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The Instrument of GAWD

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Everything posted by The Instrument of GAWD

  1. Actually I used colored pencils, and I agree, color is not my strong suit. If I were to go through with this, it'd be all in B&W. Here's the Black and White sketch: http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16880673/ The text was Tahoma, not Times New Roman. I though it looked alright for what it was being used for. I'll eventually learn CG, but it'll take awhile... I'm rather slow at technology.
  2. Well like I said, here's a preview of my SH comic. Not much, and it's possible that I'll change the story up. EDIT: Damn that Photobucket... guess I'll have to post it on DA after all. http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/16879347/ I was thinking of asking someone to spiffy up that page with Photoshop, since I have no knowledge of how to use it, but figured that be a bit much to ask someone to do.
  3. I made a rough draft of the story I was thinking of making. It sort of turned out slightly like SH2, but with different motives and different monsters. I've only made the first few panels so far, but I'll keep it at that till I figure more things out. However, my work on one monster is trying out rather satisfactory. I'll post a sketch sometime soon if there's interest.
  4. Ya know, when I woke up this afternoon, I was thinking about writing an original Silent Hill fan comic. Basicly taking what I feel, make monsters out of some of those feelings and such... It's a weak, new idea that needs some encouragement and more thinking. On to the games. I'm pissed that the verisons I have are the normal verisons. I couldn't find SH2:GH in stores. Guess I'll check out Konami, see if they have a site store. EDIT: It came to my attention that the up coming episode of Medium (an NBC show) sounds alot like the whole Walter thing in SH4... I think this episode will be on Monday... if anyone cares.
  5. Why not? Well, in my opinion, 25 tracks is enough! And besides, both the Knuckles theme and Invincibility theme have two different versions each, the Sonic 3 version, and the Sonic and Knuckles versions. Yeah, but the S&K ver. of those tracks overide the S3 ones, when you connect the games anyway. If it was seriously concidered tho, the tracks that have two versions could be put into one track; Invisibilty, Knuckles, etc. Anyway, I'm just pointing out afew short deccent ones that weren't on the first page.
  6. You forgot a few short but deccent tracks: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/invincib.mid http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/knuckles.mid http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/sega/genesis/noway.mid
  7. DAMN. For real? I can usually point out her voice right away... mainly because I like her voice. So that's what she looks like, huh....
  8. Well, if you're still looking for the Dog Ending Song, you can find it on the Sound of Silence. (Go to the Silent Hill 2 section and look under Rare Tracks.) Dude, I will thank you with the Dance of Apperication. *dances appericitively* That song is gonna be playing till the sun comes up... shit I might even leave it on while I sleep! THANKS MUCH, I owe you.
  9. Just got the Dog Ending in SH2... Two things... 1. I must find the song that plays durning the credits. 2. WTF DOES JAMES SAY?! ARGH, I had the subtitles off and I didn't save since I left the hospital. EDIT: Nevermind, a stop at GameFAQs does one good.
  10. No, Broken Notes is available for FREE and are immediately downloadable. I am not in anyway way aware of a membership required to download tracks and have already done so without signing up for anything. Come on, give me some credit. I posted that when I tryed to download them and a small window popped up asking for a login and password... it's not showing up now, guess something was going wrong when I tryed. I think you are confusing Vatiel with The Red Pyramid Thing. Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing are related to each other, but are not the same thing. Previous posts have been made on this topic, but if you still have questions feel free to ask. If I have assumed wrong and you are not confusing Vatiel and The Red Pyramid Thing, then you should realize that the music videos are montages of all four games, with FMV photage used throughout. What I was reffering to was a part of the video "Inner Fears", there was a scene where Heather was on the ground all bloody and was being dragged away. When I first watched it, the person dragging her away looked alot like Prymid Head, at least the waist down did. Now that you said that, I watched it again and saw that in didn't have a Prymid-Head. Another thing, I never saw this in SH3, and I've been through it twice. I'm assuming it's something that happens when you die? Cause that's something I didn't do much unless it was an instant death scene (train, roller coster etc.).
