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Posts posted by JJT

  1. As soon as this came on at the DoD listening party, it was pretty clear to everyone who's entry this was. I remember it being good back then, but this re-recorded version is like a super nova compared to the night light the first one was.

    The whole piece is infused with new energy, and it has a strong forward momentum. Even the beginning, where it is supposed to meander a bit has good focus. Nice interpretation throughout, and great shifting moods. I wasn't totally sold on this at DoD time, as it was lacking that 'je ne sais qua', but this is a huge improvement. I certainly hear it now.

    You should be super proud of this. Excellent work.

    this is the same version that was submitted to DoD :P

  2. Not a valid answer.

    I asked the question: how busy are the judges? Comparing past 6 months posts in WiPs and Decisions revealed the following:

    Liontamer, 167 posts

    Zircon, 102 posts

    DarkeSword, 97 posts

    The rough 100 might be equivalent to my 180 posts in the past 6 months, since WiP feedback seems easier, therefor faster, methinks. Cutting back a little on voting to visit the WiP board to remind both remixers and reviewers where the bar is, to let us know your vote on a WiP in its state at the time... is that unrealistic? Do you need more judges? Do you need an officially appointed group of WiP "judges"? Do you need to make more time?

    I'm not saying a judge should be the the most frequent wip reviewer, but it would be nice if the judges would post more than a hundred posts a year in the WiP board.


    Let's do some math.

    I have a lot of free time. I am also not a judge. I've also posted my own WiPs here. Let's say I've posted an average 0.5 WiP reviews per day. This would make it 3.5 in a week, roughly 15 in a month, 180 in a year.

    There are twelve judges. Liontamer has, presumably, a ridiculous amount of work managing submissions and stuff like that, and like Zircon and TO, he's a moderator. The three of them, as well as DS and Vig are irc channel operators according to the Staff page. If we assume none of these have the time to do any WiP reviews, we're still left with 7 judges. Since they also judge stuff, let's say they should post a quarter post per day, that's almost two posts per week. Is that impossible?

    Let's say it is, they're all busy with work, school, possibly life. One review per week per person makes it 364 reviews in a year, about 3.5 times the number of posts we're currently having. One review per person per two weeks would still make it an increase.

    If each of the 12 judges would post (on average) a quarter post per day, we'd be looking at almost 1100 posts.

    I'm not saying any of this should be a requirement of the judges', but some action would be nice, besides the occasional post and the checklist. Judges, why not set a good example, once a week?

    Again you missed my point, which is that I don't care how you think judges should manage their time.

    Anyway, I've made two posts in this forum today. Whew! I'll be back for more in a month or two.

  3. One suggestion I have, not so much with the new exposure of database but with people's profiles, is to add specific categories for a few types of keyboards. Right now, I have Rhodes listed under the catch-all "other" category, and seeing organ might make some people think that I could play and record a pipe organ (which I can't) instead of a B3 (which I can).

    Are you really worried about having your pipe organ skills misrepresented? Is this a serious concern?

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