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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. I think I first realized that Mario 64 was leaving the Mario tradition behind when I reflected upon how few enemies were defeated by jumping on their heads. That was always how Mario worked, and in SM64, it was such a pain to jump on a Goomba's head; way easier to punch them.

    3d jumps didn't seem the same.

    I think you just have bad aim. :lol:

  2. This show was just pronunciation mayhem. "Peenist" is a classic one of course, but Mark Vera's "Ouija DJ" just took the cake for me. ;) BTW, that reminds me...when are you guys gonna let Larry guest host? We could call it "Oji DJ." :D

    And did we finally hear a real live pixie "squee"? Very cute...reminds me of my sister. :)

    The 8bit Genocide segment was interesting. I got a very different vibe from these guys than I do from OCR (probably because there were so many metalheads in one place :) ). It's almost as if the VG rock cover community is the yin to our yang. It would be cool if VG cover scene actually did become "the next punk" like they mentioned...as long as they don't become bitter when it becomes mainstream and start reminiscing about how "they were there when..." ;)

  3. I pretty much copy/pasted my current list as-is, so you'll have to forgive the unreadable formatting.

    To remix:

    Panzer Dragoon Orta -- ending theme?

    PD Zwei -- theme?

    PD Saga -- rest?, zoah?, caravan?, main theme?

    Zelda -- Last Day (MM), Fairy's Theme?, (LttP), (Wind Waker)

    Chrono Cross -- Another Arni Village, Dimension Breach, Jellyfish Sea, Dead Sea, Star-stealing Girl

    Radical Dreamers -- Under the Moonlight, Portal to Open Ground, Final Confrontation

    Final Fantasy V -- Fate in Haze?

    Final Fantasy VI -- Tina/World of Ruin remix, Mog(?)

    Final Fantasy VII -- Baroque Boss, Fisherman Billy/(Chocobo Horizon)? (Farm Boy)

    Final Fantasy VIII -- Tifa/Julia/Relm

    SoM/FF6 -- Terra's Fear

    Super Mario RPG -- Monstro Town?, Forest Maze?

    F-Zero -- Sand Ocean

    Grandia II -- Despair and Hope

    *Paper Mario -- Intro

    Phantasy Star III -- Title theme?

    Mario 64 -- Ending theme?, star/cap/Debussy medley



    Shenmue II -- Langhuishan

    SRW -- Data load?, intermission?, Mazinger Z

    UW2 -- Mast in the Mist?

    Koi ha Balance -- Medley?

    Ico -- Castle in the Mist?, You were there?, Shadow?



    Final Fantasy I -- Slain? (circle of 5ths mix: FFA 2nd overworld theme)

    Sonic CD?

    Kirby's Dreamland 3

    Kingdom Hearts?

    Castlevania: SotN - wandering ghosts

    Mario Party?

    sonic adventure - fakery way


    secret of mana?

    Grim -- angelitos


    MechWarrior 2?

    atomic bomberman?

    vagrant story


    lunar -- boat song, opening

    katamari damacy

    halo a capella?

    umihara kawase?


    Totoro -- Intro song

    Pokemon -- Nyaasu no Uta

    Powerpuff Girls - Intro

    foster's home - intro

    the batman -- opening

    Escaflowne -- Sora/Satie


    samurai champloo?


    dream on/lover I don't have to love

    clubbed to death/aerodynamic

    feel good inc/dare


    cave story




    ct reborn

    tetris attack?

    kirby ss?


    i mario?


    link's awakening?

    chrono cross, chrono trigger piano?


    possible projects/dod themes:

    uncharted waters/yoko kanno tribute

    kh/shimomura tribute

    iwadare tribute

    sakimoto tribute






    sd1 (ffa)

    ff1, ff5




    guilty gear

    mega man/mmx


    radical dreamers

    cv 3, sotn

    phantasy star

    shiina ringo - koufurukon, kabukicho, honnou, gibbs, stem, ichijuku, la salle..., yamini...?, ringo no uta, shuukyou, tsumiki?, tsumi to batsu?, okonomide?, meisai?, sounan?, koko de kiss?, marunouchi?

    Coincidentally, this list almost doubles as a request list. So if anything catches your interest, by all means go for it. :P

    Edit: Uhhh, how does this qualify as asking or answering "technical questions related to ReMixing"? I could see this being useful in the ReQuests forum, though.

  4. I really enjoyed the Gerard Merino and Marcus Henderson interviews. They were just so laidback, and Gerard shares a lot of my views about the current direction of video games. Also, my favorite quote in the entire show:

    That's what heavy metal does: it breaks hearts and breaks pinkies.


    I just wish I could've been there for the Guitar Hero competition...

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