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OverClocked PodCast

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Posts posted by OverClocked PodCast

  1. Oh man, DiGi Valentine and Palpable together again! You guys did fine, fine work Temporal Duality. :)

    I never would have thought to include a voice like Bekah's in the mix, but the contrast created is a beautiful thing. Her calming, melodic performance made Digi's unbeatable rhythm filled with frustration all the more convincing. The build up of 2:01 is a really impressive example of this.

    Fantastic collaboration as far as I'm concerned! I'd like to see this trio reunite in the future.

  2. The opening to this song is lovely and reminiscent of a woodland, reinforced by a beautiful flute performance. The brass caught me off guard, jarring me out of the moment with its-- and I know this is a really technical term-- doofiness. And yet, as the flute continued to dance and the guitar jumped in to steal the show (wow that was good), I ultimately embraced the brass and came out loving this ReMix big time.

    - Stephen

  3. The intro didn't get under my skin personally, and I really like the percussion-heavy glitchiness that 0:17 introduces. My favorite part might have been the calm, almost sleepy tempo that begins around 2:36. For a moment I was lulled into thinking that baby metroids are pretty cute after all, but then the little nightmares awake and attach themselves to my head and the song ends.

    Good stuff! :D

  4. I find the source tune to be a little meandering and unfocused, discordant in a way I don't always appreciate, but that is definitely not the case for this ReMix.

    My technical music words fail me once again, but 1:00's intense, stuttering quality is jam-out-worthy without a doubt. The percussion also hits hard all the way through, giving way to pianos just long enough to set a creepy mood.

    This is one of those songs I could loop for a long time without feeling the itch to move on!

  5. Hoo boy, this is the kind of music that never seems to resonate with me. Impressively fluid and distant, it's just too fluid and distant to connect with my brain. :P The echoing synth at 0:55 should, I think, bring me into the melody, but it pushes me away with a sort of dissonant disinterest.

    That said, I ended up with a melancholy sensation of deep, dark gray waters-- a vivid sensation-- so the music's doing something cool all right! Just not my cup of deep, dark gray waters.

  6. I was liking this ReMix just fine, but it wasn't until 0:55 that I looked up from whatever menial task I was doing on my computer, and I didn't look back down until the end.

    That strong juxtaposition between chiptune and sweeping orchestra is like tasting something sweet and salty at the same time, and that thing is delicious. The percussion work has a goodly amount of power to it-- BUUM, DUM, BUUM -- BUUM, DUM, BUUM-- and I love the brass. Heroic.

    I'm not really here for the melody, and as I've never played Mega Man X, certainly not the nostalgia. It's the way that mixture of instruments brings grand feelings to the surface.

  7. I recently discovered Kate's Raindancer album and promptly fell in love with it. I mean it when I say she creates some of the most beautiful, ponderous music I've ever heard, and this song is no exception.

    I'm thrilled every time someone creates a Warcraft ReMix and this is such a good choice. I can see the pale, violet city of Darnassus in my mind's eye; so much care placed in every note. And I caught some of the night-elf-speak, which kind of made me happy. ;)

    So yeah, thumbs up.

  8. I... what, wait, no. NO. People can't just go out and make music (and videos, for heaven's sake) this good without a scary-sized budget. Another mind-blowing Sam Dillard piece.

    And I kept waiting for something to happen-- jump out of the audio shadows as it were-- but nothing ever did; the tensions just keeps building, layer upon gorgeous layer. What a soundscape. Holy cow.

    Darn it, Sam, your talent has made me angry.

  9. Oh, hmmmm, another Wily ReMix. I think I've had enough o' those, thank you very m--

    Pardon? Nutritious AND WillRock?

    Okay, one more time.

    This arrangement had all the bombastic quality that I expected from the pair, but I just can't shake the feeling that every interpretation of Dr. Wily's theme has been done. That said, Will's synth solo at 1:14 won me over. What an exuberant, groovy sound! The orchestra kept the tone grand, but I wish it was more of a constant; it kind of disappeared there for a while.

    Good work to both of you, I want to hear more collaborations! :D

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