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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. Interesting. I tended to like the ones that had an interesting beginning, kind of like giving me a reason to want to keep listening. I only gave a few 4's and one 5.
  2. ELP http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qt-sfNULEzE This sounds like the Chocobo Theme. Nothing is original and I don't mean that in a bad way, I just mean it as fact (I'm a huge Nobuo Uematsu fan too). We're all influenced by what we listen to. Everything comes from something else. I wonder what it would sound like if a hermit dood started composing after living in solitude for 30 years ..
  3. Just saw this. The preview is cool.
  4. The issue I had recently over at Indaba was that basically the popular kid got the most votes, which was unfortunate for me because I have no friends. Or maybe I should consider it a blessing since whoever voted for me actually liked my stuff .. but anyway, these are good points being brought up, I'm just not sure if there's a way around them .. I think the randomization was supposed to address that but it didn't work out like it was supposed to.
  5. My parents watch The Filipino Channel and they use a lot of Final Fantasy music all the time, it's weird .. I remember they used FF8's "SeeD Theme" while showing outdoor footage for some segment, and they use Aerith's theme during emotional segments .. I just hope the credit is given where it is due ..
  6. I'm done voting. I liked about 10 of them. I have 2 favorites.
  7. I tried Locke's theme at first, but I only got so far as notating the first part .. then I got sidetracked and moved on to a different track.. It would've been a good challenge and would've stood out in the sea of Gestahl Empires..
  8. Just a thought .. "The final results will be public. Why: Entrants deserve to know their final placement when all is said and done." The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will obviously be announced. and don't get me wrong, I compete to win, but I'm just not sure if I'd want to see that I'm last place. For example, I recently entered a competition and they only announced the 1st place winner. People commented "2nd, 3rd place?" and they replied "sorry, only the winners are announced" and I thought to myself, "hmm I wonder where I placed" but at the same time, if I saw that I was last, I feel like I'd be less inclined towards "oh I'll try harder next time" rather than "dang I suck." Ignorance can be bliss. Just saying .. I'm not even sure which side I'm rooting for, to reveal final placements or not, .. it's just a thought.
  9. My first attempt didn't go through so I just tried sending my submissions in again (CC'd to aaversa) ... Victory Fanfare.
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