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Brandon Strader

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Everything posted by Brandon Strader

  1. Oh, so that's why every other time I try to get on minecraft.net, it doesn't work. x_x What rubbish. I have barely even played in the last week though, so somethin new would be nice to play with. I'd like to be on that whitelist. I want to build a house in what they call "hell" on the halloween update. Hopefully they haven't fixed taking damage.
  2. Seems like a pretty common problem: http://forums.m-audio.com/archive/index.php/t-11460.html This is what mine is doing.. I can't afford a new one. So now what?
  3. If the spawn point WAS on the top of your dong, and there was a curly staircase leading down to the ground, that would be awesome. If they introduce damage, then jumping off the tip of your dong will be ill-advised. :3
  4. Yeh... someone already blew up my house garden.
  5. I'm not familiar enough with the british actors. :'( You could be the guy who played Dwight on the BBC Office
  6. It would be like a mixture of Clerks, and Revenge of the Nerds. OC ReMix the Movie now featuring French Lasor Bananas Directed by Tobias Funke
  7. Wasn't me, I haven't been on since Monday. Last thing I did was make an Obsidian stack near where the ovens used to be, and built a bridge extending to my house.
  8. I got stuck at a save point area in God of War 2 after a boss battle... could never find the way out of the little jungle area and I gave up on the game. Weird cause I finished the first game in about 5 hours. I think the second game was just more of the same and it was too boring and dragging on for me to want to start AGAIN from the beginning. I might do it one of these days though, since it's been a few years.
  9. Cast List for OC ReMix: The Movie Compiled by the people of #ocremix on IRC 1. Dj Pretzel - Gideon Yago 2. Liontamer - Damon Wayans 3. OA - Jason Statham 4.DarkeSword - Aziz Ansari (no relation) 5.Suzume - John Goodman (with a beard) 6.BrandonS - Vincent D'onofrio 7.Bahamut - John Cho (no relation) 8.Abadoss - Sean Astin 9.Protricity - Ben Stiller 10.Vilecat - Rachel Weisz 11.Monobrow - Kristen Bell 12.DrumUltima- Ron Livingston 13.Iggy-Koopa - Annyong (from arrested development) 14.Zircon - Justin Timberlake 15.Ashamee - Ali Larter 16.Nekofrog - Elijah Wood 17. Mirby - Zach Braff 18. JH - Efren Ramirez 19. Lukas - Eddie Murphy 20. Sixto - Johnny Derp 21. Starla - Jennifer Lopez 22. Jeff Ball - Brad Womack 23. CyriltheWolf - David DeLuise 24. Harmony - Shawn Wayans 25. Brushfire - Richard Kind 26. Level 99 - Gerard Butler 27. Rob Steele - Gilbert Gottfried 28. Geoffrey Taucer - Spencer Pratt 29. Halt - Justin Bieber 30. LuketheXjessie - Sammy Hagar More ideas? Photoshop a poster? Write a screenplay? Free free to post.
  10. He said what he meant and he meant what he said, an elephant faithful 100%
  11. The following songs are now up for grabs. Metal of some kind preferred. If you're a posted remixer, that's a plus. Please apply with a sample of your work regardless. Town Theme (can be acoustic) Gurgu Volcano -other-(can be multi-genre) Inside A Boss Battle Boss Battle Last Battle
  12. It's not really a song so much as it is a series of random sounds and a brief blues scale thrown in for fun. Oh wait... that's the definition of songs. Good luck to whoever does it. If you don't find anyone in the long run, let me know and I'll do it all ethnic percussiony like ethnic rush. Since it's another one of those types 'o' songs. Also just throwing this out there, you guys -are- getting 24-bit WAVs right? If you're collecting 16-bit unmastered wavs and planning to master them afterwards, that is a big no-no.
  13. Stinks, I would have offered to help host it on my webserver, but when I asked you said something about fairy dust and farts, and I'm pretty sure godaddy doesn't support that protocol - at least not as far as I'm aware of.
  14. Online with more features and less bugs? I do not look forward to fall damage. Or any damage for that matter.
  15. I don't know about biggest ever, unless you're really gonna slap a lot of tracks in there, but it definitely has the potential to be one of the best... dunno about THE best... but definitely up there. You're already on track with your plan to match the quality of the dkc2 album.
  16. Not only that, but you're a few episodes behind in Dexter season 5 now. If I were you, I'd get all the way up to date, so that it doesn't get spoiled.
  17. Thanks, froggy-one :-P

  18. You break crap with your hands, and it combines into other crap which helps you gain more crap to build with. x_x
  19. Please come to my house on Minecraft. You can make your own island near, or connected to, my island...... I also want to make a third island for planting trees, etc... If you're interested, let me know, and I'll give you directions!

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