Hi. Good luck in your future mixing. I like the instruments you used (except for 1) and the solo's are nice, though after 8 mins a bit repetitive. The song is crisp and clean sounding so good job not overdoing or screwing the mix.
So... a few critiques...
Consider making the instruments sound like a person is playing them. For example, the electric guitar can go a little off key when notes are being held as if the player is relaxing his finger and moving the string a little. The different notes in the solo's being played could be a bit more mistake-filled. Not huge mistakes, but slight variances in the length of note's in the runs can make it sound more human. I would slow down the runs at the start by the electric guitar as in the very fast parts the notes tend to run together and get smudged. Also, the piano does that a little when it solo's.
Now the bass sounds really shallow coming out of my speakers, and they're not good speakers, which might be it. It would sound fuller if it were not so low, and you could probably run it a little faster for it's solo. And the drums, not the symbols, but the smacks on the tom-toms (?) would sound more real if they were a little brighter, or had more highs.
That's my thoughts listening about a time and a half. It's alright, not as bad as other things I've heard on here, so the lurking on others comments is likely paying off. I think the Jurassic Park sound track in FF sounds would be pretty cool.