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The Nikanoru

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  1. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from timaeus222 in Not cool bro panel.   
    I'm a little late to the party here, but here's my two bits. (Gee, Hoboka, you must be ready to start a small business with all the change you have off this thread )
    IMO, there is nothing currently wrong with OCR's panel. The OCR submission guidelines are fairly good at laying out what OCR expects from submissions for posting; of course, like any organization, they have certain subjective expectations (genre, precedent, etc.) for the material they choose to endorse and it is up to them to determine whether it fits their standard or it doesn't. If you want something posted here, you have to play by their rules, period - and if their standard doesn't fit yours, there are lots of other places you can go to advertise or show off your music. Likewise, as ACO implied, just because you're rejected by OCR doesn't immediately mean to the world "YOU SUCK" or "FO" or "we don't like your kind here" - it just means it doesn't currently fit OCR's standard.
    Some folks might be aware that I had a project I'm working on rejected by OCR in the not-too-distant past; sure, some of the things said stung and perhaps I didn't agree with all the feedback, but these are simply folks telling me where the tracks are and what is needed to bring them closer to the standard - so I could have chosen to pack my ball up and go home, but I've chosen to continue the project (despite some absences due to life stuff) and use the feedback to improve the album. I've also had folks reach out to me to offer help and advice if necessary in light of the rejection, which is one of the things I love most about this site. 'No skill in mixing? No problem, let's ask ___ for some help. No good string samples? No problem, let's see if ___ has an opening in their schedule. No good distortion pedals for your guitar? No problem, let's see if ____ has the sound you're looking for.'  This community is full of folks who want to help and they are NOT hard to find.
    Personally, I'm fine with the standard and I don't care how long it takes for the panel to review - I respect the time it takes for judging, I respect the opinion of the panel, accept that it is an opinion, and use it as an indicator of where my tracks are and where they need to go to fit that standard. Given Gario's comment on repetition that started this whole thing, has anyone thought to just add a bit of variation in harmony, bass, percussion, or maybe all three? Or, if you're attached to the repetition, asked Gario how you could keep the copy pasta but add enough variation to be accepted by judges? I just think it's pretty clear what wait time was expected and what the reasons for rejection were, so maybe the solution is to address the concerns and resubmit instead of jumping on the judges for how they do what they do. Plus, if you don't want to wait for the panel, I'm sure either Gario or Rozovian would be willing to take a look at things in shorter order to give you an idea of how it would go on the panel. Heck, I'm sure there's lots of other folks reading this willing to give you a hand too, if that's what you think you need. I don't know how much easier they could make it for us.
    Just my opinion. Another wall of text for the, er, wall.
  2. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to AngelCityOutlaw in Not cool bro panel.   
    As can we all
    I know what you mean.
    I was a "Jack of all trades" type, but the problem was is that it's really expensive to get all the instruments or good virtual instruments to do a lot of different genres and there is a lot of esoteric knowledge involved in producing any kind of music. As such, I cheaped out on a lot of things and never spent enough time trying to get really good at anything in particular and I definitely paid for it...I'm also just never satisfied with my guitar sound and my passion for the instrument and metal music has died out, so I just play guitar for fun now and only occasionally feel like listening to rock.
    I spent the last year and some change working on improving my skills with composing contrapuntally, orchestration, cinematic sound design and buying quality libraries. As of one month ago, I at last have a template that I'm really happy with and it can easily play anything I throw at it and it sounds great. 
    I may not be able to compose every genre of music, but what I can do I have a lot of fun with and always feel inspired to compose more and while those VSTis may have made my wallet cry, it really is awesome not having to surrender so many musical ideas to the mercy of mediocre samples. 
  3. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Gario in Not cool bro panel.   
    I don't write purely symphonic/orchestral music because my computer is so terrible that my program shuts down when I try (it's a very poor computer nowadays) and I don't play guitar well enough to make metal music. I'm not withholding these genres for other's sake - I made this choice because I recognize these current limits. Being unable to make certain music due to what you have access to is a part of life for us poor peoples.
