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The Instrument of GAWD

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Everything posted by The Instrument of GAWD

  1. I liked this song in it's original form, I also like Star's work. So when I saw this, I downloaded it immediately. It's good stuff. [dorkism]Also, I can't help but think that the end of this song is a homeage to the SFII Animated Movie. The "Shouryuken" and Fei Long KO cry clips is what I mean. Although in the movie, it was the hurricane kick that beat Fei Long... [/dorkism]
  2. This is a bit of irrevelence; I started to play SH3 again after beating it once. I got the Beamsabre and Sub Machine gun w/infinite ammo, guess that means I gotta kill everything with a gun now. Also unlocked all (thanks to Game FAQs) all the costumes. WTF is up with the Transform one, lol. Sorta makes me miss Sailor Moon.
  3. Ditto...After my first time playing up to that point, it took me a couple of years to pick up the controller and try the game again. Here are some others that almost are equally as scary for me. 1. The fourth floor button in the elevator in the hospital in SH...and the added supersticious correlation between the number 4 and death, especially in Japanese culture. 2. Jumping down the holes in SH2 in the prison and labyrinth: The well, the gated hole, the wax/shoe hole, the body dumping hole, the elevator ride, and your own grave...I think that's all of them...fucking mind warp I tell ya. 3. Encountering Pyramid Head in the Labyrinth, especially right before you meet up with Angela again. I sure as hell didn't expect that...Damn AI... 4. The teacher's lounge in Midwich school. The picture on the wall, and the reality of it when you enter the alternate school. 5. The mirror storage room in SH3. 6. The god damn clock tower music in SH. I haven't played four yet...so eh... There's many more, but I think I will stop here. **Possible spoiler** SH3, when your in the building before getting to Heather's appartment. The room with all the bloody mannequins with the missing heads except for one, you look at, turn the corner to pick something up and then there's a scream-ripping sound-dropping sound. You go back to check it out and the one mannequin lost it's head... that made me piss myself almost.
  4. I personaly would suggest SH2. It doens't have any real connections to the other games, and it's got a feel to it that the others don't... that and it's a Friggin' Tear Jerker.
  5. Since the alt. reality of Silent Hill has been brought up; I was thinking about the sirens that go off when the reality shifts. I've only heard them in SH1 and 2, and although it might not be anything at all, I thought I'd bring it up.
  6. oh, cool. glad this was revived, i'm near the end of SH3 (i think). --Possible Spoilers?-- this time i'm predicting that the ending will be altered by the choice i had in the confessional and i didn't give Douglas his note book back yet.(just predictions, i'm playing without a walk through... first time around at least.) i can understand how SH3 bothers some people, but i'm liking it. it doesn't give me the sense wide open lonely spaces as the other two before it did, and instant death moments didn't exactly sit well with me (took me three trys to figure out the roller coaster one). after SH2 i was starting to think that none of the games were connected to each other, but i was kinda glad that this one did, and i sorta like Heather now as well. --End--
  7. I got the "In water" ending. I'll visit that game again and get the rest of the endings eventually tho. thank you sir. good luck with the sanity issues as well (your sig)
  8. well then, last night i just finished SH2. was it just me, or was that game a friggin' tear jerker? anyway, with the first and second SH games beat, i'm free to go off and buy SH 3 and 4, but from the sounds, they're not as great... that won't stop me from buying them tho, but it will hold me from doing it right away, i still got Shinobi and Devil May Cry to beat yet. I would like to post something relavent about the plot or characters of this series, but i've only beaten the games once each and it's too early to talk about such things. EDIT: all this talk of the soundtrack reminded me. i'm not sure if anyone remembers the trailer to SH4, but there was a song in it that caught my ear and i was wondering if it was on the soundtrack? all i know is it has lyrics: "It was always you that I despisied." and "I don't feel enough for you to cry."