  11. oh, in that case then... something that comes to mind quickly is the whole game takes place in first person, not just in parts like SH4. The thing is tho, the character doesn't know what s/he REALLY looks like, even when they look in a mirror all they see is the image that they've given them self. eventually when they find out the true that they're not who they think they are, they go APE SHIT.... I dunno that's kinda bad. once get past that shocker it'd probably have as much replay vaule. You can't really have a Silent Hill game play like Resident Evil 4. RE was all about the crowdedness, SH is mostly about being alone and isolated. I dunno, trying to figure out new game play mechanics is pretty rough for something like SH. SH4 had it right with the directional controls instead of following the survival horror controls (up=forward, down=backwards, right=rotate right, left=rotate left), but the chest the could left out. Hmm, maybe something could be that they have the character you start out with die half way and another character takes over. or maybe do what RE0 did and have two characters all the time, when going along normally, if one dies, it's game over, but the difference would be this: there's points where one of the characters could die, and which and where would effect the ending. Gahh, these rantings are just the workings of bored mind....
  12. I'm guessing you have to sign up to download those tracks, huh? Maaaan... Anyway, I finally got those videos Fire Drake posted. Lotta stuff I never saw. I didn't know Prymid Head was SH3! Shit dude, I'm full of ideas. One that is consistant in my head is the idea of a teenager (like 12-15 years old), boy or girl. Still with their parents, but their story with Silent Hill wouldn't be the same as Heather's or Harry's... Maybe something like Eddie's... The kid gets so pissed off s/he kills the parents and then retreats into their mind and things just start happening around them. Why would the kid kill his/her parents? Well, either the parent's could've been really nasty or the kid could've been spoiled royally to hell and back. The kid would be the character you control... damn, I could probably go on, but I think I'll leave it at that. Another idea is the story of a Middle aged woman. She would be devoriced from her husband, who has costudy over their two children. Maybe the woman could be a druggie after the devorice, maybe she's a reformed druggie a year or so after the seperation. Perhapse she'd go to Silent Hill for the same reason Harry did, vaction. Things are normal when she gets there, but the next morning when she wakes up, the weather is weird for the time of year and no one is to be seen. While trying to find anybody, things start to get hairy and eventually meets on of her children. Maybe the child is there trying to escape from the husband for one reason or another. As for the other child, that'd be unknown... I think I'll stop there. Something else I thought of making the suggestion that someone make a Silent Hill fan game. Find a programer, artist, writers, voice actors etc. I'd be interested in helping... but then again, usually the ones who bring these things up and actually attract others to help are usually the ones that can do programming and such. Oh well... Oh, and I think it's time to give much thanks to ifirit for all his posts of answers and insights.
  13. Hey Firedrake. I dunno if it's just doing it for me, but when I start downloading one of those videos, it's stops before it can reach 100%.
  14. --CONTAINS SPOILERS-- well, I've been playing SIlent Hill 3 again. Something grabbed me when I was listening to the phone call between Heather and the one guy who's wishing her a Happy Birthday. He said that Stanly Coleman wasn't alive anymore (or something) and he's now known as #7. What I thought was, maybe he meant that he was the seventh victim of Walter... but then again, Walter wasn't present enough in 3 for this to be true huh? Anyway, I'm playing through 2, 3, and 4 again since I finished RE4 twice. Trying for the Rebirth ending in SH2, Possesed ending in SH3 and it's too early for me to determine which ending to go for in SH4(just got out of Prison World for the 1st time). You can guess how awkward it is to switch from RE4's controls back to SH's, lol. As for those videoes Firedrake posted: I'll get to those... but it'll probably take a long while... I'm betting they're pretty effing big... EDIT: oh, wow, they're not effing big after all! I'll check em out after this damn BT download finishes.
  15. Damn you Kiyosuki. Thanks to you and that picture, I'm gonna be day dreaming way too much about Heather...
  16. EFFING SWEET. Too bad her eyes are all red, would make her look helluva lot better. I guess that's her charm; she doesn't use make-up and she still looks nice.
