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OverClocked PodCast

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Posts posted by OverClocked PodCast

  1. Man, talk about a pumped up intro. I was on the edge my seat for a good minute as the song built up to those unforgettable notes that remind us all of the noble madness behind Metal Gear. I would have liked the Jungle bit to have meshed with more natural grace into the rest of the ReMix, but I can't say no to the guitar and synth joining forces for one heck of an ending (abrupt as it may be).

    Also, I think you guys would do justice (pun!) to an Ace Attorney project. Maybe ask OA for a few pointers and go!

  2. Oh my gosh this is wonderful. I loved every second of it. Joyfully, unapologeticlly 60s/70s with a relentless drive that does the best of the NES proud. The nods to a stupider, more innocent Batman made me smile, too. Other unexpected vibes detected include Mario Kart, Space Channel 5, and Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz (good old Naganuma).

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