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Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Steve Eggers
  • Location
  • Interests
    Games, VGM (durr), coffee, tennis

Artist Settings

  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
    FL Studio
  • Software - Preferred Plugins/Libraries
    Omnisphere, Trilian, Kontakt Factory Library, Super Audio Cart
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)

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  1. Anyone have any recommendations for a pair of noise cancelling headphones with a mic, and also a coiled cord? The wife needs a new pair and the she currently uses has a cord than tangles up super easily. I've used the Sony MDR 7506 before, but just wondering if anyone else has a pair they really like.
  2. Just off the top of my head, huge thanks to Joshua Morse, WillRock, zircon & Jill Aversa, Nostalvania, DDRKirby, Big Giant Circles, Flexstyle, Blind, posu yan, list goes on and on, for inspiring me to get into music production when I have time these days. If any of y'all see this, thank you so much.
  3. Piano was Kontakt factory library Concert Grand which usually sounds pretty good, but I having a tougher time getting a good sound out of the lower notes, probably just need to EQ it better
  4. Oh shi I didn't know about the file format thing, will correct it next time
  5. Yeah I've heard nothing but good things about it
  6. Show that cold who's boss
  7. Allllllrighty tis done
  8. trilian's being a total a-hole atm :/// almost done
  9. In the finishing stages
  10. Wow! Gonna have to make this a regular thing lol. Thanks all!
  11. Mucho thanks. I'm still having trouble creating an account on thasauce for various reasons but hopefully that won't be an issue next time
  12. OK it's up on my soundcloud. I'll submit it to thesauce when I get home in a few hours.
  13. Wrapping up the finishing touches on mine as we speak
  14. Oooh I'm gonna have me some fun with this one
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