  4. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Gario in Not cool bro panel.   
    Oh boy, this might be my first experience with being a jdgfgt on the forums. Almost makes me feel like I'm a legit judge now. I'm so happy this day has come.

    Considering the circumstances, I would like a moment to address a few topics that came up on here. Wasn't able to do much yesterday other than snipe one or two points on the FB thread due to work, so consider this a more overarching response. I don't hand these walls of text out too often anymore, so enjoy!
    First and foremost, OCR is most certainly not the end all, be all of video game remixes; the kind of music posted on here is clearly stated on DjP's mission statement. There is great music that can't be posted on OCR due to his personal vision for the site, so if someone says that something amazing didn't get posted on OCR I will absolutely believe you. There's nothing inherently wrong with this, either; it's his site, and great things certainly has come from it.
    I feel sometimes people forget this point on both sides of the aisle; a few more passionate members sometimes say something isn't good if it doesn't pass OCR's muster while others state OCR judges hate good music when a song doesn't pass. Neither of these things are true, and on my word I can say I've known the current staff long enough to say they understand that, as well. At the risk of sounding like I'm strawmanning, if anyone makes these bad faith assumptions about the staff they should reconsider their opinion.
    Okay, just wanted to get that out there on full display.
    Second, I've seen a few posts on here upset at the time it takes to judge a track. While last month was admittedly slow likely due to more than one album being evaluated and posted on here (Sinphony and Candy Corn II, baby - we actually do have to judge every track on albums, which takes time), overall I'm a bit hurt that no one really acknowledges the process has sped up over the last year, with the topic of this thread being a great example. Y'all know that the time between submission (as in, he sent it to the inbox) and judgement was literally eight days at most, right? Like, he posted in the thread that he was submitting it soon on May 26th, and the judgment was completed on June 3rd, right?
    I'm calling bologna on this complaint; I've personally worked my ass off to get the inbox and panel to the point that the wait for judgment is on average three months at the moment (again, slow down happened last month due to an influx of albums - it used to be closer to two months from submission to judgment on average, save for tough tracks on the panel), so I take particular offense to this blindness on the improved judgment speed, here. There's likely no better time to put your music on OCR to get more timely feedback, so please stop saying it takes over a year to get evaluated on average on here. Everything that was submitted in 2016 or earlier has been judged (with a single exception, for those astute enough to check). We're in a pretty good spot as far as inbox and judgment speed goes; it'd be nice for people to start recognizing that.
    Thirdly, specifically on this submission... I can see why some may be upset at my judgment, but there's another half to the story that'd be missed if you didn't know I was personally involved in the WIP thread helping him out. Being that I act as both a judge and a somewhat active workshop evaluator (less so nowadays, much to Rozo's chagrin, I bet) I sometimes make reference to what I've said in my evaluation in my judgments. Whether or not that's bad practice is debatable (the confusion in this thread being a decent case against this), but in my view the artist is the most important one to understand the feedback; generally no one else has easy access to the music so no one else needs to understand it.
    I've seen a complaint or two on this discussion saying that I shouldn't consider the flute at all in my judgment, and you're absolutely correct - I shouldn't. If you feel judges should never consider personal taste in music when judging something then be vindicated in the fact that you're correct! The catch is that I made absolutely clear in my WIP evaluation that this was personal taste and would in no way impact the judgment; Brynolf actually requested comments specifically on the flute, so I gave him my opinion on it. In the judgment I acknowledge that his track overall improved from when I eval'd it, even while teasing that he didn't make any changes to the flute. My vote had nothing to do with the flute in his track, and everything to do with the copy/paste of about a third of his track (which I missed when I eval'd it - that was a mistake on my part, and I still feel bad about that).
