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Everything posted by nOkbient

  1. Those made me scream with frustration, not "laugh!" Some of the worst AI in any game. It is funny to see someone getting mad at the enemies, though hehe
  2. All I heard was blah blah blah blah backlit keyboard. Gimme dat backlit keyboard, dangit!
  3. Nah. I pretty much use 'em as soon as I can.
  4. Meet Douglas. My new, goliath, heavy, amazing, hulking keyboard amplifier I saved from destruction at my school. They were literally about to throw this in the dumpster because it was "too big and broken." http://i.imgur.com/hZyIdx4.jpg WELLLLLLL, it turns out these things still go on retail for $700. I guess they've just had it in a fucking closet for years. Well, it's NOT broken. They just didn't know what a freaking XLR cable was. It works PERFECTLY. I hate people sometimes...
  5. Oh MAN! SO much good source material I could remix...
  6. I know, right!? And it's not a thing of kindness either. It's only because you WANT to. I forgot something else. In any RPG, yes ANY RGP, I always level up to level 10 as soon as I can fight. In Secret of Mana, I fight rabbites before even entering the village. Takes a while. In regards to buying items you don't need, i'm the same way. I want to have at least 1 of every single item in the game.
  7. I do both of those too. I also had a bad experience with my FF6 save. I was at Kefka at the very freaking end, and then I decided to start another file for god knows what reason. Well, long story short, I saved over my main file on accident. I died a little inside. As for seasonal games, I have a few: -Donkey Kong 64 is strictly a winter game for me. No reason. Maybe because it's so colorful? Also in winter, I play Skyrim and Demon's Souls. -In spring I play Oblivion, Silent Hill 1 and 2, Twilight Princess, and the Spyro games. I also play NES games a lot in spring. -In summer, I have more. I play Super Mario 64, Ocarina of Time, the Banjo Kazooie games, and Conker's Bad Fur Day. Apart from n64 games I also play all the SNES classics except Super Metroid, Earthbound, and A Link to the Past. - And in fall I play Castlevania 1-4 as well as other spooky thingies, and after Halloween I play Final Fantasy 9, Super Metroid, Earthbound, A Link to the Past, and Silent Hill 3. Obviously I don't play these every year, just some of them. That, and the only game I'm actually strict about is DK64. I can ONLY play that at Xmas time :3.
  8. Hehe, yeah same here. I'd also like to get to know this community more.
  9. Sometimes when I play games, I do things a bit oddly. For instance, in games like the Elder Scrolls series, I'll role play and do things that I really don't need to do. I'll sleep in beds at night, eat food, etc. It just makes the game more enjoyable for me! At the same time, i'll look for ways to "break" games. I love finding glitches and bugs, and i'll deliberately seek them out. Those are actually common, I assume, but probably the weirdest thing I do is I totally clean and organize my gaming area ever time I get a new game. I feel like I can't start playing it until everything is comfortably clean... Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I'm sure I'm not the only one who does stuff like this...
  10. I hate when companies just change their games like that. I've dealt with that sort of thing before, and it sucks...
  11. I'll sign up as a novice! Working on a couple other things but hopefully I'll have time. I know the minimum number of tracks is two, but I figure since I'm new I'd better show off some of my styles. I'll do two originals, two remixes and one WIP. Original https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/equiti https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/create ReMixes (none posted...yet) Zelda:https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/zelda-remix Banjo-Tooie:https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/jolly-rogers-submarine-banjo And this is something I'm currently working on https://soundcloud.com/nokbient/gloom-wip
  12. Well, first thing's first. Get that panneling OUT of there. Blegh...
  13. Don't take this the wrong way, but your studio looks like the back of a church... Especially with that organ. Imho, I think you need some snazzy mood lightling to brighten up the place. Also, what synth is that (on the really tiny stand hehe)? ...and also BONGOS!
  14. If you read it through, I said I thought it would be a fantastic 3d game, considering the design. I know the game has been completely redone. It's not a problem with what's in the game. In fact, I think it's going to be a great game! I'm just disappointed that they're "playing it safe," as usual...
