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Posts posted by XZero

  1. Bomberman 64: The Second Attack; it didn't really get much praise, but I remember enjoying it so much when it came out in May of 2000 (same day as Perfect Dark, and I chose Bomberman, which I still don't regret, though I later bought Perfect Dark). Best part about it? Music by Yasunori Mitsuda. Win.

  2. It was originally released as an episodic game.

    I know that. I'm making a blanket statement. There is no reason for episodic gaming in general. I feel ripped off by the whole concept, especially since I downloaded FFIV thinking I was getting a full game for $8 (which is roughly the cost of an SNES game, so it makes logical sense). I do not like episodic gaming. I'm also stuck in this game, so now I'm mad at it.

  3. I'm actually not very pleased with it. Don't get me wrong, the game is good, but there is NO REASON WHATSOEVER FOR EPISODIC GAME RELEASES, especially for an RPG. I would prefer to have been given a DS release and paid $40 for it if the alternative is having a $37 digital release with nothing physical to show for it.

    One other thing, though I'm not too terribly far in: is there any new music? So far everything is from FFIV (which isn't bad or anything, but I wouldn't mind some new stuff).

  4. he's making fun of Hawkwing for spelling it "Chrono" and not "Crono", which it is in the game. However, I'm pretty sure the only reason it's "Crono" in the game is because there are only 5 characters you can use to make the name, so therefore they had to truncate out the "h". Meaning the 'crono' purists can stfu either way is fine.

    NO!!!! Dammit! It's CRONO! You bastard! I hate-zors you!

    On another point, since someone brought up the Mega Man box art, many of the games throughout the series, particularly the original series, can't decide on which arm Mega Man's arm cannon is located. It flips from left to right constantly. I know the original sprites were just a mirror image of one another, but hasn't Capcom bothered to decide on one consistent location for it?

  5. Alpha with that high pitched voice made me laugh more than it should've.

    I wasn't expecting it the first time, so I just started laughing really hard. The lines were so over-the-top movie/anime villain stuff too, which was amazing.

    As for the short, The Damned, I thought it was funny, if a bit generic. Nonetheless, I consider it part of the movie, and so I deem you officially cheated.

  6. Did you go see it in 3D? I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

    I saw it in 2D. Saved $9 ($3/person), and I really didn't want to sit there with 3D glasses on the whole time. If anyone sees it in 3D or has seen it in 3D, let me know how it was.

  7. Anyone see this yet?

    Not going to post any spoilers, but my god the beginning is ridiculously depressing. Other than that, excellent movie. It had plenty of great references (dogs playing poker, for instance, plus an obvious Star Wars reference), and it was insanely beautiful. Clothing, wood, balloons ... everything was extremely detailed. I'm not sure I liked it as much as I did Wall-E or some of the other films from Pixar, but overall, UP was very satisfying. It was noticeably more adult than other Pixar films, and I think (though I may be wrong about this) it was the first Pixar film to ever actually have blood. Either way, great movie. Highly recommended.

  8. Such a Republican view. For shame. Not everyone has a practical mind you know - and you're posting this on a video game remixing site. Do you realize how asinine you sound? Moreover, if you think that making profit off of art is what's holding us back as a whole, then you're one sad, misguided individual. For countries, especially America, invest in foolish endeavors such as war and reality T.V. shows, when they ought to be spending that said money in infrastructure, education and health care.

    Finally, egotistical, pretentious misfits will exist until the end of time, no matter the medium from which they thrive in, whether it be art or "practical" professions. You are no such exception.

    I'm going to agree with Meteo Xavier on this one. If I had musical talent, I think I'd be happier with a song posted on a site like this where I knew it was being enjoyed by as many people as possible than I would selling it. Musical artists sell CDs and concert tickets; concrete things. Music itself is not concrete. That's why I personally think there is a big distinction between walking into a Wal-Mart and stealing a CD (which is criminal and morally wrong) and downloading a song to see if you want to go and buy the CD (which may be criminal to an extent, but is certainly not morally wrong).

    I don't like the idea of copyrights personally (and I'm in law school, with quite a bit of IP law knowledge). No, people should not copy your work and claim it as their own. But you know what? A real artist would rather have his or her work, in whatever form it comes, enjoyed by millions than sold to thousands.

