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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. The cool thing about the way YouTube handles copyrighted content is that it sticks ads for the original content onto the video. That's why a lot of copyright holders are actually okay with leaving it up: free exposure and revenue without having to go through the trouble of uploading hundreds of videos themselves.

    Anyway, there's always Grooveshark.

  2. Now, hardly the most hardcore RPG gamer, but this has to be one of the greatest Battle Themes of all time.

    Grandia II - Fight!! Ver.3 ~ Boss Battle

    The Grandia games were always the most accessible RPG's I have ever had the pleasure of playing. The fantastic voice acting always lent the titles an old-school 'Saturday Morning Cartoon' vibe that really appealed to me. And this battle theme pretty much embodies everything I love about the Grandia series; it's fun, melodic, empowering, cheesy and it never, ever grates on ones nerves. Noriyuki Iwadare's masterful score for Grandia II is incredibly diverse... and this battle theme perfectly captures the utter uniqueness and pure fun the Grandia battle system could provide. It's a product of it's time, and I dare say that themes as fun and energetic as this will become less and less common, which is rather sad. But I digress. Listen and love it.

    All of Grandia II's battle themes are fantastic. The thing I find awesome about Ver. 3 in particular is the random breakbeat after the intro. It's a totally different drumkit too, like they just copied and pasted 2 seconds of a Casio demo into the track. And I love it.

  3. This track came up on NGI 125 and reminded me of the debates I had with GrayLightning during the lockdown. OA's review basically echoes the sentiment we had about this arrangement, and honestly I'm not sure how it survived the purge.

    That said, OCR is certainly not any worse off for having this in its in catalog. The fact that it almost didn't make it actually kind of makes me appreciate that it did. There's little, if any, else like it.

  4. Pretty much every JRPG will have a stereotypical boss that charges for one turn and rapes you the next turn unless you defend, so that one battle can justify the existence of the defend command.

    In general though, defending is only useful in a battle system that incorporates and exposes the concept of initiative in a way that's actually meaningful (e.g. the Grandia series, maybe FF10). If you can see when and whom an enemy will attack next (and they actually do significant damage), you suddenly have a legitimate choice to make: do I attack and take full damage so I can take this baddie down faster, or should I defend this turn and let my other party members take care of him? Not defending in a Grandia game is a good way to die pretty fast.

  5. It's funny...since I got a wired 360 controller and a graphics card actually worth a crap, I've barely touched consoles. The great thing about computer games is that the majority of them don't have limited resolutions. You can play StarCraft II in friggin' 2560x1600. You don't have to wait and buy the special "HD EDISHUN" to enjoy Psychonauts or Beyond Good & Evil in 1080p. And then you have the modding community, who will make a 10-year-old game look actually pretty good.

    Also you can't play HoN with a controller. :<

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