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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Watched the DuckTales movie yesterday in preparation for the game. Ended up having a dream about..... ducktape..... anyway my body is ready
  2. People have always been evil when it comes to "taking what they want". Tsk tsk tsk... Where's the votes by the way? I wanna see just what the damage was last round. xD

    We're making MASSIVE movements!! BOWEL MOVEMENTS

    The album can be finished without too much more time, just need some stems from XPRTNovice and your Battle Scene A, then like 3 songs of mine that I gotta do! But it's gonna be RAD!!

  4. I got another fellow's stems, and... although the song wasn't quite what I was expecting length-wise (it's near 1 minute length or so...) it's great and will work as a good finale for the album. This also happens to be a pretty big step for the album, weirdly. :-)

    After I get your stems, then it'll pretty much be up to me to finish the final steps for the album, not including a last-minute "Battle Scene A" mix by Sir Jordanius.

    So, we're doing good!!!! Thanks man! :-)

  5. Started writing a post, and absent-mindedly closed Chrome not realizing that it would be lost. To summarize... I've spoken to a few artists who said they will be sending me the stems for their songs, which more or less would put the responsibility for finishing this album squarely on my shoulders. It is something I requested as an attempt to help get this moving a little faster; the artists in question are fully capable of doing it on their own, and it's not a big deal. I expressed interest in mixing and mastering songs, and they very kindly obliged and I am very appreciative. I am not taking any form of credit for this work, apart from mentioning that I intend to do it. I also need to write my own final song from scratch, the Chocobo theme, which I've had in-depth plans for for months now, in my head. And a couple other songs I already had MIDI data for from another couple artists. This album is STRONG right now with most of the remixes being from other artists and only 2 by me that have been done quite a while and passed the panel. I'd say roughly 50% of the album, or near that, has already passed the panel. It's really strong without me, and that's all thanks to the massive effort and talents of the people involved, whom you can see on the first post. Thanks! EDIT: I JUST REMEMBERED WE NEED SIR JORDANIUS'S BATTLE SCENE A MIX!!!!!!! HE'S TOTALLY GOOD FOR IT!!
  6. We should ban all popular forms of music, VGM and gamers are a niche underground audience and it should stay that way! All of the remixes should be black metal, traditional black metal not that mainstream dimmu borgir shit.
  7. I backed it but only because the details on Larry Oji's beard were so clear when I watched the video full-screen I'm on board for making music, just shoot me a pigeon with a note tied to its leg.
  8. It's $11.25 for the DuckTales pre-purchase at www.greenmangaming.com using the 25% coupon code GMG25-OGRUH-7SM8H That's already 75 cents less than I paid :3
  9. Honestly OCR should post a few mixes like this: Then maybe people would shut up about dubstep.
  10. I don't even know what an OMF is... Stems would be ideal, and midi data... or if you have a Cubase session, could easily just zip that badboy up. :-D

  11. OC ReMix occasionally has some kind of contest or event that leads to a lot of people signing up for the OCR forums so they can "vote" or whatever the situation involved may be. Then, in the near or distant future, you have someone arise who is "new" in terms of not posting here, but has an older registration date which clearly and obviously demonstrates their allegiance to OC ReMix and everything that it stands for. Then they say "Playing with live instruments is the shit, I worked as hard as anyone, don't fuck around." On a serious note defending dubstep is a no-brainer, I'd love to see the site defend death metal or doom metal or black metal like more thoroughly than to just say "we accept any genre :-)" I'd like to see them go out of their way to listen to a few doom records or something and feel the emotion they can come away with from the experience, then rant about it on facebook or something.
  12. Disney's Revenge of the Nerds: The Modern Generation
  13. Honestly there really is not a reason for me to vote. It's not consistent, it isn't based on a real set of ideals, so I find it meaningless. I don't consider there to be a "top / middle / bottom man".
  14. Thanks for the kind words and giving me your justifiable first place vote oh yes, OH YES As for the volume drop-off, I did it on purpose with automation. I thought the volume on the vocals by themselves was too loud. It might have just been my headphones auto-correcting the difference in volume. I'll take another look at it before I sub to OCR.
  15. It would be awesome to know what went down, hopefully there's something that is not considered an "Otakon exclusive"
  16. Hey, I updated the song just now -- same link

  17. I want this game like I want a bullet in the brain. A LOT, but I can't afford it right now.
  18. I'll help you break up the triple-post by raising my donger ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ
  19. I hope so... shits going down though, bro... I have to find a new home by September 1st... I will do my damndest to get this done :-)

  20. Questioning peoples' motivations for not liking or disagreeing with something is silly.
  21. Married? To a woman? That's the most sexist person there is. Real, non-sexist men are single and don't strive to tie down and make housebound a free woman.
  22. Question: Do you love Sakuraba as much as I do?

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