    You can disagree that the copy/paste is a problem, but I stick by this decision. Anyone can feel free to argue this point either via PM, FB or Discord with me if they'd like since I don't want to crowd this thread too much on my reasoning (in fact I'd love to do that; there's some interesting reasoning behind why this is an issue). That's not to say I dislike that song at all - far from it. I personally really enjoyed this track in every other aspect, and still hope that he resubmits it with some minor changes made to address the issue as it would be a wonderful addition to OCR's front page. I can't drop the QC aspect of my judgments just because I like a track, though; it's one of the larger downsides of the job, to be honest.
    Finally, on the consistency in judgment brought up in here... yeah, it can be a little inconsistent from time to time. That's because of two aspects: we're humans on the panel, and there's nine of us on there with varying experiences and opinions. On the first point, humans ain't perfect, and with anything that involves judgment of anything our imperfections will play into it. This applies to literally everything, not just OCR; for example, apparently you never want to be judged in court prior to lunch, because when everyone is hungry they're more likely to rush the verdict against the accused. To mitigate this aspect, there are many of us on there to cover one another's mistakes; more people means there's more chance that judges will catch each other's mistakes. Of course, this also means that different people will vote on different tracks, which unfortunately means there will be some variation in judgments due to different people voting on different tracks; that can't be helped.
    Those are my $0.50 on the topic at hand; hopefully it's a somewhat informative wall o' text. No hate to Hoboka for the thread or anyone else involved, either - we coo'.
  5. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Jorito in Not cool bro panel.   
    Despite the mad man rave you do here, I do have to admit that said remix ain't bad. Wasn't feeling the ending, but that would be the biggest remark I'd have. Whether or not it's deemed postable is ultimately up to the judges, because that's how this community works, take it or leave it.
    While I do agree that this whole eval process (and the time it takes) can be daunting for newcomers, it also guarantees a good base level, and -if you're patient enough to wait for it- the feedback is usually (meant) constructive and you can use it to learn and grow as a musician. At least, that's how I always approached it. Sure, I don't always agree with the evals I get (especially if it ain't positive :P), but in stead of getting butthurt I just keep in mind that these are just opinions of people that are good at critical listening and that they mean well. 
    Using this thread for a _constructive_ discussion on judge/eval improvements would be interesting tho. My pet peeve is that eval takes a looong time and happens somewhat in a black box (I'm looking at you, 'Currently in eval' thread), both things that are tough sells in this age of instant gratification.
  6. Thanks
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    ...I'm not dead!
    @TheChargingRhino - Review FINALLY sent.
    @CmacProduction - Corneria Boss is indeed open! I've sent you a PM on this.
  7. Thanks
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Yes, we are still alive! Please PM me the current version again, Rhino, and I'll get that review going.
    Sorry about being quiet these last couple of weeks, will have a project update later this week.
  8. Thanks
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I've been quiet, I know - more life stuff came up last week, but I'm getting back on track now.
    I've finally made some changes to the tracklist at the top of the thread and to our lineup. I'm not done yet - there are still some decisions to be made and some conversations to be finished - but the new placement for the audio tracks is now listed. I know I've been slow about sending the feedback out, but I'm catching up. I should have it all out soon. ----
    Guys, I am still waiting for updates from many of you who didn't get something in to me for the last deadline. I'm not going to point you out - yet - but you know who you are, and I'm going to come looking for you soon!
    In the meantime, please note @Jorito's generous offer above - I can totally vouch for his ear, musical ability, and his skill at making folks smile. We also have our Audio Support team, ready to advise with whatever help you might need.
    Keep at it, everyone. Just because it's quiet here doesn't mean things aren't happening. Looking forward to hearing what everyone is up to!
  9. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    So we've sent the album off to OCR staff for evaluation last week. Now it's a matter of waiting for their feedback
    In the background we're hard at work finishing off the track order, the artwork and miscellaneous bits 'n bobs. so that we can make the release as smooth as can be. No final confirmed release date as of yet, just stay tuned for any updates on the regular OCR channels!
  10. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Clipped Wings - Still getting my stuff together, but I'll go over what I've been sent and let you know.