  9. LIES! there is no sexy girl who works at EB Games!
  10. well then, thanks for telling me about the 5 endings in SH1... but since I had the second SH game already I decided to take it up and start it. I was thinking about talking about what i was going through at the current moment, but i think i'll just play through first before i bring anything up about my exprience. sort of a waste of time, sorry. in other news tho, when was SH4 supposed to come out? sometime this month right? and is it just me or did the combat in SH2 take a drop compared to SH1?
  11. I wish I could contribute to this project, I love Kirby's Adventure. At most- I could probably offer vocals to a mixer that would want to add them to their track. Anyway, I'm gonna be looking forward to this, good luck.
  12. I reccently just picked up on the series and thought it'd be fun to revive this thread because of it. In this rathole know as Johnstown, there is only an EB store here and it didn't have either SH 1 or 2, so I had to go to a Gamestop in Monroville (place near Pittsburgh) Mall to pick up used copies of both games. Right now, I'm playing through SH1... and I don't think I was supposed to kill Cybil like I did... Once I got to the Resort Aera, I got lazy and went straight for the Lighthouse. Looks like I'm gonna have to play through again since I'm in "Nowhere". Has anyone had this the first time they've played through?
  13. At first I was sure if I was going to like this one, but when it finished downloading, I realized my doubt was falsely founded. The music it's self was great, but when the vocal's came in, it was even better. Is this Star Salzman himself singing in Arabic and Hebrew? If so, this makes this remixer far more talented than I once thought (which was highly talented) before. If not, it's still genius of him to include such vocals.
  14. This mix is good work, BUT I hate the game, and listening to this remix reminded me why: The track was the BGM of the most annoying place in the game. I hated this game because of the lousy gameplay, camera, and the disappointing story... and of course let's not forget the fan girls. Probably the only thing I could say I like is the music... but most of the tracks from that game are infected with memories of the game, like this remix of Hallow Bastion's BGM. Still tho, good work dispite the game.
  15. I can't quite put my finger on what track this was supposed to be, but I can say this... very different from the usual mixes here. Nice Work!
  16. SEDUCTiON, I thank you very much for making this mix. It stirs my creative imagination when I'm trying to sleep. Also, it does a wonderful job in calming murderous fury. Once again, thank you.
  17. It's been mentioned, that the Shenmue Theme should've been more present. I feel the same way, but that doesn't stop me from listening to this on repeat every other night when I'm trying to sleep.
  18. That's what that was? Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this in my last post: Kudos to you for not making another Ice Cap Zone remix!
  19. Lovely. I'm digging this tune. Sorta reminds me of BGM for a bar (MJQ, I think it was) in Shenmue. Also, it might be my imagination but there's a Saxophone part in there that sounds like it's saying "baby got back". Like I said, I dig it.
  20. SHIT! This song reminds me of an old song that was played on the Radio alot... I can't put my finger on it quite. Damn that's gonna be bothering me for awhile. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be dancing to this when the need rises. Good stuff here.
  21. Not bad, not bad at all, very nice with the mellow-ism and such.
  22. First off, I loved the original song to begin with-so I'm pretty much gonna like an Remix of this song, probably. Second of all, Mr. Pretzel, you should do vocal's more often-they're alittle chessey but I like them. It's like Japanese singing in English, sounds weird but still good enough to like. Over all- I like this mix, I like the vocal's even more-they make me laugh... in the good way, lol.
  23. I love the sounds of violins... but this song reminded me of listening to a kid playing a violin solo badly at a school concert and everyone is chringing at the sound. Sorry but, "No sir, I don't like it."
  24. I always liked Sakura's theme (espically the version with vocals from Super Puzzle Fighter). this was good. i, for one, i'm not really into this type of music, but it caught me and i liked it. as for the voice samples. hey, they're helluva alot better than those on that one Cammy Theme remix on here... at least i think so. good job. EDIT: i wonder if anyone will make this into a song to play on Stepmania or DWI.
  25. excellent. i didn't really care much for the original B4U song, but i rather like this remix. perhapse because it's slower? i dunno, it just tickles my taste. good rapping too white boy, lol. dude, i would shit myself. the AMeuro mix of that always has me hopping.
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