    Of course, that's my opinion, and people are free to disagree.

  9. Source:

    I like what you have so far. One recommendation I have is that it feels like it's missing something. Maybe this isn't what you are going for, but I'd add a section after the main "theme" and the subtheme (1:24 - 1:53, and 1:54 - 2:58, respectively) that combines the two with the main theme playing over the subtheme. I'm not sure it would work, and I'm confident that someone with actual musical abilities can be more helpful, but that's my two cents.

  10. Anyone has ever played Glover? It was pretty good...

    Oh I remember Glover. When I was in 7th or 8th grade, I remember it was actually free at Wal-Mart. I don't remember what the deal was (probably some mail-in rebate or something), but I do remember sending my dad there to get it for me the day I had to have 6 baby teeth pulled so my permanent teeth could grow in. The teeth pulling hurt like hell, and apparently the roots were actually longer than the average adult molar, and the dentist conceded after the fact that he should have put me to sleep. They had to drill into my teeth to get them out... it hurts just thinking about it.

    So anyway, about Glover. That night, I came home and I was lying on the couch when I remembered that my dad had gotten the game for me. I popped it in, and it was pretty good, but the smell of my drilled teeth stuck with me while I was playing the game. Long story short, I associate Glover with getting teeth pulled. But yeah, good game.

    My own contribution, and I'm sorry if it was already mentioned, but N64 - Rocket: Robot on Wheels was really fun.

  11. My first all-nighter was a couple of months ago. It was induced by a combination of two things: (1) during the winter my house's vinyl siding creaks like hell when the wind blows more than 15 mph, and the worst creaking is in my bedroom, and (2) I was fucking busy with law school work. So having given up on sleep, I drove to Dunkin Donuts at 1 in the morning, only to discover that it was closed. I drove down the road another minute and found a Sheetz gas station where I got some coffee. I worked on Contracts stuff from 1:30 am to 8:30 am, and I got so much work done - it was incredible.

    Then, I was sitting in class around 2:00 pm. The coffee wore off and the sleep deprivation kicked in. I was told later that I insisted in Criminal Law that the guy could get sued for breach of contract when, quite unfortunately, the topic of the day was rape. I remember laying down on my couch to watch House at about 8 that night, and the next morning around 9, the television was still on and I was still on my couch. And I missed most of House. Sleep deprivation sucks.

  12. B) people that know jackshit about the comic books or just enough to know that Wolverine was in x-men and maybe who gambit was.

    That'd be me. Of course, when I saw Dragonball: Evolution a few weeks ago, I walked out of there feeling like it was the worst piece of shit I had ever experienced. I'm still not sure if it's just because of how big of a Dragonball fan I am.

    My only argument in favor of Wolverine is that I don't believe it was objectively bad. I don't think it was a bad movie so much as a bad adaptation based on the criticisms. On the other hand, I believe that Dragonball: Evolution was both a bad adaptation and a bad movie, so that's how I differentiate the two. That returns me to your point, EdgeCrusher - if it was that bad, I think people who fall into category (B) would have hated it as well, just as many of those people hated Dragonball. Naturally that doesn't justify the apparently terrible adaptation and the proven abuse of Deadpool, but I still feel it stands in defense of the movie as a whole.

  13. I tried what I usually do with X-Men movies. Forget whatever I know about the comics and try to enjoy the movie. The action was nice, but then came the portrayal of Deadpool and it was just terrible. TERRIBLE. You can't forget Deadpool and accept what they did to him.

    I thought Deadpool was pretty cool, functioning as an incomplete Weapon XI. I've never even so much as held an X-Men comic in my life, so the only thing I have to go on are the movies, but what was so bad about him?

  14. And why do gamestops have to hire the one or two retarded girls that are just eye candy to work there? They are dumb as a fucking brick, and if you ask them anything game related, even the simplest of questions ("do you have gamecube controllers still?" as an example) they have to call the manager or knowledgable person to answer it. I'm seriously surprised some of these women can even operate a cash register and/or car.

    (a) Avoid discrimination claims by having some form of gender diversity

    (B) Someone in the store thinks that she/they is/are hot, so hiring is effectively a pitiable attempt at literally hiring a girlfriend

    © Maybe it's her first day? Okay, probably not.