    Cornerian Hall of Fame - Once I touch base with the QA team, I'll be getting the final tracks a once-over from each for any production issues, then it's on to mastering. I don't think any further changes will be needed to the arrangement itself, but the QA review will be conclusive either way.
    SCRAMBLE - As you and I discussed over Discord, taking the time has been my issue lately. Now that things are clearing up, I'll have more time for this. In addition to helping Jorito finish up with the Secret of Mana project, I have to get my stuff together for this project and touch base with everyone; there are a few loose ends I need to tie up for other folks, then I'll be onto SCRAMBLE - hopefully next week. I should have a new version for the deadline.
  11. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    It's been a while, everyone. Despite popular belief, I am not dead, nor have I fallen off the face of the planet!
    My apologies for the absence - I had some fairly serious stuff come up in my life in June which has carried on far longer than I expected. I have this mostly sorted now and with some changes to my family's schedule, I should have more time moving forward to work on this. YAY!
    I'm still getting myself back on track, but you'll notice some changes on the front page - some new claims have opened up as my discussions with folks over the OCR review progress. Anyone who does not have a WIP submitted (with a couple of exceptions) have had their claim released - this includes my own claim to Titania. This does not mean I've turfed anyone, per se; it simply means a claim requires a WIP to actually be claimed. This more or less lines up with the whole 'please submit a WIP with a claim' requirement that has been in place since July 1st.
    The Audio / Radio Play part is on hold while we get through the deadline. I'll be working on some scripts in the next couple of weeks; I hope to have them all in place by the end of October (hopefully sooner).
    If anyone has questions on any of this, let me know.
    Last but not least, because of my absence and how close we are now, I've decided to extend the deadline by two weeks - check-in / updates are now required by October 15th.
    That being said, I'll be checking in with you soon to see where WIPs are at - be warned!
  12. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from Jorito in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I've been quiet, I know - more life stuff came up last week, but I'm getting back on track now.
    I've finally made some changes to the tracklist at the top of the thread and to our lineup. I'm not done yet - there are still some decisions to be made and some conversations to be finished - but the new placement for the audio tracks is now listed. I know I've been slow about sending the feedback out, but I'm catching up. I should have it all out soon. ----
    Guys, I am still waiting for updates from many of you who didn't get something in to me for the last deadline. I'm not going to point you out - yet - but you know who you are, and I'm going to come looking for you soon!
    In the meantime, please note @Jorito's generous offer above - I can totally vouch for his ear, musical ability, and his skill at making folks smile. We also have our Audio Support team, ready to advise with whatever help you might need.
    Keep at it, everyone. Just because it's quiet here doesn't mean things aren't happening. Looking forward to hearing what everyone is up to!
  13. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from CrimsonCobalt in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hello, everyone!
    I guess I should get this out of the way first. I received the news this morning - our initial submission for OCR approval has been rejected by the staff. I received a list of all the feedback from the projects team which reviewed the submission, and suffice to say, there are concerns that the overall quality of what we have does not reach the overall quality or potential that OCR is looking for.
    So ... what does this mean for us? It means that this is not over! A wise salesman once told me that a failing grade is never the end of the world, it only shows you where you need to improve to do better the next time. There ARE tracks on here that caught attention, we DO have some folks on here that are getting noticed, and there IS some excitement that this is happening! I'd like everyone to take a long, hard listen at their work and find everything you love about it and everything you can think of to make it even better. OCR has made it clear to me that they want to hear our absolute best before they give us their nod, so I expect nothing less of everyone here. It was @Thomas Neil's vision to see this as an OCR album, so now that we are more aware of what those requirements are, we need to work even harder at this. Let's kick it up a notch!
    Moving forward, I'm going to be asking for more help from the Audio Support team for track review and I'll be looking for a well-established remixer or to give me a hand with track QA. I know I've been slow with reviews - sorry about that, I'm getting there - but I'm hoping to have them all done by the end of the month. All this feedback from OCR is good incentive!
