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Everything posted by Ringworm128

  1. That was me. Though it would probably be better if Rexy did this album since it will be a while until I have the experience to make this album.
  2. Depends on when it's happening. If it's something that's happening not very soon then I will be happy to help because by then I hope to have improved at music immensely and I would love to do a piano rendition of the Lance/Red battle theme I have been working on.
  3. I don't always read comic books but recently I read a issue of Sonic Universe and I have a few Simpsons comics. I'm not sure if I got rid of them or not but I think I have some Futerama comics stored somwhere. And if manga counts I recently read some Shonen Jump. I also have volume one of Dragonball.
  4. I've heard that people who compose music for big budget movie's and video games get a pretty good pay check for scoring said movies and games. But what about someone who is just starting out and is scoring a commercial that's going to air at 3AM or some indie game that's being sold online for $1 each?
  5. I thought it would be interesting if somebody did a techno or trance remix of this.
  6. Yeah this is definitely a fishing for interest thing, but I will be planning this out until I can actually start on this. I suppose I should shorten down the track list but I can't decide what I should drop or keep, Any suggestions? When it comes to me directing I will probably just leave who ever wants to join to whatever they want but I will leave suggestions and maybe put some input in from time to time and unless it's unwanted I will be writing lyrics for some of the songs. I do however want to direct the artwork and album title. Though what I choose for album artwork and the album title will be based of what other people choose. Album cover ideas: A frontal view of Metal Sonic recolored to look like a Sega CD with the jet turbine in the middle of him changed to look like a music CD or Vinyl record. Idea 2: Picture of a Sega CD made to look like a Gramorphone. Idea 3 Picture of the road used in Stardust Speedway with a musical staff placed on it. Album title ideas: Stardust Soundwave. Sounds of Stardust Speedway. Toot Toot Sonic Boom. What do you think of those artwork and title ideas? Also I suppose I should tell why I came up with this idea, Sonic CD is a cult classic adored for it's levels and game play and it's time travel concept and the fact it introduces fan favorites Amy Rose and Metal Sonic, it is also adored for it's music. And the fact it has two different OST's for America and Japan has pulled even more attention to the OST's of the game. I also noticed that there are pretty much no remix's on this site for Sonic CD. So it would be great musical exercise for this sites creative minds. And after albums such as Project Chaos and The Sound of Speed A Sonic CD album seems like the next logical step. No, I definitely want the concept of the album to be a mix of both the US and Japanese music. And yes, Sonic Boom stays no matter what. EDIT: The net at my place will be turned off soon for 10 to 20 days. So by the time I return hopefully I will have enough music skills and the right software to get this started (depending on whether anyone is interested or not).
  7. I'm along way off being able to put this together. But I was simply curios to see if anyone is willing to help me out on this. Track List: Track 1 Toot Toot Sonic Warrior Track 2 Sonic Boom. Track 3 Palm Tree Panic (JP) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIAF1t5FR78 Track 4 Palm Tree Panic Bad Future (JP) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVWjt8CdMpM Track 5 Palm Tree Panic Bad Future (USA) Track 6 Boss Theme (JP) Track 7 Boss Theme (USA) Track 8 Collision Chaos (JP) Track 9 Tidal Tempest (JP) Track 10 Tidal Tempest (JP) Bad Future Track 11 Tidal Tempest (USA) Track 12 Quartz Quadrant (USA) Track 13 Wacky Workbench (JP) Bad Future Track 14 Stardust Speedway (USA) Track 15 Stardust Speedway (JP)Good Future Track 16 Stardust Speedway (JP)Bad Future Track 17 Stardust Speedway (USA) Bad Future (reserved) Track 18 Metallic Madness (JP) Track 19 Metallic Madness (USA) Bad Future Track 20 Final Boss (JP) Track 21 Ending (JP) What do you think of my choice of tracks?
  8. PLEASE NOTE: I used a MIDI so this is simply a blue print of sorts. One day I will redo it from scratch then ad in a few things to the instrumental and maybe give it a slower tempo but for now this is here simply to ask what you all think of the sound style I'm using.
  9. Actually no, I don't really care much for parasites and stuff like that my username is probably the only time I ever use things like that.

  10. I have a request, can somebody please make a rap remix out of this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cen9XK8Cbso It has a simple beat and melody that I think rap could easily be applied to. And I'm also curious to see what people do for the instrumental.
  11. This is more of a suggestion then a request. I noticed there are no Snowboard Kids remixs on this site. It's a same since the game had a really good OST and I'm sure this sites remixers could make some really great stuff out of it. And it would be good for this game to get some attention since nobody ever mentions it anymore.
  12. Good remix but because of the intro I was expecting something a bit more fast paced.
  13. Hello my name is Tylar. My music skills are not that good and I can really only compose very basic melodys so I'm saving up for music lessons and my computer with FL Studio bit the dust so don't expect any remixes from me soon but I was working on a remix for Gannons lair from LOZ and I do have a idea for a Stardust Speedway Bad Future (USA) from Sonic CD remix.
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