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Everything posted by DrumJ8

  1. Hey thanks for the suggestions! I've heard of Johnny Wander and Rice Boy, but I'll definitely check all of these out. I've got a lot of reading to do. Thanks!
  2. .. can't please everyone but similarly to how I feel about McDonald's .. I'm lovin' it. I have nothing to compare it to but after many years of wondering why comic book geeks geeked over comics, I'm now thinkin .. "hmm .. maybe they're onto something .."
  3. I'm sure you've got plenty of tricks up your sleeve I have no doubt that you will make 800 feet . I mean the deadline.
  4. Thanks for checking it out! I guess it's officially my gateway comic
  5. I was never into comics growing up. I remember buying one called "Uncanny X-Men" because I loved the 90's X-Men cartoon and Nightcrawler, who was my favorite character from the arcade game, was on the cover. I bought "Watchmen" and tried to read it before watching the movie, but again, I just couldn't get into it--not a comics person. I'm not really sure why but when I discovered this, I couldn't stop reading it and am really into it. I'm excited about getting the physical copy, although pages can be read for free online because the writer/creator/artist, Jason Brubaker, is releasing a spread from the book every Monday on his website. Volume 1 sold out a while ago, but he is raising funds to print Volume 2 and reprint Volume 1. reMIND: Volume 2 & Box Set Read it for free on his website I'm really digging it Although I am a comics noob, I highly recommend it. "reMIND is an award-winning, all ages graphic novel in a beautiful, full color, hard bound, numbered and signed book."
  6. Dern it I like this tune .. I'm going far and away on Tuesday, and the chances I'll have something for this are slim to none considering my lack of time, and my hecka lack of motivation lately .. good track though.
  7. I've been kind of a Kickstarter fiend ever since the FF6 project started. So far, I've seen two 'similar' projects, one is art, one is music. I'm not trying to get anyone else in trouble but, I just don't understand where the line is drawn ..
  8. I know you're a busy busy man but check out the new PRC on thasauce maybe:


  9. sounds like a plan I'll research a little and I'll have to save up.
  10. heh I didn't mean it like "the source track is hard, good luck you're gonna need it ARGH!" I just meant a general "good luck and have fun" to everyone. And I liked your track btw it got 2nd place for me And oops I'm not too familiar with Dub .. I hear the swinging feel on the hi hats plus .. I dunno I just thought 'reggae' ..
  11. Does anyone else prefer zipper hoodies? I know the etsy store doesn't have them but I'm just asking as a general question .. I even emailed the estarland store about it and they don't sell them only pullovers .. darn pullovers ..
  12. yesss I was worried I didn't do something right in the PM but I'm glad to see everything went through okay. I am so familar with this game and source track I am very much looking forward to the entries! I started working on a remix a little while ago, so hopefully I can transform it into a bonus mix (Kid Chameleon style)
  13. All I do is flood the gates when I speculate and specu-hate, I just wanna calm down and meditate cuz at this rate it seems like fate, don't you think mate? so I'll stop with the speculation up here in oc nation and hope for elation through our pledged donations, hope that KS mans their stations and stops taking a vacation and takes the fans into consideration, and soon we can say congratulations, something something inflation. I must thank Mirby for inspiration.
  14. PM sent. Hey thanks guys. I was seriously excited when I won .. That was really fun. And dern it HoboKa I saw your post after I sent the PM .. I'm not sure if it's easier but .. it's a good one .. I think. Good luck have fun.
  15. Just saw the update, no news is good news I guess .. I have to admit, patience is a virtue that I'm having less of with this, but I do trust they're doing everything they can. I'm just saying I've been checking this page and the front page like crazy hoping for a resolution with good news .. But there's a new ReMix so that's good news
  16. I speculate that the staff just wants to minimize guessing on possible truths that could potentially lead to rumors/panic/worry. Speculate, don't specu-hate.
  17. NICE I'll check that out. I discovered audiodraft when someone on linkedin posted a link and wanted feedback for their track. I tried Indaba but the voting was too political for me.. but for a contest at AD right now, a producer is requesting a specific style for a specific game and has been giving me feedback. It's a cool concept and a good practice experience so far.
  18. SPOILERS Was the ending up to interpretation or not? (hmm upon reading this over, indeed a stupid question) This was my take. Bruce Wayne is presumed "dead" but Alfred's dream came to fruition--he saw Bruce Wayne w/his wife (or gf or whatever) in Italy so Bruce would retire and live happily both to his and Alfred's content. Because Batman told Blake that "the mask is a symbol that means anyone can be Batman" and 'Robin' discovers the Batcave, he becomes the new Batman. My bro's gf said "no idiot" and I said "deng that's harsh" then she continued "'Bruce Wayne is presumed dead but Batman is still alive. 'Robin' encounters the cave so Batman and Robin will join forces. This is in all likelihood the last film in the series that Chris Nolan will direct, but hypothetically if there was, she insists her explanation is correct and "there's no way Joseph Gordon-Levitt is going to play a "new" Batman."
  19. Do you work in Riverside? I honestly didn't know any cool VGM goodness was in Riverside ..

  20. Ya no worries man .. I'll probably just work on the GSH track. I'll let you know, thanks :mrgreen:

  21. I just wanted to share this website called Audiodraft. audiodraft They hold different types of contests that involve music composition and sound design with cash money money prizes. Considering the level of talent that OC ReMix artists have, I figure some might find it interesting. And for those on their way up like me, it's good practice.
  22. Hey thanks for the responses guys. Okay, the situation isn't all that hypothetical; nothing is concrete but here is what I know. It would most likely be electronic music. From what I understand, they want to own the music because they want it to be unique--they don't want to use existing music that can be heard elsewhere, and they don't want others to use their music. Not sure how famous they are .. 2,420 "seller reviews" according to google and my friend who works there says "around 10-11 million annual revenue" ..
  23. Hypothetical situation .. let's say, a fashion company wants a composer to make music for their "how to" videos for their website (like putting on make up or something) .. 5 videos, one minute each = 5 minutes of music. They want to maintain the ownership of the music. Thoughts on how much the composer would/should make? I'm curious about numbers so you can ballpark it if need be.
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