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Everything posted by Annie Felis
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I just want the two sigils in my inventory. I'm not very far in the game yet (Mushroom Rock) due to me playing a bunch of WoW lately before I let my subscription lapse for a while, and due to me being a mommy. Still if you still remember how to do it in a few weeks once I'm far enough in the game to have legitimately gotten the items, I'd appreciate the help then. I'd rather not drop them in my inventory and fuck my file up because they weren't supposed to be there yet. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
You're right, I assumed you were giving a review. Review or not you were being pretentious. Who's misbehaving: the guy who acted arrogant, or the person calling him out on it? Actually I'm interested in this now, because I hate dodging lightning. I got the Onion Knight in my original FFX game, but every playthrough since I've skipped doing the lightning bullshit and decided to make my own weapon with the same abilities on it. Getting the stuff for that takes time, so if I can just cheat and get the Venus Sigil in my inventory that would be nice. Maybe I can cheat to get the Sun Sigil too, since I hate doing that chocobo race thing with the birds, balls, and cheating bitch who doesn't get stunned long while hit. Hey, this is my sixth time playing through this game. I think cheating is acceptable. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Yeah it's not true HD, it's just a port made prettier. A real HD rerelease would've been nice, but what we got doesn't look too bad. I admit I'm disappointed they didn't re-dub the english actors, or fix the lip synch, or even give us a japanese voices option. But hey, FFX International is on PS3 in some form and that's good enough for me. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Your review doesn't look like a typical review. It looks like an opinion. You're welcome to express your opinion, I mean mine is all over this topic (I was wrong about Uematsu remixing his own songs but whoever did it fucked it up). Just keep in mind that this is a remaster, which is a fancy word for "port made prettier". Ports usually have dumb issues like clunky load times and no bugfixes on old problems. Remember the FF6 port to Playstation? That thing still had the sketch/control game lockup bug as well as the vanish/doom exploit, paired with some pretty crap load times. The appeal was the fact that the game reached more players by coming out years later on a different system, giving some people a chance to play the game who missed out on it the first time around. It's the same with FFX and X-2. We're happy to play them on a PS3 with the international version material added because that was not made available to us before. I still would've bought it even if they didn't do any graphical upgrades or a 16:9 resolution, just to be able to fight the dark aeons and Nemesis. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Yes, I feel it's like that for both Tidus and Yuna. Especially Yuna. It's like with the facial re-designs the rigging isn't right for the animations, so their faces are fairly expressionless and wooden. There's a scene where the two of them are talking and Tidus thinks to himself "Why is she smiling at me?", and she has almost no expression at all. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I have a save file from my PS2 copy at the beginning of the Mihen Highroad, so when I do a replay I don't have to play the crappy blitzball game agains the Luca Goers or watch that painful laughing scene. I made sure to do the same on my PS3. Sure, it means I miss the neato cutscene of Seymour using Anima, but it's an acceptable loss. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Ouch. I'd say use the overdrive -> AP leveling trick if you have Don Tonberry in the arena. If you don't, you'll gain a few levels while you catch all the Sunken Cave monsters for the arena. If course you'll need the items to make your overdrive -> AP weapons with at least double (if not triple) overdrive on them, and then enough megaphoenixes to make auto-phoenix on everbody's armor. The time to get all these items might be a long time (with all the grinding to get money to bribe), although it might be easier than grinding out levels at Omega Ruins and then Sin. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Maybe it's because Uematsu's current style isn't what it was ten years ago, so it seems off? Like we expect one thing, and get another? I don't know, maybe it's just a bit of a nostalgia kill for me and that's why his remixes for the game don't sound right. I've been using video game soundtracks as work music for a long time, FFX OST included. It's kind of weird and jarring for me to hear songs I'm very familiar with not having the same kind of sound as they used to. There were other remakes/rereleases that didn't mess with the music too much, like Wild Arms: Alter Code F, or Metroid: Zero Mission. The music was enhanced, not really remixed. I guess I was expecting FFXHD to be more like that, and less heavy on remixing. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
