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    Coaltergeist reacted to AbsoluteZero in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Been a while but I've got 2 new versions. I need some feedback as to which is better:

  2. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to AbsoluteZero in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    I need some feedback here and I'm not getting any response from coaltergeist I thought I'd just post what I have here and maybe some of you can give me your thoughts.

    Not really sure where to go from here except the text is not the right font. I need to find that font somewhere to put into photoshop.
    Also need to finish the sword of course.
  3. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Eino Keskitalo in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    I should be able to make that. I feel bad for not being able to work on the song for so long, but I should have a bit of time in the end of June to remedy that.
  4. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Garrett Williamson in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Oh yeah. Easy. I'll write that down to remember. I can get it done by that time easy peasy
  5. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Garrett Williamson in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    What is the final deadline? Mine's borderline finished; I just need to make mixing tweaks and maybe a couple other little tweaks.
  6. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Hey! Sorry I've been MIA. I'll try to get my track finished soon, but I'm swamped at the moment since a video game I'm working on the score for is going to be part of a 24-hour marathon as a fundraiser for children's hospitals next weekend and I've got to get new music done and programmed with FMOD in time!
  7. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    HEY GUYS double post I know but who cares lol !
    I've got a big update on the status of the project. As you may know, we have been seeking OCR approval for... quite a while actually. I sent the proposal in LATE MAY and have heard NOTHING from any OCR staffer since. I had sincerely planned to have the logistics of the release figured out by now, but between that mess and communicating with our ONLY artist (who is doing a fantastic job btw), I cannot say for sure if the OCR approval will come soon. I'm going to quote the OP here:
    So here's the deal. The cover isn't finished (although it almost is), the songs aren't finished (for the most part), and we lack OCR approval. That means I am pushing back the final deadlines for the songs to an undetermined time. There will, however, be a new deadline for an up-to-date WIP on March 1st. If you want to send me what you have now, that would be great, but don't stress over having to finish your ditty in the next month. That said I'm going to post a teaser for the cover art; I hope to have the finished version soon!
    I know it's a bit dark, but like I said, we're working on it. Good luck to you all, hope to hear from you soon!
    EDIT: idk how to do spoiler tags in the new format, sorry.
  8. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    HEY GUYS double post I know but who cares lol !
    I've got a big update on the status of the project. As you may know, we have been seeking OCR approval for... quite a while actually. I sent the proposal in LATE MAY and have heard NOTHING from any OCR staffer since. I had sincerely planned to have the logistics of the release figured out by now, but between that mess and communicating with our ONLY artist (who is doing a fantastic job btw), I cannot say for sure if the OCR approval will come soon. I'm going to quote the OP here:
    So here's the deal. The cover isn't finished (although it almost is), the songs aren't finished (for the most part), and we lack OCR approval. That means I am pushing back the final deadlines for the songs to an undetermined time. There will, however, be a new deadline for an up-to-date WIP on March 1st. If you want to send me what you have now, that would be great, but don't stress over having to finish your ditty in the next month. That said I'm going to post a teaser for the cover art; I hope to have the finished version soon!
    I know it's a bit dark, but like I said, we're working on it. Good luck to you all, hope to hear from you soon!
    EDIT: idk how to do spoiler tags in the new format, sorry.
  9. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Brandon Strader in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    Thank you guys for necroing the thread, but if you really wanna do something cool, let's necro that there album   I know I know, I'm supposed to be the cheerleader and keep all the roster of dudes engaged and all that. But.... I  dunno if I got the Shia Labeuf in me right now. If you guys wanna send WIPs or even better, WAVs, and people make claims, we can keep this going either until it's done, or we're done, such as with a fork in us. 
  10. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to jnWake in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    That is awesome! GS has an incredible soundtrack so those MIDIs are definitely interesting.
  11. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from jnWake in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    Yeah I'll fix it asap.
    EDIT: new link (for just a zip): https://www.dropbox.com/s/olx8kkvrfxk6jdl/GS%20MIDIs.rar?dl=0
  12. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Chernabogue in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    Great, great!! Any chance for a zip file DL? The zip option doesn't seem to work on the website. Thanks!
    EDIT: Nevermind, it worked!
