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Everything posted by Ringworm128

  1. Not sure if this is the right place to post but I was seeing if there's an interest for a 3rd Strike album or even a Street Fighter 3 album. I think it would be the perfect time to start making a 3rd Strike album since next year will be the the 15th anniversary of Street Fighter 3 3rd Strike. I don't have the experience to direct so someone else will have to take up that task but I might be able to contribute to a track or two.
  2. I was playing my piano earlier and I noticed that my hands were starting to hurt. Is this normal? Is it because I'm out of practice and it will go away if I keep playing and warming up my fingers or am I doing something wrong?
  3. Any idea of what types of those things to use?
  4. How could I get the sad nigh time-ish sound these two pieces have? Music at 15:42.
  5. How come we aren't allowed to link/upload our own avatars?
  6. Bumping this to see if there is still interest. I'm currently thinking up ideas for album covers.
  7. I sugest signing up to one of these forums for help.http://www.vocaloidotaku.net/index.php?/forum/15-utau-talk/ http://utaforum.net/ Especially the former if you're also interested in Vocaloid.
  8. What FL Studio plug ins are good for making Eurobeat music?
  9. My ideas for titles are "Stardust Sound Wave" or "Sounds of Stardust Speedway"
  10. I'm so happy that this project has taken off. I'm seriously hyped for the finished project. Though I'm not a fan of the title.
  11. Here's a few more. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-wqkNeMbyo Space Shortcut Key (Part 3) I'm Too Sexy (cover) Dancing Samurai Dancing Samurai (remix/cover) AIMS Don't Mylist Me! Nostalgic
  12. I reckon Pixietricks would be a good singer for Toot Toot Sonic Warrior.
  13. I really like the bass in this, especially after 0:55. And I also really like 0:55 to 1:28 it has an almost sad quality I'm not sure if "sad" is the right word but it definitely has a lot of emotion in it. Also that piano(?) (can't tell, but it certainly sounds like a piano) that keeps playing the one chord over and over really gives the song a cool retro vibe. Both this and Gecko Yamori's other SDSW remix would make great music for driving at night.
  14. I'm just throwing this out as an idea since I'm focussed on one day getting a Legend of Zelda album started but would anyone want there to be a an Over Clocked Remix Touhou album? I'm suggesting this idea because there is already a few great arrangements on this site and a few more couldn't hurt. Also I think it would be nice for the many Japanese Touhou remix circles such as IOSYS and Nomico to have a bit of competition. And since Touhou is complete musical bliss. And those are just a FEW good examples.
  15. Just throwing my idea for the album cover out there. My idea is a drawing of a Sega CD made to look like gramophone.
  16. That's not actually Vocaloid. It's a similar program called UTAU.
  17. I've decided to stick to my original idea of a LOZ album. Even though there is apparently more then a few being made. I'm still thinking it through but so far I really like the idea of the album having an "extreme" feel to it. So stuff like hard style techno, drum and bass, heavy metal and maybe even rap.
  18. Awesome, it's good to see a MD remix. That game had an awesome OST that deserves more attention then it get's. Definitely downloading this to dance to.
  19. I know what you mean, the weeaboo side of the fandom does show but there is a better side to the fandom that nobody ever sees. I go on a Vocaloid forum that loves to give crap to the weeaboo side of the fandom. But I do find it disheartening that pretty much anyone who looks up Vocaloid will be greeted with comments saying things like "it's so kawaii" or "Len is sexy". And that could give a lot of people the wrong idea about Vocaloid.
  20. Anyone else here listen to Vocaloid? I really like the Vocaloid fanbase as they have made so much music, artwork and other things. Here are some good songs IMO. Japanese. Go Google It. Double Lariat. Toeto. Butterfly on Your Right Shoulder Odds and Ends. Melt. English. I Still Want U. Pitch Black Refrain. Night of The Magic.
  21. Then what about a Super Mario Bros album? Track list. Ground BGM. Underground BGM. Underwater BGM. Castle BGM. Ending. (sorry can't actually find an upload of the track.)
  22. Back in March I asked if anyone would be interested in helping me make a Sonic CD album when I got enough experience to direct said album. But it hit me, even if I had the experience directing an OST as big as Sonic CD would be a huge first time task, So I decided to start fishing for interest in a Legend of Zelda album since it has a small yet extremely classic soundtrack and I believe this site should have more Zelda albums on it. Track list Title BGM: Overworld BGM: Dungeon BGM: Dungeon 9 BGM:(reserved) Ending BGM:
  23. You're pretty good in my opinion, but you seem to sound a bit quiet. Maybe increase the volume on your mic or maybe get a better mic.
  24. If I can get good enough at music to make remixes for this site by the time this project starts and if I can get my hands on a new laptop then I call dibs on Stardust Speedway Bad Future (US).
  25. Am I missing something here? These remixes have been getting so much hate. I'm not an expert on music but to me there is nothing wrong with these remixes, they're nothing spectacular but IMO there's nothing bad about them either. So I decided to ask the biggest video game music experts on the web, what is exactly wrong with these remixes?
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