    I'll be going over the panel feedback for your tracks with each of you; a lot of you have submitted updates since the initial submission, but I'll touch base regardless. If anyone has questions about this whole thing, please PM me.
    I will be updating the tracklist to reflect the new narrative schedule soon, and posting an article about the narrative component - I'll hopefully do something on this in the next few days. @Katamari sent me an update of his remix for SF SNES's Title Theme! ...and after a long absence, @CrimsonCobalt submitted a new WIP for Can't Let You Do That! which is sounding awesome. Give it a listen - He'll be looking for performers soon! @The Imposter never got back to me, so yes, I have released the claim on The Awesome Black Hole. @CrimsonCobalt has decided to release his claim on Katina, but will be keeping his original arrangement if anyone is interested in taking over from where he started. Please keep the updates coming. Keep up the great work, everyone!
  14. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Jorito in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I was already doing some small things for this album in the background, but I've talked with Nika a bit (disclosure: he's my co-director for the Secret of Mana album that's currently in progress) and I am also on board to help out a bit more pro-actively. My work on the Secret of Mana album goes first, but if anyone needs a hand with their arrangement or production work, let me know. I can help both as advisor/sounding board or actively working out the kinks in your track, if needed. Don't be shy, just reach out.
  15. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hello, everyone!
    I guess I should get this out of the way first. I received the news this morning - our initial submission for OCR approval has been rejected by the staff. I received a list of all the feedback from the projects team which reviewed the submission, and suffice to say, there are concerns that the overall quality of what we have does not reach the overall quality or potential that OCR is looking for.
    So ... what does this mean for us? It means that this is not over! A wise salesman once told me that a failing grade is never the end of the world, it only shows you where you need to improve to do better the next time. There ARE tracks on here that caught attention, we DO have some folks on here that are getting noticed, and there IS some excitement that this is happening! I'd like everyone to take a long, hard listen at their work and find everything you love about it and everything you can think of to make it even better. OCR has made it clear to me that they want to hear our absolute best before they give us their nod, so I expect nothing less of everyone here. It was @Thomas Neil's vision to see this as an OCR album, so now that we are more aware of what those requirements are, we need to work even harder at this. Let's kick it up a notch!
    Moving forward, I'm going to be asking for more help from the Audio Support team for track review and I'll be looking for a well-established remixer or to give me a hand with track QA. I know I've been slow with reviews - sorry about that, I'm getting there - but I'm hoping to have them all done by the end of the month. All this feedback from OCR is good incentive!
    I'll be going over the panel feedback for your tracks with each of you; a lot of you have submitted updates since the initial submission, but I'll touch base regardless. If anyone has questions about this whole thing, please PM me.
    I will be updating the tracklist to reflect the new narrative schedule soon, and posting an article about the narrative component - I'll hopefully do something on this in the next few days. @Katamari sent me an update of his remix for SF SNES's Title Theme! ...and after a long absence, @CrimsonCobalt submitted a new WIP for Can't Let You Do That! which is sounding awesome. Give it a listen - He'll be looking for performers soon! @The Imposter never got back to me, so yes, I have released the claim on The Awesome Black Hole. @CrimsonCobalt has decided to release his claim on Katina, but will be keeping his original arrangement if anyone is interested in taking over from where he started. Please keep the updates coming. Keep up the great work, everyone!
  16. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from Eino Keskitalo in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    Hello, everyone!
    I guess I should get this out of the way first. I received the news this morning - our initial submission for OCR approval has been rejected by the staff. I received a list of all the feedback from the projects team which reviewed the submission, and suffice to say, there are concerns that the overall quality of what we have does not reach the overall quality or potential that OCR is looking for.
