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Posts posted by JJT

  1. Youtube, mothafucka! Do you use it?

    not my project, not my call.

    some folks don't like uploading their stuff to youtube for a variety of reasons. so yeah, whatever.

    i registered, but it wont play for me...

    you may need to update your version of flash. sorry.

  2. I don't intentionally pick longer words, and I don't pick them to impress people. It's just the way I write. If people are turned off by it, it can't be helped.

    It can be helped though. That's the thing. It is NOT hard to phrase your arguments in a direct manner, without using 4 syllable words incorrectly. You just have to put some effort into communicating.

    If you really care about what you're saying, say it clearly and concisely. Otherwise we're going to ignore you (at best) or mock you (at worst).

    Or alternately: If you're attempting to present the essence of what you're trying to possibly communicate to the rabble of this archaic collection of attenders of a multitudinous forum full of a purveyors of a form of collectivist media known as an internet community, then you should attempt to present your fantastically, melodiously, sound arguments in a manner befitting the poignancy that you direly wish to convey.

  3. ladder/lather to the sky is my favorite zircon track, so i'm glad to see it get a little more love.

    you will not see me endorsing a lot of other artists on this site, so when i say that you'll be getting your two bucks worth from this single/b side or whatever you want to call it, know that i mean it.

    seriously though, i hate zircon as a person, and hope he goes deaf in the next year :(

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