So far, the songs I have problems with are Uematsu's. I think what ruined it for me was the volume of this single flute note that went on for eight or so measures was so loud I'd hear it over the melody. A few songs had that problem, like the obnoxious thing about the battle theme to me was the rhythm guitar was too loud and crunchy sounding. That could be in part shitty samples, but still. The first time I heard Auron's theme it just sounded...wrong to me, but I can't exactly say why other than maybe his instrument/sample choices are crap. It's like things where all fine on whatever computer he mixed these things on, but the final product is all out of whack. Either that or being in the Black Mages for a while has made him lose his edge at remixing his own stuff. I mean compare his FFIX stuff to his tunes in FFXHD. Meanwhile some of the other tunes are so much better. Mihen Highroad is even more bouncy and ridiculous, and the Blitzball theme is only slightly enhanced. Hey, why fix it if it's great to begin with? Anyway I think I know what to expect from the songs I haven't heard yet, depending on the composer. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Not yet, but I found that cheating by hiding behind your own goalie still works. It doesn't seem like they did much to fix anything, other than the opening sequence in Zanarkand seemed more streamlined (less turns for monsters), and the sphere level xp is leveled out a bit so you can't just grind in one zone to get ready for the next. Maybe it's just me, but it seems that I'm not getting as many levels from running around the Highroad. I'm disappointed in the music, too. My favorite tune in the game (Silence Before the Storm) is a mangled mess, and I find the fanfare after every battle jarring and overly-loud. At least they didn't screw up the Blitzball theme. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Like the Shadow Hearts series did? I always thought it was neat that your battle and boss themes changed depending on where in the world you were. It'd be nice to see more RPGs do that, but the only other JRPG I can think of that almost did it was Chrono Trigger. Chrono Trigger ditched the second battle theme in the final cut anyway. I got my FFX copy but still haven't been able to play it because I have a two-year-old. I'm hoping he gives me a chance tonight. I'm looking forward to the extra bosses, changed music or not. Edit: Actually, has anybody gotten up to Blitzball yet? Can you still cheat the AI by hiding behind your own goalie? -
Yes please with sugar on top. I'm not familiar with the first game, but Illusion of Gaia and Terranigma both have great soundtracks.
Rise of Mana on mobile devices (Future of Square Enix?)
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Considering that they're using touch-screen controls and not another on-screen d-pad, this already looks promising. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
I never have traded in a game, ever. Even when I recieved total shit games for Christmas like Taz: Escape from Mars and Beavis and Butthead, I kept them. I still want to buy games, but I don't want to feed the beast that is Gamestop's used game industry. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Does it come out on the 18th? I pre-ordered it but of course it doesn't say the release date on Gamestop's reciepts. Gamestop's site says the 11th, but then again it also says that about Dark Souls II and I know that the preorders for that come in a couple of days after FFX HD. I wouldn't think that pre-orders would get it a full week before the general public either. -
Maybe that's why there's a dip in stocks: investors were expecting the same kind of success there was with the Wii and it didn't happen. The Wii's success isn't normal for a console so I don't know why people were over-optimistic. Maybe a lot of those investors that bailed were ones that hopped on the Good Ship Nintendo during the early Wii days because it was a hot ticket, and won't stay the course because they don't understand how much consoles have ups and downs. That's a lot of maybes, but hey it's plausable. Either way I'm not worried about Nintendo failing and going the route of Sega. Besides, they keep throwing the media crumbs about Retro Studios doing something big, which should be enough to keep investors interested.
Well the current guy playing Doom hasn't turned StickyKeys off so the thing just keeps going BING BING BING BING as he's playing. I think I'll look in later when somebody else is playing.
I don't normally make resolutions, but I'm hoping I can get back into the habit of drawing again sometime in the next year. It's been almost two years now, and I'm going to have to start from scratch.
Skyrim: does the first person POV make you want to throw up?
Annie Felis replied to GSO's topic in General Discussion
Yes. First-person views can often make me feel sick, yet some like Metroid Prime I can play just fine. It depends on the game, how brightly lit or brightly colored things are. Then again I had problems with the Ecco games too. Those made me sick too. Vertigo from games sucks. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
No, the lip sync is done to the original acting. It's not re-recorded, so we'll get the same stuttering dialogue as we did ten years ago. -
FFX HD Remaster for PS3 and Vita
Annie Felis replied to Brandon Strader's topic in General Discussion
Different beauty standards in japan, that's all. That's not to say that there aren't ruggedly handsome japanese models or anything, but feminine traits in beauty are more desirable in attractive people over there. -
I'm still using winamp, and people are still skinning it. Heck, winamp was what I used to put MP3s on my ipod before I discovered sharepod. I'm sad to see it go, and hope that some awesome open-source project rises from the ashes.
Yeah, if you do a rom of FF6, do NOT do the Skyrender fan translation. It's awful. There's one out there that has difficulty tweaks so the game difficulty scales properly, and the translation is done much better. It's called StandGuard. Out of all the versions of FF6 I've played, I'd recommend that one the best. FF6 is my personal favorite, but really don't let what I or anybody else like sway you. If you want an easy one, pick FF7. If you want a ballbuster, pick FF5. If you want to spend hours and hours to build that perfect team, pick FFT. I don't know your style of gaming and what you prefer.