    So ... what does this mean for us? It means that this is not over! A wise salesman once told me that a failing grade is never the end of the world, it only shows you where you need to improve to do better the next time. There ARE tracks on here that caught attention, we DO have some folks on here that are getting noticed, and there IS some excitement that this is happening! I'd like everyone to take a long, hard listen at their work and find everything you love about it and everything you can think of to make it even better. OCR has made it clear to me that they want to hear our absolute best before they give us their nod, so I expect nothing less of everyone here. It was @Thomas Neil's vision to see this as an OCR album, so now that we are more aware of what those requirements are, we need to work even harder at this. Let's kick it up a notch!
    Moving forward, I'm going to be asking for more help from the Audio Support team for track review and I'll be looking for a well-established remixer or to give me a hand with track QA. I know I've been slow with reviews - sorry about that, I'm getting there - but I'm hoping to have them all done by the end of the month. All this feedback from OCR is good incentive!
    I'll be going over the panel feedback for your tracks with each of you; a lot of you have submitted updates since the initial submission, but I'll touch base regardless. If anyone has questions about this whole thing, please PM me.
    I will be updating the tracklist to reflect the new narrative schedule soon, and posting an article about the narrative component - I'll hopefully do something on this in the next few days. @Katamari sent me an update of his remix for SF SNES's Title Theme! ...and after a long absence, @CrimsonCobalt submitted a new WIP for Can't Let You Do That! which is sounding awesome. Give it a listen - He'll be looking for performers soon! @The Imposter never got back to me, so yes, I have released the claim on The Awesome Black Hole. @CrimsonCobalt has decided to release his claim on Katina, but will be keeping his original arrangement if anyone is interested in taking over from where he started. Please keep the updates coming. Keep up the great work, everyone!
  17. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Wiesty in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    If needed I'd like to throw my hat in for helping out on the album in any way, whether that be recording some instruments or taking a track. I understand this album is in a reworking phase currently and I definitely have a love for star fox and would like to see this come to life.
  18. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I'd also invite people to take a good look at this page if we want to produce something worth being approved by OCR -- especially the 'Arrangement' and 'Production' parts.
  19. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Eino Keskitalo in OCR03573 - Sonic the Hedgehog 1 & 3 "Gotta Start from Somewhere"   
    Really cool track! There's indeed a lot of mileage wrung out of the sources, and it goes by pretty fast, you just want to listen to it again. I absolutely love the fiddle, but there's cool trading licks between the sax as well, sweet usage of the skids sfx, cool Seeeegaaaa at the start.. what a great way to open up the album, and the track stand on its own as well!
  20. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    You got one. Sorry for being slow on this.
    Please do not post non-LSC related info on this thread. The thread is for project-related discussion only.
  21. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Siolfor the Jackal in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I imagine everyone is very busy and/or hard at work, I know I am. I was just listening to some other WIPs again and wanted to say well done, guys. Looking good.
  22. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to Jorito in Secret of Mana: Resonance of the Pure Land - History   
    Time for a roundup! We passed our second-to-last deadline with great results, and as you may have seen in the opening post, we've seen a lot of updates, new WIPs and finished tracks! A quick overview:
    Tabby made great progress with the artwork, with a far advanced version of the front cover artwork that is nearing completion. \o/ New challengers! We've got a claim from Charles Ritz for "Did You See the Ocean" and a (temp) claim from @Rozovian for "In the Dead of Night". Initial WIPs from @Heavy Viper ("Spirit of the Night"), @Blake Inc. ("The Dark Star"), @Kylok ("Fear of the Heavens") and @Rozovian, and even though they are initial WIPs, some of them are actually pretty close to being finished already. Great stuff!  Good progress was made by @Sagnewshreds ("Danger"), @Sbeast ("Prophecy"), @JonnyAtma ("Leave Time for Love"), @Jorito ("Fond Memories") and @PabloComa ("Calm Before the Storm"), they just need a bit more work to be finished. The tracks from @DS394 ("Steel and Snare"), @RebeccaETripp ("Still of the Night"), @Hylian Lemon ("A Curious Tale"), @Kylok ("A Wish") are (as good as) finished and they sound amazing. I bet you'll love them So all in all a LOT of great progress! Unfortunately not everybody was able to check in for this deadline, but most people were good in communicating about it, which is much appreciated. There is one more deadline left, and this is the big one, the really really really final deadline, followed by the release of the album.
