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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. actually, an 8400 is totally capable for older games. my old laptop had the rough equivalent of a 6600 in it, and i was able to almost max Freelancer on it, at 1440x900. don't just automatically rule it out because it's a few years old, or a budget card. a GTS 240 can destroy an 8800 =) and a 7950GX2 can annihilate it. and an 8400GS with a decent processor (like the i3-530) is way better than an 8800 with a last-gen pentium dual-core or early core 2.

    I think that may depend on the game...I started out with an E6300 (1.86GHz stock) with an 8500GT, and upgrading to a HD4850 did a lot more for my framerates than overclocking my CPU to 3.15GHz ever did. I have an E7300 now and I've left it running at its stock 2.66GHz because I've never felt it's been the bottleneck.

  2. A 260 is probably overkill for 1440x900 honestly. A GTS 250 or HD 4850 (ATI equivalent) will pretty much handle anything under 1920x1080 for half the price. I'm running at 1920x1200 and my HD 4850 has taken more or less everything I've thrown at it. I do have to kill V-sync and turn down anti-aliasing sometimes but I've never really noticed any difference in graphical quality.

  3. Some good ideas in this week's ep, although I kinda raised an eyebrow when you explained the reason for keeping indie branches on a tight budget. I essentially heard, "Be sure to pay them peanuts, keeps 'em motivated." Which sounds slightly evil, but it does kinda makes sense on paper (a big bonus would be their "tip" for a job well done). In practice, though,

  4. I was gonna say that you could get a government job without going into the military, but you gave some pretty solid reasons for going that route in your blog post. Almost made me want to enlist too, haha.

    Good luck man, and be careful out there. Hope everything works out for you in the long term.

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