  17. This one was sorta medicore to me, but it's still good. The begining few seconds reminds me of a music track from the movie Preditor and when the 1st level theme starts up, it sounds alot like the opening song for Yu-Gi-Oh! which brings alot of nostilga in more ways than Star Salzman meant to (or did he?). Pretty good. Now I'm wondering if his next mix will feature Lyrics or not.
  18. **SPOILERS** Hah, I finally beat SH4 last night. I had to reset it afew time before I figured out I was suppose to go in the hole were Walter's body was. That pissed me off, I didn't think it was accessible. I also had to reset once durning the last fight, upon figuring out how close you had to be to use the imbibical cord. I only reset cause Eileen was turned into hamburger. The ending I got "Mother"... I really didn't understand it... unless it just meant that Eileen was alright (besides from being reccently knocked bloody) and that The Room was bloody and rusty the whole time and Henry was actually dreaming when it looked normal? I could continue on saying that I would believe that Eileen somehow conceived Walter... After all, they called her the Holy Mother and the ending is called "Mother"... I dunno, this is just my half assed speculation... On a different note, this one took me alot of time to finish; 10 hours. I believe that it took me 17 hours to finish SH1 tho'. Anyway tho, this exprince was a rather nerve racking one, I started to feel rather anxious torwards the end. Mainly becuase of the back-and-forth-ism, but the BGM and the atomsphere did alot too. There was a point where I was thinking "what if that happen to me?" Of course it probably couldn't, but you can't help but to think that because The Room seems like any other appartment that I've seen. Alright, that's enough of me...
  19. Really? That was James dead in the chair? I thought it was a random person... like Eddie. Right off the top of my head, I think they could've done with out the chest and limited carrying space. That's a reason why I started to like SH over RE. Saving was fine tho. I felt that The Room itself could've been alittle more interactive, perhapse I say that because it reminded me so much of Shenmue. I mean things like, scurrying through closets, cupboards and drawers with more of Henry's comments on such things, but that would probably make it more boring. The Ghosts could've been alittle less of a pain in the ass... Meh, anyway, I suppose this would be the best place to post this. http://quizilla.com/users/Twardz/quizzes/Which%20Silent%20Hill%20hero%20are%20you%3F Lemme know what ya get, k?
  20. SPOILERS AND RANTINGS Hah, I got SH4 for X-Mas, and I'm in the Subway -2nd time-. First thing that crossed my mind was "oh goodie, i have to go through all these damn places again?" Still what I'm thinking, cause that's where I stopped for the time being. AND WTF IS UP WITH THE ROOM?! MAN! I go into the kitchen and the shoes hurt me! Go to the save book and the windows hurt me! GOD DAMN! Alright, the adrenline from playing has started to settle. About the room, I put a candle near the hole in the washer/dryer room, but it was gone when I came back. Is it something I did/didn't do? Oh yeah, I didn't pick up the doll the long haired dude left behind either... Instinicts (and something I thought I heard before) told me not to. I know I could look this up at GameFAQs, but I'd rather not touch that until I beat it... And I wanted a reason to bump this thread... And ya know, post count +1. P.S. yeah, still alittle excited from the game... <__<; >__>;
  21. The final form of the SA-X (forgot the name) in Metroid Fusion was pretty fusterating.
  22. I got the impression that he was looking through the eyes of Mary as she was being rolled on a gurney through the hospital (both because the view is that of a ceiling rolling rapidly by, and also her voice calling his name) that served as a sort of mind trance intermission of sorts for him to be transported to the Other hospital. Ah, that makes more sense. Great insight in this thread, thanks.
  23. I've been playing SH2 reccently for someone, and I realized something durning the sequence where the Hospital changes. I'm not sure but it kinda looks like it's a first person view of James being dragged out into the courtyard. Trying to figure out what the deal is with Stanly Coleman in SH3... I'm sure that could've been mentioned here before, guess I'll look around.
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