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Everything posted by XZero

  1. Without deviating from the Zelda topic too long, just a quick note on the naming thing. One of my best friends named his son Simon. His mother, a devout Catholic, felt this was a great idea as a reference to the apostle. However, unbeknownst to her, Simon was so named because of Simon Belmont. His wife was cool with it. I do enjoy the fact that Robin Williams named his daughter after Princess Zelda, and I love that they used it in the commercial for the game. By the way, Nick Hyral, the first thing I thought when I heard they were doing this was "Wow, I hope they do Majora's Mask the same way." I love Ocarina, but Majora's always been my favorite of the two.
  2. From the limited information out there, the music seems to be mostly the original, though if you listen with headphones, the samples might sound better. There is also definitely at least one fully orchestrated track in the game. Incidentally, I don't know how well-published this was, but if you pick up the game, register it on Club Nintendo before June 30th. If you do so, you get a 50ish-track soundtrack CD featuring some formerly unreleased music from the game. The press release was a little vague, but my guess is that there are tracks like the Forest Temple and the Fire Temple which were excluded from the old North American soundtrack CD release, which only featured about 25-30 tracks. I think the 82 track version from Japan is complete, except for the end of the Water Temple song missing from it (and the Fire Temple chanting). The CD also includes the orchestrated track, which I think they referred to as a "medley." Sounds cool, and whether it's good, bad, or terrible, it's free, as is signing up with Club Nintendo, so I'll be registering mine as soon as I can on Sunday. EDIT: Source: https://club.nintendo.com/ocarina_of_time_3d_soundtrack_offer.do
  3. ^^This is more or less for opinions of the 3DS version since, as you noted, there's really nothing "new" about it. And for the record, I didn't play Ghost Recon, but I was under the impression it didn't do so hot in the review scores department. I don't think any 3DS game has gotten 9 or above in reviews yet, so that was sort of what I was referring to.
  4. I didn't see any threads on this, so I figured I'd start one for whomever is curious about or plans on getting this game on Sunday. Personally, I'm really excited for it. My 3DS has felt like a giant waste of money since I bought it back in March. Street Fighter IV is good, but a system can't live on one good game alone. I've really been enjoying playing Link's Awakening DX since last weekend. And yeah, I know this is a modified port, but I can't wait to delve into Hyrule in 3D. And then to get sick of the 3D and turn it off and explore the rest of the game. And for those of you who like Zelda games, but don't care about the 3D stuff, here's something kind of cool: http://www.zeldapower.com/index.php/majoras-mask/676.html?task=view Official artwork for Zelda Ocarina of Time 3D. Most of it is stuff we've seen before, but probably the most beautiful one and the one that became my new background is: http://www.zeldapower.com/images/oot3d/art/hyruleField.png
  5. Hahah, this is the frame of mind to have concerning this debacle. I salute you, sir. Just be careful that the constitution is literally never upheld in court. "pro boner"? Gave me a good laugh
  6. I hope they do pass this bill. I would personally represent the first person who is prosecuted under it pro bono. Nothing violates the First Amendment like a vague and overbroad law, and nothing helps a young lawyer's career like winning a case in the U.S. Supreme Court.
  7. In new Wii U news, IGN is reporting that some developers are indicating the Wii U is 50% more powerful than the Xbox 360 and the PS3. http://wii.ign.com/articles/117/1176149p1.html This is unconfirmed by Nintendo, and Reggie will probably never come out and say it anyway since Nintendo's big thing is gameplay over specs. In all likelihood, this is probably true. My rationale is that if Nintendo's going to be the first to put out a new console while Sony and Microsoft continue to support their existing platforms, it needs to be capable of doing what their systems do (finally), but it also has to surpass them in strength to prepare for the Xbox 720 and PS4 whenever those consoles launch, probably 2013-2015. This does lead to an interesting problem that has plagued Nintendo since waaay back on the NES. Nintendo's games are traditionally better than the third party stuff on their platforms. The Wii added a new twist. Not only were Nintendo's first party games largely superior in gameplay, but they were infinitely better in terms of graphics for some inexplicable reason. Mario Galaxy 1 & 2, Metroid Prime 3, and Zelda: Skyward Sword (from what we've seen) are the major examples of 1st party games that look like they are just a few steps shy of HD quality. The same can't be said of most of the other games on the platform. For the Wii U, what happens to third party games when we see something coming out for the system from them that looks like the best the PS3 or 360 can offer, but then Nintendo releases Super Mario Universe and Zelda HD and completely blows that out of the water? People aren't going to buy the 3rd party games over the 1st party games. Nintendo's biggest advantage over Sony and Microsoft is the incredible quality of its core 1st party titles. It's also been Nintendo's biggest drawback in terms of selling 3rd party games on its systems. If the Wii U is indeed as powerful as some of these developers are reportedly suggesting, Nintendo could easily widen the gap in terms of sales numbers between stuff it develops internally or Retro Studios makes and third party developers, which could definitely hurt the third parties and their long-term support for the system going forward.
