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Posts posted by XPRTNovice

  1. I think music is a great form of communication, and I think that's one of the reasons why I love video game and film music so much. Communication is about context; music set to epic events like video games makes such a difference in the message to me. And it can act as communication all on its own, even without lyrics. I think that's amazing.

    It also seems to be this strange cosmic constant between cultures, and something that defies explanation - though you can break down the music mathematically, it's just never a good enough explanation of what music is, and why it does what it does.

  2. Got my iron cross again (though not as solid as it was in my competitive days). Close to getting the maltese back; my goal is to get my Nakayama (pull from back lever to iron cross) consistent by the end of the year; I haven't done one in at least a year and a half, though it was my favorite strength move back when I was still seriously training rings.

    You are awesome. Also, when I tried to figure out what a nakayama was, I found this:

    I don't think that's what you meant, but that's pretty retardedly awesome.

  3. Does anyone have an experience with this audio ear training regimen? Any thoughts or futher recommendations on other, similar programs? What I've read looks pretty encouraging. And if anyone has the CDs lying around unused, I'll gladly buy them from you ;o

    edit: woop, woop, just found this similar program which is available for $free.00. Still, though, if you've got the Golden Ears stuff lying around, let me know!

    Cool man, let us know how it goes. There's also the Sibelius Auralia, right? Has anyone used that?

    Nice timing with this thread, I've been looking for some more edumacation.

  4. I have no idea what just happened here.

    Basically, Timaeus came into this thread and was like "XPRT, your music is crap and your remixer handle is missing vowels."

    and I was like "bitch, vowels cost money, didn't you ever see Wheel of Fortune"

    And we had an epic rap battle but we're all good now.

    (he thought I was trying to promote you over him as a free mixing engineer but it was a miscommunication)

  5. A lot of people share your feelings, and that's perfectly ok. That's what I'm here for, to ease your burden. I enjoy the geeky technical side of music, uncovering the full potential of a song through the mix process. So it's an ideal situation for everyone. :-D

    Yeah, but I want to learn so I stop wanting to put my fist through my computer. I'm taking lessons now with someone to whom I send my stems and then we mix them together and that's helping.

    Still, though, I can't tell you how many times he's made a change and been like "oh, that's way better," and I've been like "they sound exactly the same and I still hate compression because I fear things I don't understand"

  6. Hey guys,

    I'm about to do a bigger jazz project for a video game and I'm looking for good jazz samples. I can do some myself, but I was wondering if anyone had used Garritan's Big Band 3 and what they thought of it/if they thought there were other sample sets better for that jazzy feel.

    I was also considering addictive drums with the brush kit, so would appreciate any feedback on those as well.


  7. So, yeah, I've been wondering about this for awhile. I'm pretty thin, <= 10 percent body fat I reckon. Metabolism is quite fast, always has been. Yet I still have a bit of a pouch going on my belly. Its quite perturbing. All these crunches and stuff I'm doing are for naught if belly fat is covering it up. Yet I'm not a fatass, so what's up with this? Harrumph.

    I bet Ecto can clear this up, but ultimately you should try exactly what soul splint said and cut your grains and complex carbs like sugars. Sounds like your insulin response levels might be causing you to build up excess glycogen stores around the organs around there. That's why, locationally, people tend to build fat on their bellies first when complex carbs are the problem.

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