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Posts posted by JJT

  1. This one's for JJT specifically, and any other judges to whom it may apply:

    Have your woman ever live you alone for reasons of your judging?

    For reason of the length of your decision drove her mad with him?

    Rama, my woman has lived me alone before. Not for the length of my decisions, though. Sorry dhsu. It was for reason of I had jazzed it. Multiple times, actually, over a 2 month period.

  2. Do you all have a job that has something to do with mixing or music in general ? Or is music just a hobby for you ?

    Both zircon and pixietricks are students ramping up for music careers, and AFAIK the majority of their income comes from music at this point.

    Several of us (myself, BGC for example) have day jobs but also have bands/side projects/steady gigs that give us cashflow on the side.

    So yes and no, I guess. I can't speak for everyone on the panel.

  3. Just following up on the original post, the identity/whereabouts of GrayLightning are the only conspiracy theory I can think of in the community. I'm not sure what other topics are out there that, without merely ROFLing and making stuff up, are actually mysterious.

    Gray will return one day, and cleanse the panel of those who would defile her.

  4. How hard is it to phrase exactly what the song does well/poorly?

    Depends on how well a judge knows the genre in question. I'm generally more comfortable critiquing jazz and solo piano arrangements than say, Tibetan throat singing. The less I know about a genre, the more general I have to be with my criticism.

    How often do you "yes" mixes you dislike and "no" mixes you like?

    I'd estimate that I like about 70% of the stuff I YES, and maybe 10% of the stuff I NO. There have been a few heart breakers for me, definitely.

    What are some of your pet peeves that submitters do?

    Probably my biggest pet peeve is when first time submitters write a fuggin' novel about the remix they threw together in FL in 6 hours. They write 4 paragraphs about playing the game for the first time at age 7. They mention the names of everyone who listened to earlier drafts. They thank God, and their parents. And after all of this they suck profusely. There's nothing that calls down the fire (as far as my votes are concerned) like a longass pretentious submission email.

    Once you get a mix or two posted, feel free to write a ton, as Dave likes putting that stuff in the writeups. I do it all the time.

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