  8. Thanks for the links, guys! There are still a bunch more I remember though. Whenever I'm home next I have to go through my old floppy discs to see if I ever put them on one of those. EDIT: Oh, and I love that Canyon mix!
  9. Does anyone here remember the midis that used to be bundled with Windows systems? I think they came with 3.1, 95, and 98. I remember them from Windows 95. Things like "Canyon" and what I think I recall as being called "Action 1" and "Action 2." At any rate, does anyone have these still, and if so, would you be so kind as to post them somewhere for download?
  10. The graphics looked like crap even back then, or at least the character models did. Let us not forget that it released in 1997. Compare that to Super Mario 64's models. Backgrounds and cutscenes go to FFVII, but their quality is drastically adversely affected by the character models. As far as how the game has aged, I don't know that I agree it hasn't aged very well. It's still infinitely better than many RPGs I've played since it came out, and the materia system is my personal favorite system in any FF game. Though I suppose the translation could have been a bit better. All the same, I may just be unable to take off my nostalgia goggles. You'd have to get the opinion of an RPG fan who's playing it for the first time in 2011. I like FFVII and will always enjoy it for some reason. But back on the topic of the Wii U, I agree with liquid wind that motion controls, while okay in some situations, are almost always implemented poorly. I thought Twilight Princess handled it well enough (though it was a better game on the GCN) and Mario Galaxy did a nice job of integrating them without making them obtrusive. Yet so many other games had them without needing them. Donkey Kong Country Returns was one of my favorite games last year, but it would have been ever so slightly better if the classic controller was an option rather than having to move the Wii-mote to roll. I'm really hoping Nintendo's focus on core gamers and games means the classic controller is a standard option in almost all non-motion-specific games.
  11. All kidding aside, what's with hackers targeting video game companies so much recently? I can understand without condoning the attack on Sony as a form of retribution against them for what they did to the guy who managed to get past the PS3 security measures, but it's getting a bit ridiculous. If any hackers out there are reading this, please just stop. Many of you are probably gamers, and in the end of the day, you're only hurting the gamers (i.e. yourselves).
  12. Aaaannnnnnnddddddd Nintendo's stock will be dropping another few points in the wake of this announcement. Seriously, didn't they pioneer traditional local multiplayer? Wasn't their big N64 multiplayer thing the ability to play with 3 other people locally? Now that having been said, there is one really, really good bit to this news. It's entirely possible that you could just use a Wii-mote and a Classic Controller to play most games. If that's the case, I wouldn't be opposed to it. The Wii Classic Controller is pretty damn sexy, and I'd be more than content with using it for the next generation of games as my main controller.
  13. Don't know anything about Darksiders, but Batman: Arkham City should be pretty good. Same for Assassin's Creed and Ninja Gaiden 3. So I disagree with you on those 3. The rest though? Yeah, you're kind of right.
  14. I've been a Nintendo fanboy for years and years. Literally since I was about 5 (20 years ago), I've been all about Nintendo. But the Wii U looks stupid. The console design is fine from the one pic we've seen, and the game lineup sounds great (but so did the 3DS' lineup, and it probably still will be... a year or so after the system's launch, but the 3DS WILL have good games). But that controller. That's got to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen. It looks like a classic controller ingested an iPad. I really don't see myself wanting to play ... well anything using that abomination. Will I get one? Yeah, probably. I might even day 1 it if there are good launch titles. But if it's another 3DS disaster, then screw it, I'm waiting till the price goes down and camping with my PS3 in the meantime.
