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Frictional Antidote

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Everything posted by Frictional Antidote

  1. I think the difference would be playing a game depicting war events and battles verses playing a game being Heinrich Himmler going around to each of the concentration camps operating the gas chambers to kill of the Jews. While I feel that there doesn't need to be as much violence in video games as there is, you can't quite put medal of honor and Super Columbine Massacre or whatever it is called on the same level. By the way, I have not played the said Columbine Massacre game.
  2. From what I read, it seemed as though he was walking around on campus, when he heard a burst of shots. At that point he pulled out his phone to record the rest of what he could.
  3. I believe The Orichalcon was wondering how this guy was taken down. The New York Times reported: "According to a federal law enforcement official, the gunman did not have identification and could not be easily identified visually because of the severity of an apparently self-inflicted wound to the head. He said investigators were trying to trace purchase records for two handguns found near the body." It would appear that he killed himself. This whole ordeal sucks. I also want to comment about this community. While I've never really played a huge role in it, I do visit here often. It never ceases to amaze me how many people care about something like this when it happens. I can't remember who it was or where it happened, but I recall that some kind of chemical plant had an explosion that affected the whole town. One of the members here had a gymnastics gym that was near the origin of the explosion. I just recall how so many people reached out to offer there condolences. Same with this situation. It really shows that despite the incredibly terrible and inhumane things some people do, there are still so many other people out there who care deeply about life and its value and what is right and wrong in this world.
  4. People who do these sorts of things are past normal rationality. They perhaps try to justify it that everyone their whole lives have put them down. Or perhaps they thought they saw an angel who told them to massacre people at the school. Or maybe, and this one really makes me sick to think about, they thought it would be fun. Whatever the person was thinking, it wasn't sane. And when a person is insane, anything can go. Edit: By anything can go, I mean anything goes in that persons world.
  5. Let me preface by saying that the price you are paying is truly a good deal on this particular four year old used car. With that in mind, some things you may want to take in to consideration. There have been reports that the sealant for the paint on the car has problems. People have reported their paint peeling off after just a couple of years. Apparently, whatever Ford used as a sealant was sub-grade. However, this problem could be conditional to a given climate or temperature range of the place you live. Also, there have been reports of something going bad with the ABS system on the car. This seems to have been less of a problem than the paint. However, the complaints that were given mentioned having to replace a component several times. It was mentioned that the component was manufactured by Bosch, so perhaps the same component of a different manufacturer will get rid of the problem altogether. On the flip side, the Mustang may not accept components from other manufacturers. In the end, either you will get a car with the problem, or you won't. Just some things to take into consideration before making the purchase.
  6. Every time I wear my jersey, I hope to at the very least meet someone who knows what the shirt is talking about. Never have I had any luck, nor have I seen anyone else sportin' their OCR pride.
  7. ...and no bastards there to ruin it... Ohh, those will always exist in community based websites.
  8. Interesting art interpretation or Super Mario Bros. I like. Also, the fan art of Samus is amazing.
  9. Tree Wave = Wow
  10. This is a pointless post I suppose, but this has to be one of the coolest threads I've seen. I really enjoyed the fun machine music that was mentioned. Thank you for the creation (or re-creation) of this thread.
  11. Has to be McDonald's Kids. I think that is the name of the game. Maybe.
  12. Tron. Absolutely brilliant.
  13. Very enjoyable mix. One thing that I really enjoyed is at the beginning the melody is being played with a harmony set at a fifth. I was expecting this to be the same at the end when the theme restated itself, but instead it was replaced by a much more prominent (string?) sound with no harmonization. Very skillfully executed. Thank you for submitting it.
  14. I agree, the song does evoke emotion, however perhaps around the 2:00 mark of the song the dynamics could have been more. Other than that, very well arranged. Perhaps one day when I am bored I'll transcribe the whole thing so I can have the sheet music. Great mix. Thank you Disturbed for your work.
