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Posts posted by Dhsu

  1. If you have a preexisting OS license you can buy Windows 7 pro 32/64 UPGRADE edition for 30 bucks. Upgrades also have option for custom install.

    Are you sure that's not with a student discount? Home Premium upgrade is $90 on Newegg and Amazon.

  2. Dude I don't blame you, the soundtrack is TITS.

    Also judging from the way the game looks on lowest settings (which is not bad honestly), I'm pretty sure you could run it with a $250 pre-fab. With $60 and some rebates, it's entirely possible to get yourself a PSU and graphics card that will easily put you in medium (if not high) settings territory, and I'm being completely serious when I say it doesn't look all that much worse than high (just enable 3D portraits), which is itself almost indistinguishable from ultra settings on any reasonable resolution.

  3. Thanks for posting about this! Yes, the game has been VERY well received so far by just about every reviewer. It was a real pleasure working on the soundtrack to it, along with fellow OC ReMixer bustatunez (Will Roget, II), Jeff Ball and Dan Reynolds, two other OCR community members.

    If you're at all a fan of the original MI2, you gotta check the special edition out.

    Is there an upcoming OCR article where you spill the beans on this? We need details!

  4. 'Pandora Box'

    Borderlands is actually a prequel to "Legendary." :<

    So here's what I got (including gifts for other people):

    Rocket Knight

    Full Pipe

    Gravitron 2

    MDK Combo

    Safecracker 2

    Ghost Master

    Dark Void Zero

    Super Laser Racer


    Beat Hazard

    Bionic Commando + Rearmed

    Borderlands DLC: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx

    Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi

    Star Wars: Empire at War Gold

    Borderlands DLC: Dr. Ned




    Supreme Commander 2

    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

    Introversion Complete Pack - Summer 2010

    Bioshock 2

    Dragon Age: Origins

    RollerCoaster Tycoon 3: Platinum

    Plants vs. Zombies

    Total: $150.28

    Curse you, Steam...CURSE YOUUUU! (Seriously though, that comes to $5 a game if you count DLC.)

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