Yeah, the 3rd Seymour kept me from playing the game for a long time. I just couldn't stand that mountain period. I could do fine but right before I reach the damn save point before Seymour I would get into a battle where they ambush me, THEN THEY WOULDN'T STOP ATTACKING ME!! They got like 3 attacks in row each and there would be 3 or 4 of them. Then I would have to do the whole damn mountain again, plus the fact that I knew there was a chest with level 4 spheres in it and I just had to get it so I could unlock Ultima later on. Then after I finally reached the save point I go to fight Seymour and BLAM, I'm dead again. It pissed me off so I stopped playing for a long time. I still haven't beaten that game but I got past that. I'm up to when you shoot down Sin. I plan on going back too all the temples first so I can get Anima, then the Magus Sisters. Screw Yojimbo he sucks lol.