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Everything posted by nOkbient

  1. I'm actually in the middle of building a new studio desk, so my studio is kind of wonky at the moment. I made an album of my progress, which you can see here I'll put a picture up when I actually have the shelving on it
  2. Take out the voice acting in FFX Fix the enemy spawning in Goldeneye 64 Held off on publishing FFIX and made it for the PS2 instead, as it was completely pushed under the rug And for a more recent game, I would have added much more options to Ni No Kuni. The game itself is wonderful, but some of the sound design is awful, and it holds your hand too much. I would add much more volume settings to disable voices, shut off the hint system that tells you where to go whenever you stop moving (as well as the HUD). And also a way to keep Drippy from telling you how to do every little thing so you can figure it out for your damn self!
  3. If you could change one thing in any game, what would it be? I mean specific things, like gameplay elements, or character changes. Often times games lose a lot of their flare because of certain tiny annoyances or mechanics, and I'm interested in people's opinions on things
  4. It's like... Almost as if... Someone other than an indie game dev. remembered what a good game is composed of! Too bad it's just "remastered" and not a whole new game though. Ever since I saw this I've had the theme song going through my head nonstop. Anyone else? DUCKTALES! WoooOOO-ooo!
  5. It sounds great, but something about Metroid music translated into symphony seems wrong to me. Metroid music seems like it should be played with big, complex, mechanical electronics to me. Maybe it's the futuristic theme of the games or something
  6. I looked in to fixing the N64 joystick and came across this. I'm going to definitely do this within the week:
  7. http://soundcloud.com/nokbient/sympagix Like the title says, it was inspired by Metroid Prime, which I just did a 100% playthrough of! (Protip: Don't do that) ANYway, enjoy! Here's hoping someone will respond to this! (But seeing as it's in "originals," that probably won't happen )
  8. Something I've never seen before is rather than stuffing old consoles into a small handheld, simply build a new casing for them. More specifically, building casing out of other materials. Honestly, I don't think anything would look quite as cool as a SNES made entirely out of stained cherry-wood. And an Atari made of granite would just be freaking impressive, hehe!
  9. I've always wanted to try and replace an N64 joystick with a gamecube one. An even more adventurous attempt would be to replace it with a PS1 stick. I'd like to see if it's possible, but I doubt I'd be able to do it with my current knowledge of electronics. Hell, the only thing I've even soldered is an LED 5 years ago...
  10. So I recently disabled the lockout chip of my NES. While I was at it, I cleaned everything using good ol' cotton swabs and alcohol, and bent the 72 pin connector back in to place. After that little project, it got me wondering if there are similar "improvements" people have made to other systems! I have nearly every mainstream gaming console there is, but I've never done any work on them other than outside cleaning. I'd love to know what people have done and maybe even do them for myself. So are there any mods, cleaning tips, or any improvements you've made on your old systems?
  11. I've made an update, based on all of your feedback. Regarding the amount of melody, I think some of the changes I made help with that, but I never really took anything away. I think the melodies got ingrained into the soul of the track, for me anyway.
  12. All I can say is this is really really great
  13. Same with Demon's Souls. I can't tell you how many times I've wanted to break my controller playing that game.
  14. It's a Kora, I believe. I love that bit too, haha. I thought about pads, but I was worried that it would make the whole thing too muddy. I'll try sidechaining some compression on pads to the kick and see if It mucks it up too much. Regarding "medley-itis" do you mean just in general or specific parts? I think I see what you mean, but where specifically is it the worst? Getting way more positive feedback on this than I thought I would!
  15. Everything has already been said that I want to say for the most part. I LOVE the sound of the card on the bike wheel, but you should have used something more creaky/wooden sounding. The other thing is that I felt you could have done more variations, but that's minor. I love the fact that this sound so organic though. Really, this is great! I think you nailed all the instumentation perfectly! Don't think you should add any rhythmic percussion, but some more creaky wooden type sounds would work well. Also, get a better quality microphone. This needs one.
  16. I started working on this a couple days ago. It's really my first ever attempt at a remix. Before you hear it, I realize that at the moment it sounds REALLY bad in some places, primarily in transitions (such as around 3:20) and some of the samples used. When you give feedback though, don't hold back. What you might notice as bad, I might not have noticed at all. What I have here is the Song of Storms, mixed in with other various Zelda tunes. I wasn't very serious with this at first, but it just kind of happened. Oh, also it was all done by ear so if the actual melodies from the game are messed up let me know! WELP, here it is: UPDATE http://soundcloud.com/nokbient/zelda-remix Ok, so I fixed up the compression/ EQing and fixed the awkward transitions, as well as add a couple more Zelda sfx. I think some of the melody stuff works a bit better now too!
  17. Hate to break it to you, but yeah. It's that picky. If it's causing too many issues you should definitely look in to buying a soundcard. I was lucky and got a laptop that had integrated asio functionality, so I rarely use Asio4All. Only thing is the built in asio doesn't work as well as a4a, so I share your pain...
  18. Actually, that's the only one I already know of, and it's getting a little dated.
  19. Something instrumental I did about a week ago. I like it, but I'll let you decide what to think of it. http://soundcloud.com/nokbient/the-purple-land-of-green
  20. Honestly, I'm surprised in the lack of remixes done for this game. Seems like this one in particular would be perfect for a remix! I'm interested in what people would do with this. Not much to say, really. I just think this would make a great remix!
  21. http://soundcloud.com/nokbient I put up stuff on an irregular basis. Some of it is awful, some of it is great. All of it is original stuff.
  22. Final Fantasy IX has some of my favorite game music of all time. I think my only gripe with this is that I think it needs a different instrument to go along with it, but that's honestly it. Great job, man! It's too bad that there won't be video if it's posted here...
  23. So! I just recently joined this forum for a plethora of reasons, but at the moment I'm still "testing the waters" a bit. I've been making music for a good long while now, so I actually have a good bit of experience already. I've known about this site for a very long time actually, but I felt too intimidated by it for me to actually join. Thing is, I want to make a career out of my music. Specifically, the music for games. Where I live, there is literally no connections or ways to get started in the business, so I'm basically limited to the internet. A few days ago I emailed Grant Kirkhope for some sage advice on getting started. He said that he got in by luck, but that going here would definitely be a big help. (He also was very impressed with my music so that kinda made my day!) SO, I broke down and here I am. I'm hoping to try to get involved with some indy game devs in the near future, given that this works out. In any case, I know this site will be beneficial to me Now, I play a lot of games. I mean, a LOT of games. I don't really do the "remix" thing though, as I make more purely original stuff. I also write stuff in the musical style of game's soundtracks, but again, not really a remix is it... AH WELL! Maybe I'll start and see how critical these judges are. In any case, i'm glad to be a part of this community now, and I can't wait to meet all of you!
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