  15. Yay! Earthbound! ...but, I have a gripe with this new Zelda game though, and it's not the fact that it's a "sequel." In fact, it's more of a gripe with Nintendo. I'm getting really sick and tired of all this uncreative bullshit AAA game companies have been pumping out lately. They think much much MUCH less about the gamer and more about the money than they used to. Games are much more uncreative. Seriously, when is there going to be another "great" game that ISN'T a fucking FPS. Now, while Nintendo hasn't really jumped on this bandwagon yet, it's doing something else. It's developed this "family friendly" theme to nearly EVERY ONE OF THEIR GAMES!!! Everything they pump out is designed for simpleminded elderly women! Seriously! Skyward Sword!? Where's the secrets!? "New" Super Mario Brothers!? It was never "new!" Just repackaged! Not to mention all of the 3rd party fishing, dancing, and minigame collection games they keep liscencing. Recently Nintendo's been using previous success to keep them going. The "New" Super Mario Bros., this repolishing of Windwaker, all of the hype over the Virtual Consol releases, and now this. They havn't made anything decent in ages! I don't care how "redisigned" they make this. It's still based in the Link to the Past universe. I want something NEW. Like, how Minish Cap was new! I guess I wish it was less "top-down" and more 3d. Seriously, the 3DS is 100% capable of making a new 3d Zelda title! They're making this 2d because it's easier to make, there's less chance fans will be upset, and it's cheaper to make. I understand that some of you disagree with me, and I get the love of the top-down style; it was how the first one was, and A Link to the Past is one of my favorite games! I just feel that this could be such more than a 2d game that has different floors. It's just too fucking gimicky and uncreative. I LOVE the design and style though, but I just think it would be better as a new 3d Zelda adventure. Ok, there. Rant over.
  16. I'm worried. Video game movies have never been very good, and R&C is one of my favorite game franchises. This could be either very good, or very bad... It kind of sounds to me like Insomniac is running low on ideas, or is just milking the game as much as they can before it's a shrivled up shell. If they'd made more games how they were SUPPOSED to be, and not that multiplayer/tower defence bullshit, I might be a bit more excited about this. They've gotten too carried away with this series though...
  17. Well, in terms of generallly LAUGH, I would have to say this guy did a good job: Accidentally laugh though, I have a few. These idiots: And these guys' dying animation was HISTERICAL! They curl up really fast and go "poof":
  18. Those are just samples I took (Vengeance pack 1) and REALLY messed with 'em. Stretched, reversed, pitch shifted, and most of them have some weird EQ and filtering as well I also made a couple of them.
  19. Alright. Yeah, I tend to get a bit carried away with reverb. Anything else that should be "de-verbed?" Oh, also: that high resonance peak is NOT because on an effect. That's that zither I recorded. For some reason it sounds all peak-y, but it's really not. Not sure how to fix that without re-recording it (which I really don't want to do...). Thanks for the feedback! If I fixed that though, how good is the overall composition? Do you think it would stand a chance against the judges?
  20. Hell, lot's of great games can be beat in less than 5 hours. If I got this though, and I probably will, I'm one of those guys who likes to get everything. I'd probably get a good number of hours in it
  21. I just did a 100% speed run of metroid prime. I got it done it about 6 hours. Waaay longer than some people can do, but I was happy with it. Not really much for speed running unless I know the game by heart. I also tried to do a speed run of Final Fantasy 9. If you get to the end of the game in under 12 hours, you get the Excalibur 2 sword, the best weapon in the game. I got it, but to be honest it wasnt worth it. I then started a file with the goal of beating the game with all of the sidequests completed. Now THAT I enjoy with that game! ...Ok, except for the Tetra Master card game. Getting all the cards is a bitch.
  22. yeah! What he said!
  23. A bad habit of mine is I always do a very rough mixing job as I write music, and then I get to the end and don't feel like messing anything up! I need to break away from that...
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