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Posts posted by Vaizar

  1. Finally some Octopath representation! This game is one of my personal favorites  - it's just absolutely beautiful. From the graphics to the gameplay, everything about it is elegantly done and I can't get enough of those gorgeously rendered backgrounds. Of course, the music is also included in this; the OST is phenomenal. I have friends who've never played the game listen to the soundtrack nonstop because it's just that good. Onto the mix though - I love Rozovian's chill aesthetic, and it fits perfectly with the slow, often relaxed nature of Octopath's OST. Flamesgrace in particular is one of my favorite tunes because of how warm it feels (ironically, considering the snow) and Rozovian keeps this feeling while adding some additional depth and twists as well. A great mix of a great game :) (also Ophilia best girl)

  2. Opening violin is played beautifully. I really like the thoughtfulness and wonder that this track inspires, along with a sweeping adventurous feeling throughout the mix. I definitely get the epic feel of SMG music, although I do think that this song goes in a different direction than most of the SMG songs, being more peaceful and pondering yet still being quite grand and heroic at times.

  3. This was the first OC ReMix that I ever listened to, so it has a special place in my heart. I really like the more intense take, especially with those sick guitars. The source lends itself well to this 80's style rock, with that smooth bell part interrupting the otherwise head-banging material. Smooth ending part from 3:08 onwards as well. Fantastic mix!

  4. This mix feels very cinematic, as if it could be in a movie; this is probably due to the realistic background noises which provide a nice touch. Having an actual ocarina playing makes it feel even more real and unique. I really like the closing trumpet as well. Going from peaceful to exciting to joyful, I honestly can't describe the mix better than just beautiful.

    Life is good and we should enjoy it; this mix serves to remind us that every dawn of a new day is special.

  5. Oh man, I LOVE Galaxy music, and this mix does it justice. The sweeping orchestral parts combined with the backing chippy sounds, like the Good Egg Galaxy part at 2:18, make for a really epic listening experience. The flute playing is on point as well, especially at the star festival interlude at 2:44. Once Gusty Garden hits, the starting part with chiptunes flawlessly transitions into another beautiful orchestral part, sounding like that's the way the song was originally written. This track takes a few already amazing source tunes and builds upon them perfectly.

    This mix itself feels like an adventure worthy of SMG.

  6. hehe title

    IMO the seafoam islands in major worked really well, didn't ruin my childhood since I never played red/blue ;-;. I really like the quiet, peaceful section at 1:23 before launching into the more intense part of the dream at 1:32. The muted snares add a really nice effect, and the vaporeon cries give a good connection to what this piece was made for. Overall, a very relaxing tune that is quite dreamlike :)

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