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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. Excepting that this song was made by an inhouse group that does music SPECIFICALLY for DDR. They are not a techno dance group, but rather a game music group like any other that we remix. Granted DDR most definitely uses a LOT of music from the commercial world, music that is not DDR exclusive, but this song is.
  2. "aural bliss." Thanks man, that's the best compliment ever. Thanks all for your comments.
  3. That bass is so Lo-Fidelity All Stars.. Rock on, analoq. Rock on. Recommended by the 'mute, 5 out of 5 stars.
  4. Beautiful. I must say, I'm extremely impressed here.
  5. Simply breathtaking. This is exactly what I want my new album to sound like. Epic. Wow. All I have to say is Wow.
  6. Thanks for your kind reviews. This is a remix of the overworld theme, midi can be found here: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/IoGmap.mid Yeah, so the remix isn't too much like the original. But the lead theme is in there, played by the guitar at... 1:04 and onward.
  7. Disco Dan VS. AE, who would win? ... My response: Don't fight. Collaborate.
  8. Hey endblink, thanks for the honest review. While I had no intention of 'stealing' any lyrics, I do acknowledge that I am in no way the first person to use 'no one can stop me now.' Y'all might be interested in this: http://www.cvinternet.net/~wintermute/music/Dan%20Bruington%20-%20Circuitry.mp3 Original work, and a whole helluva lot newer than My Red Hot Pursuit(which dates back nearly six months).
  9. Thanks for the kind reviews all. And djp hit it right, I am very NIN inspired.
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