  15. Is it just me, or does Star Wars Kinect look really unappealing? Several reasons: it doesn't seem to work very well (notice the delay and missing motions when the person playing starts swinging his arms), you are playing a lightsaber-based game without a lightsaber, and honest, who wants to play a game that involves standing, jumping, and wildly flailing your arms? Five years ago, I was a huge supporter of Nintendo and felt that motion controls were a really neat idea tht could revolutionize the industry. Looking at the last five years of games, I was wrong. Classic control schemes are the past, present, and future of gaming. As for the M$ press conference, I give it maybe a C-. Nothing cool, Tomb Raider looks meh-ish and isn't coming out for a year and a half, and Halo 4 just isn't overly impressive. I'm hoping the NGP and Nintendo conferences are better.
  16. More likely Nintendo has some type of ownership interest in updated versions of it. Kojima said Twin Snakes was the definitive version of MGS 1, so that would be the version they'd want to use, but Nintendo might have a legal interest in it for a few more years.
  17. The only negative thing is that MGS 1 is not part of this Never played ZOE; might give it a chance.
  18. Thanks for letting us know; it always feels like a waste if you chance it and there's nothing there. Also, AngelCityOutlaw, just curious, are you a comic fan to the extent that you read a lot of them and are familiar with the various series out there that have received movie adaptations over the last decade? I ask because I'm not a comic book fan at all, though I've largely enjoyed the movies. To name a few that I like, and seem univerally praised, X-Men 1 & 2, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, and Spiderman 1 & 2 are all pretty good as far as I can tell. I also enjoyed Kick Ass and Watchmen. And probably some others I'm forgetting. But the one thing I liked that a lot of other people didn't was X-Men Origins: Wolverine. In particular, I loved Deadpool ~ needless to say, this was before people actually told me who Deadpool was. So my question is do you, or anyone else here who wants to chime in, think that comic book fans tend to see these movies in a worse light than non-comic book fans?
  19. That's really freaking cool. I don't use a GBA anymore since my GB Player is a viable substitute, but I do use the Wavebird whenever I want to use a real controller for the Wii (or for GCN games). Awesome! Great find!
  20. Source: (One of the best songs in the Kingdom Hearts franchise in my opinion!) I like the remix, though I think it could use some more bass or deeper sounds. That could be the player you're using though. I did like the chiptune stuff toward the end. I think more of that sort of variation would help things. I'm not the most musically inclined person on the planet, so I'll just say that overall I like it as a WIP, and I really hope someone can give you some better feedback to help you get this accepted (we could use a good mix of this song on the site!).
  21. Perfect! I'll be using that site a lot in the coming weeks. Thanks a million!
  22. Does anyone here know of a good place to find Mega Man logos separate and apart from other graphics? I'm specifically looking for the silver Mega Man 64 logo, but I can't find it without something behind it.
  23. My Wii can get onto PSN whenever I want. It just lags like it's on 1999 dialup. Back on topic, there's a game coming out next week called Brink that my one buddy and I are planning on getting since it's one of those rare games that has a full co-op campaign. To get something out of it, we kind of need PSN... This whole outage thing did make me think about something though. I love classic video games. 8-bit and 16-bit games are a little slice of heaven for me. Games these days have such a significant online component that in the future, people who buy them are only going to be able to get half of the game (or less for some games). Anything with no local multiplayer is cut off at the knees. It's really a shame. *EDIT* Any game whose focus is largely on multiplayer, as opposed to primarily single player experiences, that is.
  24. Do PSN+ subscribers get free game downloads in the form of sales (e.g., free PSOne games occasionally, etc.), or just exclusive games that most of the world doesn't care about?
  25. I see what you mean, but to be fair, for PS3 owners, it came out the day before PSN shut down. This means I get the exact same experience as they did for $20 less. They kinda got screwed... For purposes of clarification, I wasn't referring to 360 or PC players who did get the opportunity to enjoy the other half of the game over the last two weeks. Just PS3 owners.
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