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Annie Felis

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Everything posted by Annie Felis

  1. Yeah, this is most definately true. Whenever I've bought PC games at Gamestop, the sales clerk has made absolutely sure I understood that if my PC didn't have the proper specs to run the game, I couldn't return it after opening it. I got an especially long lecture when buying Skyrim and told repeatedly I'd be better off playing it on PS3 (which I wasn't, patches come for PC first).
  2. Retro Studios making Megaman games from now on, especially Megman Legends 3. Vanillaware remaking Guardian Heroes (back on Saturn, look it up. Awesome game). Namco's current Tales team remaking Lufia 1 and 2 instead of that...thing we got on DS. Level 5 making the next Skies of Arcadia or Lunar game, and by Lunar game I don't mean another frickin' port of Silver Star.
  3. My friend said he had given this a try, and said it was quite a bit of fun. It's a shame about the servers, though.
  4. Yeah, this is not a legal way to get around the MSRP standard. The games aren't actually pre-owned or used. Gamestop can sell its used games for whatever they want, but this will probably get them in trouble. It'll probably help with the piracy of Xenoblade, too. People pirate games based on their availability, followed by their price.
  5. Actually that's the only one I think of, too. That and Team Gato, which doesn't really count.
  6. The one on West Ridge at Ridgemont plaza in Greece. And this guy was sporting a neckbeard. I mean, I have nothing against people who really love something and want to chat about it with others. I wish they'd not try to do it with the person who is just trying to pick up her game while her 2-year-old swirms restlessly in his stroller.
  7. That's weird, because at my Gamestop I was given an Etrian Odyssey III artbook when I bought the game because some of the pre-orders hadn't taken them. I guess it all depends on which Gametop you go to. I went to pick up Tales of Xillia today, unsure if my preorder was really a preorder. I had dropped $5 on it over a year ago, when IGN announced that it would most likely be brought to North America. I figured if it never made it, eh...$5. Turns out that my preorder was good, and a copy was waiting for me. While I was buying my game, one of the lonely types and his female friend (girlfriend? companion?) were chatting up the guy behind the register, just gabbing it up. If you've been into any video game, board game or comic shop you know this type of person. It makes me feel bad for the people who work there and have to politely talk to them because they do actually buy things. Anyway he saw that I was buying Xillia and he was like "Oh, a fellow JRPGer! Will you be getting the Hat-soon-nay Meye-koo game?". I told him I wasn't very good at rhythm games so I never bothered with Vocaloid games. He asked if I liked Vocaloid (I actually do, but I didn't want to chat since I had my son with me in the stroller), and I told him I'm not a weeaboo. He seemed offended by this, offended enough to be silent for a minute while I spoke to the cashier, bought my game and got the hell out of there.
  8. There's another version now? Awesome. I loved the first one, especially as Simon Belmont.
  9. I kind of like the fact that mobs will change their location based off how much they're attacked by players. It makes it a lot less like the same old MMO spawn point thing they've been doing since Ultima Online. I mean, this could be good, if it's not a traditional-style MMO. We don't need another WoW clone.
  10. The gameplay doesn't look as creepy as I thought, but it still is moe as fuck, and anime stereotype as fuck. It looks like the kind of game that weaboos will be all over if it gets out of Japan.
  11. It doesn't look great so far, but we'll have to wait and see. AAA developers need to get into the tablet market more, so this is a good sign. The touch controls is also a good sign, instead of that crappy on-screen controller pad that most mobile RPGs want to use. I'll wait until there's gameplay videos before I pass any judgement.
  12. This times ten. There probably are people better-suited to do a documentary on this subject, or a web series, or what have you...but what we got was Anita. At least she's trying, even if she's trying with personal opinions stated as fact. She's trying to draw attention to a problem, and while she isn't providing solutions at least she's getting people to discuss and think about it. The only problem here is that a lot of the discussions I've seen here and elsewhere about her videos have little to do with the actual subject matter and include: 1. Her appearance in the videos. 2. Where she gets her material from. 3. Whether she actually plays games or not (which why would she want to make a series if she didn't). 4. The amount of money she recieved in the kickstarter. 5. The rate at which she releases videos. 6. The fact that she disables all comments. How are these things relevant to the actual subject matter that she's trying to draw attention to? How is her set of hoop earrings relevant to the fact that the damsel in distress trope is lazy writing? I think that she's telling the story with a bit of spin, and I think that she probably could have done a better job than telling us the same things we've been told for the past ten years about the gaming industry's sexism, but the fact that she's doing something is better than doing nothing. It's too bad that she kind of sucks at it, yeah...but it's a start. There needs to be more journalism and activism to promote both gender and racial equality in games. Here's hoping she's started the ball rolling.