  13. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Chernabogue in Golden Sun - Unleash the Alchemy (December 10th WIPs)   
    Oops, I did it again.
    I'm really good at necroing this thread I suppose. I wouldn't be doing it without a good reason, I promise!
    So I realized that I said I had all of the MIDIs tagged and all... but I never uploaded them here. As they say in the old country: "Uh, durr."
    Here are all of the songs from the games, including the one-off sound effects and fanfares. I have NOT tagged the sound effects and fanfares, but if anyone has a mighty need for one of them I suppose I could find it for you. The way they're tagged is disk 1 and 2 are from the first game, and 3 and 4 are from the second (with a few minor exceptions). If you have the program Foobar2000, you can use the soundfont that I included in the dump to play the songs in HQ with the instruments from the games! It still has the bad synths, but I'm sure you can manage (I can't fix that either, so I'm sorry).
    Here is the link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/nqwyxglqo3lq75q/AAC3-mqe1l8ndKflW4Yj7RIca?dl=0
    I hope we can finish this album, too...
  14. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to The Damned in OCR02203 - Pokémon Red Version "Rain Prayer"   
    Nope. Couple years later, and it's still awesome.
  15. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in OCR03259 - Portal 2 "Motion Sickness"   
    It's nice to hear one of my favorite tracks from P2 in such a new way! Fast-paced and energetic EDM is my favorite in the genre, and I especially enjoy the blips in the background. I think you did really well with a melody that wasn't too prevalent in the original; it doesn't get boring throughout the entire run. In this regard I think the shorter length actually helps you. Great job!
  16. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from The Damned in OCR03270 - Pokémon Gold Version "New Horizons"   
    Ah, I can really appreciate a song that can make me tear up. You can really feel every ounce of emotion that was put into this song; the buildup to the payoff towards the end with the vocals and the electric guitar especially sell the whole "ballad" feel. Great mix!
  17. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to Brandon Strader in December is Reviews Month   
    Is that a serious thing that you'll come to someone's house in a dog costume and play music from Animal Crossing? Cause if it's not true I'll see you in court
  18. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Garrett Williamson in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Thanks for the WIPs, guys! I'll get some feedback out soon; I've been pretty busy.
  19. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    I know I missed the deadline here, but I will have the update to you tomorrow night if possible - If not, Sunday. I kinda realized that the key change was throwing epic/seductive vibe off - so I'm re-doing that part with original composition. So it should be like 60/40 source : original
  20. Like
    Coaltergeist reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in 25 Years of Fire Emblem   
    Cool beans. I just wound up getting another paying gig with a deadline as tight as noose, plus this gives me an opportunity to do more with my track.
  21. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Brandon Strader in OCR Twitch Streamers   
    I am pretty new to streaming, but I try to stream a few times every week. Just games right now, but I might do some music stuff in the future. twitch.tv/coaltergeist
  22. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Destiny (OCR Clan open, join now!)   
    Got Destiny on PS4 a few months ago, getting ttk when it comes out. Haven't done much and I don't have the dlc (yet), but I'm always down to raid or do strikes if anyone wants to.
    EDIT: Got a 20 Warlock, 24 Titan and 32 Hunter (main, levelling warlock tho). Have a few exotics including Gjallarhorn. Need a group to raid with on PS4 since all my friends have it on xb
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    Coaltergeist got a reaction from InfinitiG in CONTEST! FF6: Balance and Ruin giveaway (Twitter)! ENDS Aug. 22! [10 WINNERS!]   
    Other than this contest, will there be any opportunities to purchase a physical copy? I must say I was extremely disappointed when I missed out during the kickstarter, and would love to have the opportunity.
  25. Like
    Coaltergeist got a reaction from Flexstyle in Best Headphones for listening/composing music?   
    The M50x came in the mail today; I am quite impressed with how they sound. After a lot of internal deliberation, I decided to go with the M50x for the great price I got on Amazon Prime. One thing I forgot to mention earlier: I have a massive head (relatively ofc) and pretty big ears, so the fact that the M50x fits over my head and completely over my ears is a big plus. The strong bass is really nice for casual listening too; I haven't tried any mixing/mastering with them yet, but I'm sure they're fine with that too. Thank you so much to everyone who replied! I appreciate it a quite a bit.
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