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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. hawt I didn't even know you had made this. I'm subscribed but my youtube must be getting spammed with other stuff.
  2. Not understanding Call of Duty to such a degree should be embarrassing for people who make "those kind of statements", but for whatever reason it isn't. My only advice is to have been born sometime near the late 80s, maybe even early 90s. Have a dad who is into war movies (Audie Murphy To Hell and Back, Gettysburg, The Blue and the Grey, Gods and Generals, surely many more that I can't think of off the top of my head like these ones) The biggest difference between these movies is whether they're in black and white or color. War never changes -- but times change, and technologies change. If you are expecting "Call of Duty Unicorn Safari" then you can keep hoping, but it's never going to happen.
  3. As the director of this album Fishy takes full responsibility for it not being released yet
  4. You're right (on both counts) but let's assume Burial at Sea is an unrelated story that just features the same characters and the explanation is "lighthouses" That seems too obvious, maybe even lazy to me. I know it would be hard to link back to the original story, considering how that ended, and that there weren't any moments where you could be like "hey, let's interject a segment here" but meh. I'll probably love the DLC anyway, seeing Rapture before it went poot will be amazing, I've been hoping for something like that for a good while now, but I never realized it would be part of Infinite DLC. I hope they hint at the next game.
  5. Go watch your manga porn you low-life neerrrrddd ;-)

  6. Wait.... people listen to the entries before voting?? I thought only the OCR youtube audience listened to remixes
  7. I agree strongly with this gentleman's assertions. and djp on the warpath <3
  8. All you murkans are probably like "Pfft he made birthday thread a few hours early, what a stupid dumb ass butthole." But the truth is, Rexy is from the wide world of Brittanica (from what I've heard, they distribute encyclopedias or something) And the time in Brittanica is currently: 12:40AM. So in all truth, this thread is 40 minutes late. Happy birthday to Rexy, the shining star of OC ReMix who rose like many of us did from meager beginnings to become the force she is today. I probably wouldn't be here if it weren't for her.
  9. Some kind of horde mode DLC? ugh major booooooo, booooooooo And the other DLC is a return to rapture.... well I dunno, seems silly but it might be good. I guess it's worth getting the season pass at some point assuming it includes all of these. EDIT: Ok, I want the Season Pass so hopefully it goes on sale again I'm disappointed with the DLC, however. A horde mode, and a return to rapture that doesn't seem to tie into the story as far as I can tell. It seems like an unrelated story, and don't give me none of that bullshit about different lighthouses.
  10. But of course now it's too late and I'm in the round as a 3 man team consisting of just myself, y'all are gonna have to deal with it! I'm gonna win!
  11. It does matter and I shouldn't really have to explain why. It's apparent with some of her examples and mischaracterizations that she hasn't played many or all of the games she talks about.
  12. Explanation: since when do people have to use their own recorded game footage in videos? It's easier to use public footage and is in no way an indication of whether someone played a game. That's just unfair. Though she probably hasn't. lol
  13. I'm dedicating my Tuesday night to getting most of the song written. By night I mean 11pm to 5am. Am I going to trash talk? No. Do I intend to win? No. I am not taking this competition TOO seriously, and it's not because I'm some arrogant ass, and I don't think any differently of anyone here who takes it super seriously. We're all adults and we can do what we want, it would be silly to judge. My goal is to make a nice little follow-up to The Wettening, which I've probably made a smooth $20 in donations for over the last year+. Thank you. As for whether my team agrees with me, I don't know. My goal is still consistent with theirs; to produce the best possible songs I can, maybe for a different reason than you guys are, but the end result is the same.
  14. I'm hoping to smack my tracks up hopefully in September... trying to manage the schedule right now while not putting them off for TOO long, I want them done well before November. We'll see how it goes, I'm hoping to not be a dungus and make you hate me here.
  15. To be completely fair, on the topic of patching... Nintendo's games aren't nearly as complex or complicated as most games being released today. It's understandable that they would require less patching, not to mention their very shoddy online service that would make downloading patches a hassle.
  16. People do this kind of stuff all the time and the only thing we can really do is contact their parents on facebook.
  17. Why do we gotta submit as WAVs instead of MP3? Are you gonna secretly try to make an album out of this or something?
  18. I was thinking of Commando Man on The Moon all day yesterday. Needless to say this compo seems to be working out in my favor, just like the previous one. Going Commando in Space Zero-G (where the G stands for Gonads)
  19. And don't ask me to growl! Even if it's to a pre-written lyric, cause I compose when I growl
  20. You'd enjoy hearing it, but would it get you off your tractor and into the voting booth?
  21. Wait, so can I do a new metal song with screams by Rexy, and have a rap break by Sir_NutS and Jivemaster?
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