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Everything posted by creativemindframe

  1. Also where is this sonic cd you have as your sig lol I'm trying to go listen to it!
  2. Haha thanks! I bring a few surprises here and there! Yeah we ran into a slight problem, we decided to shoot the back flip first and I almost broke my finger I was worried about kicking him in the face lol. Fortunately it was just a bad jam but it hurt like hell and still does. Thanks! I'll be sure to re do the mixing when I get the other guy's verse before I export the finished file. Just picked up a nice pair of headphones so hopefully I can polish it up for everyone's ears.
  3. I know all caps, lame. Got your attention though haha.
  4. Anyone here going?
  5. http://youtu.be/R-EMZxEKy8g Is anyone from here from Dallas and checking out the comicon next month btw?
  6. I was in Austin this weekend performing at the Nerdcave Showcase and someone was kind enough to grab my camera to video this for me!
  7. For my round 1 Asis Galvin BOTB
  8. With a Nerdcore Twist
  9. This is part of the "I love the 90s" CD I'm working on. There is a Gofundme linked in the video for those of you who have a few dollars to spare to help make this project awesome. If not don't sweat, just click the link and enjoy the music! Thanks! 1-UP
  10. Those of you who enjoy Raisi K will enjoy this since he gave me this beat.
  11. Datpiff Bandcamp
  12. CLICK CLICK CLICK - I promise it's actually pretty entertaining
  13. Here is video from last night and a preview of some of the songs
  14. Working on this project with a couple of other Nerdcore Rappers The aim is to finish in under 2 weeks - Recording tonight. We probably would have gotten farther if we didn't spend so much time playing Super Mario Kart
  15. Here is the sample I just made - Lemme know what you think. I'm gonna polish it up before I record when I finish the lyrics
  16. Awesome man - thanks I already whipped up the beat. I'm gonna start writing some lyrics to it right now
  17. Dude this is awesome - would you mind if I hip hopped it up and rapped over this? (With credit given of course)
  18. I got this idea yesterday on my lunch break so put the wheels into motion yesterday evening http://youtu.be/_QXGNXRg_FY
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