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    Music & Gaming


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    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    FL, Orion

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  1. thanks guys for the feedback! sorry i only saw it here now. I'll give it a try and I've submitted it.
  2. A spontaneous remix/cover. I'm not really a big Assassin's Creed fan, but this Ezio's Family theme by jesper kyd is just epic. After hearing it, I thought I could play a bit of it. Now, after several attempts, I've finally finished the remix. Enjoy
  3. Hey, Part 2 of Mario Kart Fun Remix. I couldn't resist remixing the Battle Mode theme from Super Mario Kart :D, because it's the most popular when you play with friends. Have fun
  4. Welcome back to 2k23! Once again, we have a just 4 fun remix. This time a compilation of Mario Jingle and the Main Theme. Enjoy
  5. Hey, Finally, the time has come. My new album Afterlife is released. This time it's more in the direction of the soundtrack mixed with psychedelic cinematic chillout/downbeat. Enjoy. Full Album Stream Bandcamp: https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/album/afterlife Spotify:
  6. Hey Here some new stuff. Inspired by the end of 90s nfs, extreme g or other game ost's music Enjoy the ride
  7. 5k Subscribers on my YouTube Channel have been reached. Of course, this will also be rewarded with a new track . Enjoy The Trip Download free on my Bandcamp! https://mellowsonic.bandcamp.com/track/reminiscence Post
  8. yo i'm back with a new tune! enjoy a deep spacey atmospheric breaks.
  9. hi after the years, I decided to go back to the roots and returned from Synesthesics to Mellow Sonic. The nostalgia factor was just too huge. :p ok next part of ratchet remixes now from gladiator/deadlocked, the valix belt. enjoy
  10. hey guys i started my new sideproject last year and here is a epic one by saki kaskas this runs on Mass Effect 2 Afterlife and Need For Speed !! i'm so flashed when i heard this.. here my remix of it hope you like it
  11. hey whats up ? remix for games goes in the next round this is from my fav game extreme g this appeared in 1997 for nintendo 64 the soundtrack is from the same guys as xg2 by simon robertson & stephen root i have now finish 4 remixes i think it comes more in the future.. .:D i hope you like it, cheerz & enjoy
  12. hey guys my next and last remix of this year from need for speed porsche by morphadron alias rom di prisco hope you like it enjoy
  13. hey guys finally new album psychokinesis this album is now released on all stores out now on cosmicopia and my bandcamp Bandcamp Beatport Junodownload
  14. another remix from morphadron/rom di prisco's track stealh run from nfs porsche enjoy
  15. hey guys i have a new one of rezidue by morpahdron/rom di prisco enjoy my new remix from the nfs classics
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