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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. Sam is such an amazing pianist. I almost didn't get to see him play, but right as I was leaving I passed him at the piano and convinced him to play some FF6 goodness. I called Alex Brandon and Dan Froelich over to watch as well, and they were as much in awe as the rest of us :)

    I recommend headphones.

  2. I've started logging onto SC2 again lately, but only to play Star Battle. It's a 6v6 AoS/MOBA map (like DotA and HoN) but pretty noob-friendly since everyone is playing a lumbering capital ship that moves and turns very slowly.

    The big thing is there's NO RESPAWN so it's not rare to have 15-minute games, though I have seen them drag on for hours. When you die though, a lot of the time it's fun to just zoom in, sit back, and watch a bunch of battlecruisers and carriers and leviathans duke it out.

    The next big thing is you can't control auto-attacks -- basically the closest enemy within your attack range will get hit no matter what. You can't switch targets or stop attacking.

    Also everyone gets like 6 potential abilities, but since games are typically very short you have to choose your skill build wisely.

    Anyway yeah if anyone's interested hit me up and we'll play.

  3. If Puzzle Quest doesn't run on a netbook, I don't know what will.

    I beat it on DS and it was a lot of fun, but I don't really have any desire to go through it again. I'll probably pick it up to play against OCR peeps though.

  4. Ok, here's my dilemma.

    I want Everyday Shooter but the price is the same buying it alone as it is buying it in the indie flight pack.

    Are the other games in there any good?

    How does it make sense to get 1 game when you can have 5 for the same price? Even if you absolutely hate the other games, it's not like you have to play them.

    That said, Flotilla is a pretty game, dunno if it has much in the way of replay value.

    I'm contemplating Gratuitous Space Battles myself...

    Can't say Dogfighter or Wings of Icarus interest me much.

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