    Final deadline is September 3rd, 2017.
    Even though we only have 1 more deadline left, we'd like to encourage you not to wait until the very last moment. If you have something ready sooner, and/or if you'd like to get some feedback on your work, please don't hesitate to share with us. We're here to help. And don't worry about forgetting the deadline, we will be in touch with you about it
    Best of luck with this final lap, go kick ass and give Secret of Mana the tribute it deserves!
  23. Like
    The Nikanoru reacted to classic_gamer_76 in Metal Gear: Ghost Babel ~ Something We Can Hold On To [The Past]   
    It's time to celebrate the 30th Anniversary of the very popular "Metal Gear" franchise with a remix of a track from a criminally underrated entry in the series.
    Saxophone: @HankTheSpankTankJankerson
    Bass/Jazz Guitar: @Arvangath
    Rhodes/Piano/Harp: @Peíorele
    Guitar: @mattmatrice
    Programming: classic_gamer_76
    Mixing/Mastering: @timaeus222
    Artwork by Lia Perrone.
    Huge thanks to everyone involved -- as well as @The Nikanoru -- for making this happen. You guys are AWESOME!
  24. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    I can't access the link - permission denied. Could you please send the updated link to me via PM?
    My guy (Mike Ramanauskas) is only doing the cover, the back cover, and the CD covers. He is only doing this as a favor to me; anything beyond this scope would start to cost some fairly serious coin.
    A map is a good idea, though. Personally, I'd like to see a map of the entire Lylat System - There are 12-16 planets (depending on who you ask), 3-4 nebulae, at least one orbiting meteor (Meteor Base) and one single blue giant star named Lylat  (Solar is a planet, not a star). There are also lots of little-known locations such as Papetoon, Eladard, Kew, and Sargasso to consider, or the theory that Solar is the way it is because of its relative proximity to the three sectors. Also, the tracklist will be changing slightly with the development of the narratives, so this may impact the flight path.
    I can ask if Geo-Dragon or @Etzaen are interested in building on your design, once you have a final draft.
  25. Like
    The Nikanoru got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Lylat System CLEAR: A Star Fox Tribute Album   
    So, another deadline has come and gone - now it's time for our July update!
    I have updates from the following folks (thank you!):
    @DS394 for all tracks. @YoshiBlade (first WIP, but he got it in ) @Slimy (Ode to Star Fox only) @Etzaen @TheChargingRhino  @Siolfor the Jackal @Ronald Poe After confirming with me last month, I'll be expecting updates from the following folks this month:
    @Slimy (Surprise! and Krazoa Palace) @Your_Face @JulienMulard @Cole Train @Starphoenix @M_Blacki @Thirdkoopa @Pichu's Dad @bLiNd @Trev @Katamari @HankTheSpankTankJankerson @The Nikanoru I have not heard from the following folks at all in at least two months:
    @CrimsonCobalt @The Imposter I will send out one final PM to each of you - please get in touch with me before July 14th if you wish to keep your claim(s). If I do not hear from you before then, I will release the claim; you will have to submit a new WIP (or an update of existing WIP) to reclaim.
    Now that school's over, no more excuses! Please keep the updates coming and the tracks moving towards completion!
    We're almost halfway through our timeline now. Unless you have made arrangements regarding your timeline with me, I'm going to be putting more pressure to get updates before deadlines moving forward - I'd still like to have the project completed early if possible and I'll need everyone's help to get there!
    I'll be reworking the thread's details a bit to reflect some of the changes in the project. Big component on the narratives is coming - stay tuned!
    Reviews are coming for the updates I have this week. Thanks for your patience and feel free to keep working on your track while you're waiting.
    Happy remixing!
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