  15. Thank you for the transition at 3:30. It keeps the track alive. The instrumentation choice on this song is wonderful. Sorry if I am not giving props where they are due, but if you are the first to use the harpsichord, very original choice. Perhaps a few more bpm faster would have given the song a bit more umph. Anyway, wow, awesome, very simplistic remix. Thank you McVaffe.
  16. A favorite of mine from djp. I don't get tired of this mix. It doesn't particularly evolve throughout, but it is just a good chill track. I think what saves it from becoming mundane is that it ends at just the right point. It certainly doesn't go on too long. Thank you for the quality remix.
  17. My cousin was the one who introduced me to the techno genre. While I like this particular mix, something about it could use a change. I feel like somewhere near the mid point of the song it could use a change up. Perhaps change over the choice of sounds. Don't know what it is, but it feels like it needs to evolve more for the genre being presented. However GLL has always turned out quality work. It's good, just not my favorite from him.
  18. While I feel the choice of instruments is good and overall flow of the song goes along nicely, it doesn't stand out to me as excellent. Perhaps the fault is in the original melody written by the original composer. I do enjoy the rather original twist put on it. Not going to go on my favorites list, but it is good.
  19. So I'm sure that this has been adressed before, but there are 65 pages, 65 people!!! Anyway, if you don't want to answer, but rather point me in the direction of what page the answer is on, that would be great. Anyway..... So I was looking at the tutorials on fruityloops, and I noticed a very cool feature. The percussion was on the piano roll. How the heck to you assign a specific piece of percussion onto each note of the piano roll??? It made it very easy to create really cool drumloops as well as cool freestyling percussion. Anyway, an answer would be appreciated. Thanx Edit; 67 pages
  20. I know it's an odd question, but..... is there anyway to uninstall FruityLoops from my PC should the occasion call for it? Thanx
  21. Finally!!!! I was hoping someone was going to do a remix of this song. FF 8 is the only Final Fantasy in the series that I've ever played and this map music was something that I definitively remember from the game. I love the mix, though the trumpet does sound a bit off, but it is balanced well with everything else so it works. I love it.
  22. Initially I didn't give this song any credit. My big mistake. The beginning really gave me the impression that the whole thing was going to be nasty quality music. Much to my amazement, when I actually sat down and listened to the whole thing through, my jaw just about hit the floor. Like someone else said earlier in this review, it does remind me of Daft Punk's Digital Love. Amazing remix. Very nice.
  23. it's funny how many people are taking the extremes with this song. Most people enjoy it or are disgusted with it. I personally feel that the song is awesome. Just last night I took some salsa dance lessons and the song is soo perfect for dancing to. Really this song is very well made. I only wish that there were more latin styled songs on OCR. In any case, well done and keep up the good work.
  24. This song really suprised me. The way the opening sounds really doesn't do justice to how the rest of the song lays out. Good use of the running lead synths at the 45 second mark. Good use of minor chords. The drums could be a little louder in the 1.15 section. Good chord use at 2.05. Good use of timpanis throughout this whole song. Good change of mood at 2.34 as well as good use of distorted guitar and panning snare drum. Really good build up at 3.02. REALLY POWERFUL. Starting to get used to the main theme. Could use a little variation, but it is still keeping me interested. Really good change at 4.19. Good use of church bells. Good fade out at the end. The church bells really put the finishing touches on it. I can't say enough about this piece. It is by far my favorite in my playlist right now. I only wish that I had the time, talent, and resources to produce a fine piece of work such as this. High recommendation from me.
  25. The first time I listened to this piece it threw me for a spin. I wasn't quite sure what to make of it. But as I listened to it today all of these images came to mind of what Magus would be like in real life. I pictured a camera scrolling around and into a dark castle and then focusing in on a dark figure that eventually revealed his face. The song has an acquired taste and if you don't give it at least 2 or 3 listens through you'll be missing out. The song is full of imagery. I recommend it.
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