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Everything posted by Coaltergeist

  1. Alright, I have a bit of a problem. I hate this name "Gannondorf929". It's only stuck with me due to convenience, but I was wondering if I could have it changed to "Coaltergeist" to reflect my youtube and other website's username. Thank you in advance! EDIT: Just realized that this might be a problem, as there exists another account named that. I believe that I accidentally created that acount when I lost my username and password for this one. Now that i have it, that account is no longer necessary. Is there a way to delete it?
  2. I had always used the original one posted on Golden sun realm: http://www.goldensunrealm.com/media/soundtrack.php. There it says that it's from the second game (it says which game each song was in to begin with). I then looked it up on youtube right now and saw that you're correct. I apologize, yes I was incorrect. I was only aiming at consistency.
  3. Hey, I hate to be a downer (and I know this song was claimed, which makes it worse for me), but the song "final beacon" isn't in the first game. It's in the second game after you light mars lighthouse. I know this isn't a big deal, but IDK if you'd wanna change it since this is specific to the first game. The song that plays after the venus lighthouse is lit in GS1 (when sheba is holding onto felix) is actually Prox's theme from GS2
  4. I listened to your mix of happy towns (what there was of it on YouTube, idk if it's changed drastically since), and it was fabulous. It's slated for OCR-release, but is it available for listen anywhere else preemptively?
  5. So, yeah, are all claims from unconfirmed people (people who you haven't contacted personally) tentative? Can we even claim tracks? If we do a track that's great and someone else has a different take, which version rules? Maybe an opportunity for a bonus track? I really have to apologize; all I'm doing is asking questions, but new ones come after people post more. I really would like to be a part of the project, and I hope that that can be a reality.
  6. Hey, out of curiosity, which song did patrick do? my friend and I are going to start arranging a song to be considered for this album, and I wanna make sure we're not treading on any feet.
  7. That brings up another question I had; will there be any genre/theme restrictions on tracks for the new album? Just to know so that if we start early, we at least know what the target is.
  8. I was just wondering, b/c a few of them are still available on the project forum, the link being in the first post. I was curious, because they sounded pretty darn good. I will definitely be on board with this, will there be a new thread.
  9. What can we expect? Who's leading? Are the original WIPs from the Plasma and the like going to be used? Is the tracklist even the same? EDIT: I can understand if you do not want to disclose this info, but these questions have been on my mind since I thought of a return.
  10. You misunderstand me, Brandon. I do not wish to take over, but I simply wish for this project to be completed. If my assistance is required, I will gladly help in any way possible, including directing the project if necessary. If my assistance is not needed, I will be happy just to see it reach fruition, regardless of my role
  11. I have been ready to act since the minute i learned of this project. I will gladly direct, preform, compose, or do whatever it takes to realize this goal, which happens to involve my most beloved franchise of all time
  12. The farther this is pushed into the future, the less likely it is that it will ever be released. It might be more fruitful to cut the losses and limit the scope of the project and restart
  13. Okay, let me be perfectly frank; is the Maverickk still attched to this? I heard that he was a while ago, but obviously nothing has been posted by him. I dont know if hes talked to anyone else about this project or not.
  14. Also, i think it might be cool if we can add some bonus tracks from the ds game. Although not as good as the first two, the music is still fantastic.
  15. Lemme just say that WHEN this project comes back, i have dibs on agatio and karst battle
  16. Symphonia was the best evar (lloyd irving smash bros 4 pls nintendo), and golden sun is also in my top list. If you ever end up doing something akin to a vol 2, i will be there in a flash.
  17. What, no golden sun!?! I see the title of the thread, and i get really excited, b\c he did the music for golden sun, one of my all time fav games... doesnt get much love lately, not after unleash never took off. Anyways,im not trying to be too critical, but why are you limiting the games? Is it to keep the album focused, because I can respect that. Edit: tales of symphonia too, man, youre killing me...
  18. I really appreciate your help, and im very certain that your skills will come in handy, but we definitely need some remixers, at LEAST 3. I would prefer more, but I'll take what I can get. Also, i havent ever mentioned it but I can play a mean french horn/mellophone
  19. If people wanna work on it, just not now, I have to be informed. Otherwise I'll just think noone wants to do it.
  20. FINAL BUMP IF NECESSARY: As stated above, i am still very interested in this project taking off. Unless someone (rather, multiple someones) else is interested, however, there is no chance of this happening. I am bumping this one last time to see if anyone wants to try to get this off the ground (i doubt we can make it by november). If noone else posts, ill take that as a no and we can all just get on with our lives. Who knows, maybe someone else will pick it up later, i dont know. Regardless, unless people at least post their INTENT to work on it, I doubt itll go anywhere. Edit: i also thought it was necessary to state that the size and scope of the project can be altered if enough people so desire. This can be anywhere from adding other games to removing tracks. Hell if enough people wold join if i changed the project entirely, that coild be arranged.
  21. I am still interested in this project in case anyone else is. We still need an artist, as well as multiple remixers. I just figured I would post in case anyone that wasn't interested before might be interested now.
  22. any luck on that art?

  23. Awesome! thank you, hopefully some art will catch some people's eyes

  24. Any luck with the art? I'd like to have it soon so I can try to breathe some life into this project

  25. Thats awesome! I can put you down for all of those things!
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