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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Haha, since when did your wingmen support you anyway? You're always the one saving them. :P

    Personally, I think WiFi alone would be worth buying this for. I've been waiting for online Starfox multiplayer for a long time.

  2. Re: Starfox Command

    Told ya so.

    Told us what? From what I'm reading, the controls could have been improved, but the game itself is still enjoyable. And 81% on Gamerankings isn't what I'd call a disaster either.

  3. Thanks for the reply, djp.

    Okay, so from what I've seen so far, there's already a mechanism of sorts in place for determining whether or not the game in question has a chiptune soundtrack. If it does, it provides links for downloading the appropriate file, and if not, nothing is shown at all (besides the ChipAmp propaganda ;) ).

    So instead of displaying nothing, perhaps a little "catch-all" message can be shown such as "Chiptunes not available for this game, see links tab for additional resources" or something to that effect. Basically, a generic blurb that indicates that either that the term is not applicable, or that the files are simply not hosted on OCR. I think that would cover most of our bases.

  4. :arrow: I'm (we're) trying to build awareness of chiptunes and the chiptune community

    :arrow: For this reason, I want to use the word as much as possible, in as many places as possible

    This is an admirable goal, but I'm sure there's a way to do this *without* spreading blatant FUD (I suppose "misinformation" is a more accurate term but "FUM" just doesn't have the same ring to it).

    :arrow: "Source Tune(s)" would actually be a misnomer for mixes that arrange songs from more than one game

    Could you elaborate? The parenthetical 's' should cover multiple source tunes. If you mean that the page will only display the tunes from one game, I don't think it's any more of an inaccuracy than listing the mix itself under a single game, and is an understandable limitation.

    :arrow: There are other options ("Chiptunes/Rips", "Original Tune(s)", "OST", "Soundtrack") that all have their own respective problems/inaccuracies

    I don't see any sacrifice in accuracy or convenience associated with using "Source Tune(s)" or simply "Source(s)".

    :arrow: Ultimately, I'd rather promote chiptunes and be inaccurate some of the time. The pure definition of "Chiptune" was already weakened when they allowed MODs that used nothing but very short samples.

    I'm not even talking about the "pure definition"; I actually don't mind if people gloss over the technicalities and use the term to refer to SNES music, since it's still considered "oldschool." And like I already said, I think the line between "remix" and "arrangement" is fuzzy enough that using the shorter and more popular word was justified. However, the very spirit and meaning of "chiptune" is destroyed and rendered nonsensical if you start inexplicably using it to describe the music of World of WarCraft or Morrowind. At that point you aren't promoting "chiptunes" at all! How would you react if you were engaged in a conversation with someone who claimed they loved chiptunes and cited Guild Wars as an example?

    I do appreciate the comments, I agree in part, I gave it some thought... I reached the same conclusion I did before.

    And I will respect it, but I implore you to reconsider yet again.


    The google ad in question was there prior to this recent redesign, and only creates layout problems in Internet Explorer.

    Which is used by "only" 85% of Internet users. ;)

  5. I think what bothers me more than the name ChipAmp is the underlying mentality evident throughout the site that "chiptune" is synonymous with "source tune." In many cases this is a correct assumption, but what if the source is Redbook, or orchestrated, or an acoustic performance? It becomes less a matter of semantics and more an issue of propagating a completely erroneous notion (or what some people might refer to as "F[oul]ed Up Disinformation").

    Of course, I realize that OCR is probably the sole reason the word "remix" is used interchangeably with "arrangement" these days, but there were good and valid reasons for that decision. I'm okay with the name "ChipAmp" as it's simple, memorable, and gets the basic idea across; but labeling the source tune tab as "chiptunes" is misleading, and I see no advantage in this case, since it's neither a more convenient nor more entrenched term than "source tune" (or merely "source") is. It really doesn't make sense for a game like "Beyond Good & Evil" to have a "chiptunes" tab.

  6. Chipamp is a free bundle of existing plugins for Winamp that lets you play a variety of chiptune and tracker formats, including music from classic game consoles like the NES, SNES, Sega Genesis, Gameboy, and Playstation.

    I *tried* to point out in that initial description that some of the formats aren't truly "chiptunes", but ultimately this distinction is unimportant to the target audience, which is the average user who doesn't really care whether emulation or sample-playback is involved.

    I realize this, but I feel a site with an actual focus on the subject should set the example by using the correct terminology. Otherwise, it'd be like Digitally Imported referring to all electronic music as "techno." :P

  7. I've talked to both Dhsu and LAOS, and both are welcome to join me as far as I can tell. LAOS sounded pretty enthusiastic about working with me, so Dhsu let me know for sure if you wanna jump in. Are you gonna work on Portal anyway?

    Collab sounds good. As for Portal, I think I'll leave that for someone else to pick up for now. If it still hasn't been claimed near the end of the project, I'll probably whip up a solo arrangement real quick.

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