  13. Yeah, don't you actually watch what the employee is doing with your game as they're packing it up? I mean whenever I've bought used disc games, I've asked to see the back side of the discs to make sure they're still in decent condition. I trust the employees at the Gamestop I visit because they're good at their jobs, but I still want to make sure I'm getting what I'm paying for.
  14. I watched my husband play it. I had no interest in it after watching him.
  15. It doesn't really matter. I haven't actually played Metroid: Other M, but I have seen enough of the cut scenes to know it's the worst game in the series. I would assume that she did enough research on the games she's mentioned to use them as examples.
  16. I still have my original N64 controller, but the cable is a bit wobbly and loose where it connects to the controller itself. I was always one of those people who tightly wound a controller cable around the controller when it wasn't in use, and I fucked up a playstation controller the same way. The secondary controllers that I got the year I got Gauntlet Legends still work just fine, and that was what...1999? And you can complain about the N64 controller's layout all you like, but the Dreamcast wins for having the dumbest controller. It was a square brick with a short cable that came out the bottom.
  17. Their cables are worse, because they're not shielded at all. I bought an AV multitap for playstation/nintendo/xbox and the damn thing had so much interference I couldn't even use it.
  18. The thing with JRPGs is they don't really pick up until you're ten hours in. Look at Tales of Graces: if you don't get through the awful-as-balls kids sequence that lasts for the first few hours of the game, you won't see any of the real game, and it's still another five or so hours before you have any plot hooks and characters to deliver them. You need to stick with Ni No Kuni until you get your second party member, and then things pick up. Drippy is always annoying and explaining things to you like you're a total moron, though. There's a lot of hand-holding in the game, which is a shame because it's not exactly difficult.
  19. Not if you've been a customer in the past 18 months. Then they can call you, and will. I've gotten the stupid Gamestop telemarketing calls on my answering machine before. I never pick up the phone anymore, thanks to the sheer amount of autodialers and scam calls I get a day, so they won't get me on the phone with them anyway.
  20. I laughed. Then I saw those were polish soldiers and laughed harder.
  21. When they say HD remake they mean how the game looked on PS2 emulator eight years ago. It doesn't really look that spectacular. The online play is somewhat interesting, only because doing netplay with an emulator was always a pain. Still...meh. Another HD re-release.
  22. I didn't know about that. That's useful. I didn't know what it was for since I have such a low Steam level and small card inventory. I just assumed it was another cheesy gimmick.
  23. That's a pretty accurate description, except Gearscore actually had a use (it was what provided stats for a vehicle you'd pilot). This thing has no use other than it's a minigame that people find fun. There's no point to it, and no reward for doing it other than whatever you get out of leveling/collecting cards in the first place.
  24. Second Rule: never buy any game on your wishlist during the Steam Sale unless it's discounted more than 60%. Steam randomly puts things on sale throughout the year and you may be able to pick it up again at another date, and they usually do 50-75% off when they do that. Meanwhile during the sale every last item on your wishlist will be 20% or 40% off because pretty much every damn game is on sale for that much.
  25. Wal-Mart is so much worse as a business than Gamestop. I don't shop at Walmart because of the garbage way they treat their employees. I do shop at Gamestop sometimes, but the one I go to has decent employees that don't push things on you. I think it all has to do with the district manager, and how they want their employees to behave. My sister works in a different district, and she says their manager makes them very pushy. She worked at one in Orlando when she went to school there, and the district manager was such a douche he kept firing people for not making enough console sales. It's Orlando though; either tourists were buying a quick game, or the locals didn't have the money to go buy new consoles. There's a store here called Game Craze. It's great: you can buy new games, you can get some hard-to-find used games (I finally found Breath of Fire III there recently as well as Majora's Mask), and the employees aren't forced to treat you like garbage. I've been shopping there more often, but I still will pre-order a couple of games a year at my old Gamestop just to be faithful to the guys working there. The best thing about Game Craze: no idiotic Square Tax on Square-Enix games. That's one thing about Gamestop that always aggervated me, and Best Buy does it too.
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