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Everything posted by nOkbient

  1. Something ambient and chill. I like it. Hope you like it too. https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/starlight
  2. Huh? Oh, no, my bad. I meant artistically speaking. Actually they remind me of Mega Man bosses mostly. I just meant I could picture them being in a Sonic game.
  3. Ignore the music. It's just meant to appeal to a wide audience. Assassin's Creed 3 did the same thing in their trailer. As for the enemies, I don'd mind them at ALL! They look like enemies you'd see in a Genesis Sonic game. What would you prefer? A humanoid like on Sonic '06? Yet another fucking hedgehog? As for gameplay, it does seem like a blatant copy of Mario Galaxy; floating islands above a planet, each with their own gravitational force. Looks good though! As opposed to Mario games (yeah, THANKS Nintendo...), this series actually needs to be "brought back to the basics."
  4. It can't just be me. Nintendo has really dropped the ball lately. Only a handfull of decent games for the Wii, releasing the Wii U as an updated Wii as opposed to a new console, and just plain not trying to make new content for it! Seriously? New Super Mario Bros U? How about New Legend Of Zelda U? Or a new freaking franchise for once! The 3DS seems to be getting some decent titles, but it doesn't compare with the Vita in terms of good content. Is there a reason for all of this? I'm genuinely unsure why Nintendo seems to have no clue about what they're doing. Was there a change of management or something? Why was the GameCube the last real attempt at a fantastic console in terms of competing with Sony/Microsoft?
  5. Agh! Forgot to vote! Ah well. I'm still happy I did it.
  6. I wonder if any games purposfully DO hide stuff in their music. Does anyone know of something that does?
  7. I won't even start to say all my issues so far. All I can say is that if Xbox One integrates with all the devices in my living room, can I hook it up to my gaming console? Also, EA? Can you just... die, or something? The last thing we need is more sports games.
  8. FF9 in my opinion is the closest to being perfect. The music is the best in the series, even being claimed to be his best work by composer Nobuo Uematsu. Story is fantastic. Weird dialog is nearly nonexistant. Pre-rendered cutscenes are few, and only happen occasionally, making you exited to see a new one as opposed to them being the majority of the game. Characters have life and you actually get attatched to them. And to top it all off, the game is just beautiful: hand painted backgrounds, clever sound design, fantastic atmosphere... Seriously, if you havn't played it, DO! Now, many people, sadly, haven't played this game. That's because that it came out just as the PS2 came in to existance. Much like Okami and the PS3. Occasionally people say they don't like this game either, which I don't really think is justified. From what I've heard, the reasons why people don't like the game are few: they didn't like the random bosses (such as the last boss, which was admittedly a bit strange), they hated the old combat style (which I don't have a problem with unless you're in a hurry), OR they didn't like the art style. I can't understand why. Some people say the game isn't as serious, but that's totally wrong; the beginning isn't (on purpose), to make the conflict seem much less serious and big as it really is. Once you get into the game though, and learn more about the story, the game takes a really serious turn. The game also used textures for the characters, which look pixelated at a distance, but look great up close. I just can't understand why people don't like it. Way better than 7 if you ask me...
  9. Well, I always use google, and then I just cut out as much of the almost mandatory static frequencies as I can. If you want, you could also create a jungle soundscape. Nab a night-time sound clip with lots of bug sounds in it. Then just grab some various jungle animal sounds and put them in. You could also mess with panning, giving you more control. Ooooor, you could find a nature show or something on youtube and convert it to an mp3.
  10. Hehe, remember these assholes?
  11. It's fine. I don't really mind, and I'm sure no one else does. Forgot to say earlier: thanks, Kuolema, for all the help and suggestions you gave me! I had fun working with you!
  12. Bish bash badoosh! Submitted (I ReMixed Kirby's Dreamland: Float Islands: )
  13. I own a game that is sheer awfulness. It has not been reviewed by anyone (well known, at least), which makes it kind of special for me. I can sit people down, have them play it, and they'll have no idea what to expect. "Awesome Possum Kicks Doctor Machino's Butt" is a god-forsaken piece of shit made by TENGEN. It's a blatant copy of the Sonic games for one thing, but it's executed verrrrrrrry badly. It has tons and tons of terrible digitalized speech, most of which are annoying and meaningless one-liners, which your character says every time you do ANYTHING. On top of all of that, it's an "environmental" game, so every second tries to shove recycling lingo in your face. It also makes you take a quiz every level, but the answers are often exagerated. It's hard to describe how bad this game is, but it's not as bad as some other games. It's a bit worse than the Bubsy games, imo.
  14. Baby Geniuses 2. Don't ask me why I have it, or where I got it, because I don't know. I think satan put it in my collection.
  15. Short answer to this question: because the old final fantasies were games, not movies with hallways.
  16. I forget. Are they all like this or is it just the "good" one (that wants an ore or something)?
  17. Ok. Hmmm, everything is already EQd. With regards to panning, you're 100% right. I'm not too good about panning. Almost all of them are panned to center. I'll also put some stereo separation on some of the sounds. Thanks for the feedback
  18. Then pay with your blood! Hyaaaagh! For the empire! Die, damn you! I've fought mudcrabs more fierce than you! Huuurugh!
  19. People seem to forget other types of laughter in video games, one being the laugh you get when something scares the shit out of you, and the laugh you sometimes give when you die in a game (whether out of sheer frustration or ridiculousness). Regarding the former, the ReDeads from Ocarina of Time scare the shit out of me. I know you can avoid a lot of them but still, I can't help but giggle out of fear when one grabs me or screams.
  20. Well, Usa, I can't say I know ya, but guessing from the responses you're getting I feel like I should
  21. 2nd update with my attempt of a proper mix-down. Not sure what to make of the result though! Let me know if I made it sound better or not!
  22. I know this isn't really an active topic anymore, but since we're talking about subwoofers, does anyone know of a good one? I currently use an RCA sub, but it just sounds... Off. I need a good quality, powerful sub. As for speakers, I use M-Audio BX5 D2s. They're a bupit small, but holy crap are they great! They have good lows, the highs are a bit harsh when turned up, and the mids are sliiiightly less pronounced. All in all though, fantastic reference monitors.
  23. Now, I'm not as mad about this as some other folks. I mean, yeah fuck Disney for screwing with the franchise and giving the license to...the dark side; but were the Star Wars games ever that good to begin with? I know people like Battlefront, but I've never played that. The majority of Star Wars games I've played are fighter pilot mission based games. And there were a couple of those ones where you play a sith apprentice or something, and those were interesting concepts, but were dull games imo. I'm just happy that lego Star Wars is still goin' strong Lego Star Wars is the shit!
  24. I know a lot more about this than I should, actually, but I'm in high school still so I choose to stay away from all of this while I still can. I recommend you get a couple of books on this subject. Really, without this knowledge you will NEVER succeed in the professional music world. You should learn about different contracts, copyright laws, good business knowledge in general. This is the boring, evil side of the music industry that no one likes to talk about :/
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