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Everything posted by TheVideoGamer

  1. Changing the sound chip, shouldn't be illegal right? If it is, then i will file a lawsuit against whoever said it is. Making a Sega Genesis cover, does nothing to the composition, but more of what the sound is. In this case FM.
  2. I am never speaking to you again. Take your Salt and Vinegar and get out of here. We don't take kindly to the sacrilegious acidity of saltiness and vinegary textures. I'm only joking by the way. I do like this flavour (I have my eye on you...you...salt loving traitor....ahem...)
  3. You don't have to, if you can't. I did it because i found it fun. I ended up discovering some sick tunes to listen to, in my free time because of it. If you have the time, then i suppose it's nice to enter every now and again, like i said it can be fun. Glad to be of service.
  4. You know, i might as well be president of MnP lol Before Hoboka get's a chance to react, i've already done it. Best to talk to him though, i only can give you so much lol. But seriously though, if we talking chips, it has to be ready salted (Or crisps....*sigh* Britons and there lingo. We call them crisps, i don't know how that works, but that's UK for ya. Do people actually like Salt and Vinegar? They burn your mouth pretty bad....ehem, moving on...) Anyways, thanks for stopping by...(People and there stupid Salt and Vinegar....ok, ok, i'll stop.)
  5. We use this site to post submissions. It's reliable, and has a brilliant voting system to make it organised. I love it. This is just a security question, to prevent robots and spam. Just find a compo and type it in.
  6. It's ok. The reason we do this, is because we don't want to influence anyone, in their choices. Every vote is all based on fair game, what we think sounds the most appealing (The best, pretty much). Once you get into a few rounds, it becomes like a slice of cake. It's all in good fun. I'm glad your interested though Best thing to do, if your worried, is to take a look at past MnP rounds. They will give you some ideas to how things are run.
  7. Thanks for sharing this. Probably better when the round is over, that way we have a fresh mindset when voting. We don't usually make comments until the rounds over you see. To be fair, you shouldn't need to worry too much. Were not perfectionists, we just enjoy it, and feedback those that need a bit of improvement.
  8. I don't see why that would be a problem. MnP is about a conservative approach. So really honing in closer to the source. So as far as were concerned, a Sound Upgrade is completely acceptable. Really we only care about the mood and source material is kept, rest is more up to you. If you wanna add some Sega FM, then by all means go for it. All minds are unique. Oh well HoboKa knows more than me. I kind of have a habit of stepping in his pocket, but at least you got something from me. Good Luck!
  9. Just out of interest, is PRC400 gonna be somewhat of a free round? As a milestone celebration...
  10. Heh this might be a good turnout this round...
  11. Well done NinjaPenguinDan! Nice to have a win that isn’t me or Hoboka lol
  12. Here's something you haven't seen in a while. A vote from me. I voted you guys.
  13. New entrant so unexpectedly heh. Vote coming shortly.
  14. Entry submitted! Much harder than i thought, but i got something in.
  15. Dry your weary eyes, young one. PRC399 source coming to a PC near you. (Or laptop, you know, live your life)
  16. I don’t know some of these, that’s probably why. Personally, Mario is a bit overhyped. Every one knows Mario (Especially the early games) by now, so find a bit of a cliche at this point. Can’t argue with the sick modern Mario soundtracks though. Just me though....ok why are you staring at me like that...oh boy...help?
  17. To be honest, it’s a bit too early for Christmas songs. December time is the best time for me. Don’t know about you guys.
  18. Nice one Dex. This is one of the more enjoyable ones from the soundtrack. Good pick!
  19. Dam, i'd thought this would be an easy one. Shame, could have gotten more views. Oh well, source coming soon.
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