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Everything posted by Wintermute

  1. I'm bawwwwwing already. Damn you, Mother 3, damn you.
  2. D) Unavoidable Enemies For me, platformer experiences are by definition about avoiding enemies, avoiding obstacles, and avoiding those one hit kills that you mention in (. If it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid certain hazards, this defeats the purpose of the game.
  3. Protip- Music in games is nearly identical to music in movies, in usage. The people that are all "Oh my god this game was awesome and it didn't have any music," are recognizing something that certain directors learned long ago, namely that an absence of music and the presence of ambient sound from the environment can sometimes lead to a more tense or a surreal feeling.
  4. Nail in the coffin, folks. Nail in the coffin.
  5. You, sir, are silly. This is a silly idea. Think about it for approximately 10 seconds. I hope you see how silly it is, by that point. If not, there is nothing I can do.
  6. Our class used the GENKI textbooks, which proved to be surprisingly good when coupled with the in-class exercises. I am by no means an expert, and it has been a few years since I took the class, but I still have my textbooks and if you have any questions or whatever feel free to PM me. I love to teach.
  7. Wha-wha-whaaaatttt??
  8. I'm going the QA-> Producer -> Designer route. That's the plan anyway.
  9. I take it you are too young to have played Super Mario Brothers 3, which is why you don't know A) the name of that fish and how much more frightening he was in that game. So young.... so innocent...
  10. Got it a few days ago, have been playing it off and on. It makes a man out of you.. or should I say a MEGA-MAN? Quite a difficult game, newbies and children will cry themselves to sleep at night. At first I couldn't beat any of the bosses except for galaxy man, who is a wimp, and then splash woman, whose weakness is the buster, but after a while I got into the swing of things and have steadily taken out all the other bosses, most of them with at least one use of an energy tank. I thought the game was difficult before I got to the Wily levels. I was wrong.
  11. ...must get...
  12. Glitch, why do you make it so painfully obvious that you are constantly spewing "facts" about things you know nothing about? I mean, you could leave it a mystery.
  13. stop po- Ahh the heck with it I'm not gonna bother.
  14. I won't flame you. But please don't ever post anything like that, ever again. You make my brain hurt.
  15. Respectfully disagree. Unlike a lot of platformers at the time, this game went out of its way to include secrets that were genuinely tracked by the game engine. Just because you didn't get into hunting for the secret rooms because you didn't feel they were giving you rewards does not mean that nobody found them rewarding. I find the entire aspect to be quite challenging and fun. What you call an 'artibtrary high score that nobody cares about' was in fact a central component of this game. In DKC2 it was instrumental in opening up new levels, and in all the games was both a contested and challenging way of truly becoming engrossed in the game. I think that this mechanic would survive a removal of the liscence and change of graphical style. Plus the controls feel spot on to me, even to this day, and I find that I can pick it up and play it even after years of abscence. Though I definitely don't agree with people calling you crazy or short sighted or whatever for not liking it. Somet games simply don't work for some people. Take care.
  16. *shrug* Sounds decent on paper. But will probably be atrocious. WHAT ELSE IZ NEW
  17. I believe the standard is called FantasyGrounds. Then there's D&DInsider, whenever they finally launch the goddamn thing. But that'll be subscription fee.
  18. Hmm a more talented singer is needed... and unfortunately the song isn't portraying any image of nature to me either. Could just be a personal disconnect. Hopefully others feel differently
  19. As someone eloquently put it: Nintendo may be using E3 time to appeal to the casual game crowd because it has such large press coverage. Casual gamers are more likely to hear about things at E3 than anywhere else, and that's the demographic that is making Nintendo money right now. This doesn't mean that Nintendo isn't doing things for the core gamer too, but that they trust that they can announce those games any old time and those of us who are interested will find the news through our usual online sources, rather than having to hear about it during a massive mediafest. Makes sense. I hope it's true.
  20. Haven't quite figured out why people seem to think that just because we're getting a periphereal to enhance the way the wiimote senses motion that the old wiimote wasn't sensing motion. Metroid Prime 3 was quite a seamless, wonderful experience. However, the wiimote had limitations, but that is definitely to be expected of an entirely new controller scheme. Nintendo is taking things to the next level. 1:1 means sword fighting will actually be f'n sword fighting. I can't wait.
  21. Trailer? 10char
  22. Didn't I see Locke like all over that trailer?
  23. 8-bit visuals do indeed point toward a style. Frankly, the art direction in many 8-(and oh my god especially 16-)bit games is so much more involved and interesting than many newer generation games.
  24. Any news on who the English voice actor cast is? I have been unable to find a list.
  25. You're confusing "Required to save the day" with "Required to tell the story of the movie." Obviously 1 and 3 have endings where Indiana Jones doesn't end up taking out the bad-guy, but in order for the story arc to have played out we needed him. Sorry if there was any confusion, that's what I was getting at.
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