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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. The same thing about lane pushing in HoN applies to LoL; Don't AoE down creep waves unless you're deliberately pushing down a tower, or if your own shit is getting pushed in. Creeps clashing near your tower is a good thing at almost any point in the game, as it gives you safe, free farm.

    This is something I'm starting to think sounds good on paper, but more often than not doesn't matter in a typical game. What I usually see happen is something along the lines of:

    1. Dude AoEs the creeps.

    2. Hangs back while wave pushes to the tower.

    3. Tower gets all the kills and pushes it back.

    4. Rinse, repeat.

    Kind of how harrass is theoretically important, but most of the time champs have enough regen to make it a waste of time.

  2. So I completely missed the Pip-Boy promotion since I was waiting for the Fallout sale which didn't come up until the very last day which happened to be when my girlfriend was sick and I couldn't be on the computer and graaahhhhhhh.

    Does anyone know someone who has New Vegas and doesn't care about TF2 (or Engi items) who could give me theirs? :[

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