cello. If you can, let me know how the mixing is, I think it's decent, but I'm always looking for mixing/mastering tips. Original: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IobefA4kAHQ&list=PLC83BE69744F8A09B&index=33 Arrangement: https://app.box.com/s/bl5ipdqxqkl9m3xxe5r11spsuzi8y7j3
  15. Alright, if this is the wrong forum, I'm sorry. So basically, I've been trying to rip high-quality sound files from the game Golden Sun: The Lost Age, and I've come into a bit of a problem. You see, the way that the sound was encoded in the game is unlike pretty much every other gba game; a few of the synths were made using the in game engine rather than midi instruments/samples IIRC. Knowing this, I've been able to get the songs, and about 90% of them sound great, but the other 10% (mainly the battle music) is off. Examples below: An Adept's Home: Low-qual version w/ correct synth(~0:29) High-qual version w/ bad synth (~0:29) Battle! [Linked] Low-qual version w/ correct synth High-qual version w/ bad synth To correct this, I am going to try to make better synth presets in a DAW using the midis and soundfonts that I extracted from the game. I'm really bad at sound design, however. I was curious if a kind person at OCR would lend me their skills to create a preset for 3xOsc/Sytrus/whatever to help me out. I'm aware that this may be impossible. If so, I'll be disappointed, but I'll understand. Please contact me if you're interested; it isn't like remixing a song so it *should* be marginally easier and less time-consuming. PM me if you're interested; thanks in advance!
  16. Gotcha will resend. EDIT: fixed
  17. Garrett did you get my PM? Just let me know about your track whenever you can.
  18. Yo your link is broken/private. Can't access it. EDIT: you fixed it, good
  19. UPDATE 2: Just got off the phone with Alaska Media (which apparently is located in Orlando, Florida); they do EXTREMELY cheap cd printing and ship to the entire US, but from what I've seen of the disks themselves, they look fantastic for the price. For the art booklet/inserts I am just going to go to a Kinko's or smt and print everything out on super-sexy cardstock. As for the jewel case, I also found the perfect one here, and they come in quantities of 10 for pretty cheap. It's looking to have turned out pretty well; Discmakers would have been easier (and probably cheaper in the long run), but I'm glad I found an alternative.
  20. Did you use other bands' art? I don't think they check the audio, just the design aspect.
  21. UPDATE: my order with Diskmakers fell through: their guidelines are extremely strict based on copyright. I was using pretty much only art that I had made, but I sourced some designs from existing artwork. I was only ordering one copy, so I figured that because I was not distributing the disks that the *slight* infringement didn't matter but they objected anyways. They seem like a great service but just keep that in mind (especially if you use some original game art in your ReMix album). I am now trying to work through a smaller company in Alaska that offers a similar service for slightly more (and without the same stipulations). Will post results here.
  22. I've used Logic, Reason, and FL pretty heavily, and for what it's worth, FL is my favorite. If you buy the Producer Version, it will come with Sytrus and Maximus, 2 AMAZING plugins that you will love when it comes to presets. Maximus for mixing (well, mastering, but helps with mixing) and Sytrus for instrumentation, both are amazing. I'm loving FL12 right now, but some people prefer 11. It's personal preference.
  23. Yeah, I wasn't sure where to put it. Thanks, I'm filling out the templates rn, I guess I'll post here when the finished product arrives for a "review."
  24. Ok, sounds interesting. I'll check then out
  25. Is there a good website that anyone knows of where I can, say, upload my images and get printed CDs/Booklets/Jewel cases for a single album? There are a bunch of places like https://www.oasiscd.com/ that have an upload format, but they are super-unintuitive and are geared towards bands creating/selling their EPs. I'm just trying to create a proof-of-concept album: 4-disks, cover and back art. I made all of the artwork myself (thought that would be the hard part lol) and I would be willing to bet that such a place exists. I know that albums on OCR has dealt with physical CDs, anyone have any suggestions?
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