    See, here's the thing. I'll grant that the gamecube controller question is pretty bad to not know the answer to, though in fairness for part-time employees, it's pretty hard to keep track (she still should have just walked over to the section and looked). But a GameStop doesn't necessarily hire hardcore gamers. Think about it this way: a hardcore gamer customer comes into a GameStop and asks a question about whether a new game is in stock. The hardcore gamer employee is more likely to talk about the product in extreme depth rather than answering the question and moving on to selling the product. The effective salesman is going to answer the question and try to sell it to you. The really effective salesman in a GameStop is going to appear like he or she is a gamer, but realistically they are just a well-trained or very experienced salesman who either doesn't care about games or doesn't play the games you're asking about. From GameStop's perspective, option 3 is the best because that person will have sold you and 5 other people copies of the game that employee #1 is still talking with you about.

  15. Typically you can get a sealed copy of the game if you just ask for one, though the "gutted" copy (e.g. the allegedly new opened copy) may be the last one. Same applies to PC games.

    As for "new games" technically being "used games" due to rental by employees, "new" is a definitional problem. What makes a game new? To the logical world, it means that the game has been touched only by whatever machine placed it in the case and sealed it. But that's not GameStop's definition of "new."

    "New" to GameStop means any of the following:

    1) Game is still sealed

    2) Game was 'gutted' but unsold to customer

    3) Game was rented by employee who did not damage disc

    4) here's one some people may not know Game was sold, played, and returned in basically the same condition, though there may be a fingerprint or two

    Now typically for #4, the situation is one of two things. Either (a)the game really sucked and the person just bought it within the last hour or two, or (b)GameStop sold a 'gutted' copy without sealing it with one of those stupid and hard-to-remove clear stickers. Short version? If you want "real" new, ask for a sealed copy, get to know the guys at your local store, or go to Best Buy.

  16. Controlling a concentrated 21% of a market like games is a huge thing. The problem is that there isn't enough solid competition out there to challenge GameStop and keep its prices low. There is no question that they have to make money, but because they effectively have no *true* competition, they can continue what I call their "Bend Over" trade-in practices of giving anywhere from $15-$30 for trades and then charging $55 for the same game. Their best competition, namely Best Buy, Wal-Mart, and Target, don't care too much about games; they care, but not enough to do anything about making a dent in GameStop's control of the market.

    I am personally very much pro-corporation and a big believer in the free market. I am also anti-GameStop, probably because I worked there, and not as some Christmas temp who bitches and moans about everything, but as a member of management for several years. Their practices disgust me sometimes.

  17. Anyone see this yet?

    I went to a showing this afternoon with some friends after a 4-hour final exam this morning, and I've gotta say it was pretty cool. I never read any of the X-Men comics, so I can't comment on whether they got characters right or not, but just as an action movie fan I enjoyed it.

  18. How many of you people bitching about DLC play MMOs? Cause I don't see how any of you can justify paying 15 bucks a month just to play the game, and bitch about DLC in general.

    I don't play MMOs - never have, never will. Know why? Because when I pay $50 for a game, I should be able to play the game as much as I want, whenever I want, for as long as I want. If I wish to play if for a week or two, put it down for three months, and then pick it up again and actually play through it (which, due to class, is frequently the case), there is no way some company should be able to tell me that my subscription to the aforementioned $50 game is expired and I have to pay another $15 to play for the next 30 days. That is ridiculous.

  19. I was watching the new Gametrailers Bonus Round, and I was wondering what everyone here thinks about DLC.

    Personally, I hate it. Downloadable content feels like an excuse to ship an incomplete game and charge full price, then to release the remaining content and nickle and dime everyone to death. I also disagree with the concept of episodic gaming. I don't want to pay $5/week to play a game; give me the whole thing at once.

    The flipside of downloadable content is downloadable software, which I am a huge supporter of. Games that wouldn't sell well in stores can do extraordinarily well as downloadable titles (Mega Man 9, for instance). But there's a problem with downloadable games. As the technology increases, downloadable games can and will rival that which can be bought in stores. That said, I'm afraid the price of downloadable games will end up being $60 despite the fact that there is no physical cost associated with production (e.g. there is no game disc to manufacture and no artwork/instruction booklet to print).

    That's my take on DLC. Anyone else have an opinion?

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