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Everything posted by TheVideoGamer

  1. That's good news. I knew you'd get there in the end
  2. Any luck yet Dex? It’s been a while. I know picking a source can be difficult.
  3. Hopefully, otherwise I get to pick another tune.
  4. Daam....i didn't think Truxton wouldn't get so much love. 2 days left, and no entrants. I'd thought it would be an easy source too, since it's only chords and bass, at 30 seconds long. Oh well, hopefully someone will come around, if not, there's always PRC399...
  5. No worries, I’m just here to help. Don’t think I’m doing the work for you, just giving a bit of... I guess advice...I’m mainly trying to narrow it down, to a select few, to make it easier in the selection process.
  6. Yeah, the source was too reliant on atmosphere, so that's all i could really do, in terms of MnP. Thanks for your comments anyways!
  7. Ok so here is my take on this. I'm speaking this from my view, yours might be different. I don't want to influence your choice, i just want to help a man, with Source Block (Writer's Block but in the context of PRC. What? It's a thing, i'm trying my best lol). Anyways. File Select does not appear on the soundtrack, so that's ruled out. These are the ones that are too short to be useful: Mystic Invasion (Still a good tune though) The Little Sprite (I find this a little silly, not that it's bad) I Closed my Eyes (It's 30 seconds tops, with only really 10 seconds of material, before it's looped. Same can be said for most of the ones on this category) It Happened Late One Evening (This reminds me of a child's cartoon. No bass either) I Closed My Eyes is only 30 seconds, and this of course, is with looping. Most of what I've heard on the ones I've mentioned so far (The short ones), is a little on the repetitive side, so it's going to be hard to remix. My personal favourites on the list, that i like, and probably recommend: The Oracle (A kickass rave like tune, something for the nightclub) Meridian Dance (It has a lot of nicely balanced tonal and rhythmical elements, that sort of suit your style) Did you See the Ocean (I really love the melody here....like really really) A Conclusion (Despite it being one sound, the melody and chords are really great) These aren't too short, and they have a lot of interesting ideas, plus they're easy to remix. A Conclusion is a little on the short side, but i really like this one so... These ones, are lengthy enough, but have nothing useful to give, musically and sonically (In this case, only serves for atmosphere): Ceremony (I find this one too silly) The Curse (I feel it's more Sound Effects, than Music, like a short looped soundscape) And the ones, that sound good, but might be hard to remix: Monarch on the Shore (A lot of triplet usage here, not sure about that) Morning is Here (A bit too repetitive, which might make it a challenge) Steel and Snare (The kick, sounds crazy here) In the Dead of the Night (A bit on the short side, and relies on constrained melodic ideas) Prophecy (This one is wacky with the time signatures) These ones are also good, but i find them a bit on the boring side: Secret of the Arid Sands (I find this a bit too...er...minimal. Needs more) Calm Before the Storm (I find it a little short and repetitive) These tracks, are really good, but they don't differentiate from each other, in terms of style and genre: Fear of the Heavens (Strings and Bass. Pretty much. Chords are great though) Now Flightless Wings (This one is especially good, another favourite, but it's lacking instrumentation in the second half) The Wind Never Ceases (Again sounds good, but i think it's another short one) Eternal Recurrence (Very similar to the others, in terms of style and genre, of course different, in melody) This is what i take on it. You might think differently. Let me know, what your thoughts are, this might be a bit too much for you lol.
  8. Source, thal shall be-eth up soon oh great one.. I can be a handful lol
  9. No worries, I’ve not seen a group source pick before, so it’s interesting. All we need to do, is find the most enjoyable, and most workable to remix. At least I can be of help. Maybe i might listen to see which ones I like later, not that it will be the source choice, it’s all up to you. Thanks anyways.
  10. Shame.. oh well I did say SoR 4 is around the corner...hehehehe Thanks anyways.
  11. I'm thinking of The Oracle. What do you think about that? It's not been remixed so, and you did say you needed help.
  12. You'd better hurry, if you don't want me to have an automatic win lol
  13. I suppose I should get the ball rolling lol Bonus Mix Submitted!
  14. Heh can't win them all. Dex hasn't won in a while, makes sense for him to win. Congrats Dex!
  15. I'm not HoboKa, but I am an avid participant, who has been long enough to know the ropes, and also has entered a lot of MnP. Think of me filling in for Hoboka (Assuming he's kind enough to let me, otherwise i get my A$$ kicked). Meat and Potatoes goal is to use what's called a Conservative approach to remixing. So all source notes and material are present, and the mood presented in the original is kept. If you wanted to remix a aggressive DnB track into an Ambient track, you would be better at PRC, out sister competition, as they encourage originality, and creativity. Of course some interpretation in the MnP competition is allowed, and recommend, however for the most part, homing in closer to the original source is the main focus, as that allows us to appreciate the artistry that went into composing the video game soundtrack. Best to PM him if you have any questions. I only work here lol. Oh well, thanks for joining in, and good luck! TIP - if you want some inspiration, I'd suggest you check out previous entrants from previous rounds. They will give you an idea, to how they have approached remixing the original source, from that round.
  16. I'm not sure, if it should be excited or scared lol.
  17. I submitted anyways. I figured you could use some love....after 2 weeks of debugging ThaSauce, and the voting.
  18. Awesome thank you! Don’t worry about Bundeslang, he’ll thank you for it.
  19. Good, because SOR 4 is just round the corner hehehe...ahem yes. Soundcloud it is then, or until Bundeslang manages to fix it.
  20. Yeah white isn't the best colour on your eyes. Whenever i use colours for fancy text's in word, i add a stroke to make it easier to read, not that it's fully relevant or anything lol.
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