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Posts posted by EchoGhost616

  1. It's been a long time since I've been on the site or forum but I thought I would drop in, listen to a few songs, and drop a track. Hopefully get some feedback lol. 

    This is a very tentative rough draft. Not sure if the length is good, or if I should make it longer. It feels right, but I didn't know what to do at the end lol. I did a corridors mix like four or five years ago, which also the time I was just starting to produce so I wanted to give it a rerun and give it the love it deserves. I love Chrono Trigger and the music. It's heavily inspired the way I make music.  Lemme know what you think. (Yes I need to kill that 808 in the beginning, oops lol) Thanks for the listen. 

    Corridors of Time (EchoGhost Remix) Remastered

    I have some other game mixes on my soundcloud if you wanna take a gander. 

    EchoGhost Soundcloud

  2. On 6/22/2022 at 8:21 PM, Rukunetsu said:

    Very nice; especially like the arrangement you've went for - However, the mixing could use some work (perhaps some compression on some of the leads or something) as at many parts, everything simply sounds too loud, as though EVERY instrument is fighting to be out in front/be the lead.

    perfect, I figured it'd need some compression love, just needed to hear it. Thank you!

  3. On 11/14/2019 at 7:33 AM, RustedMind said:

    Hey, RustedMind here... Listening to the track now.  A year makes a hell of a difference, doesn't it?  'Star Steeling Princess of Zeal' seems to be turning into the musical equivalent of a manuscript, going from draft to draft, near gutting, rewriting, tweaking, but always getting better.  Kinda feel some deep, resonant parallels with the book I've been writing all this time. Hard to get everything out of your head and into your computer, especially when life and other ideas for projects clamor for attention, but I'm glad you kept plugging along.  Kinda gives me a bit more hope that maybe I'll see the light at the end of the tunnel myself and finally get my book published.  In regard to all the CT samples, I'd say don't worry so much about how you're going to replace them, just do it.  Your track's moved so far in the past year, the samples are cheapening it.  Imagine that, eh?  Seems to me like it's time to make your own samples, assuming you haven't already.  Anyway, thanks for the update, buddy, hope you finish this soon so I can get the mp3 with that nice OCRemix title.  

    Thanks bro, yeah the chaos of life really tends to impede projects but I feel like it'll get there soon. Good luck on your book, what's it about? 





    After almost a year lol, I finally finished it. Working on different projects here and there helped to really bring to this to something I'm super proud of and hope ya'll like it. Hope to actually see this on the website but I'm gonna have to figure out how to change the actual CT samples used. 

    It'll be on itunes/ apple music and Spotify in about 3 - 4 days. DL available on Soundcloud as well. 


    Artist - EchoGhost616

    Spotify - EchoGhost

    Youtube - Echo Ghost

  5. 1 minute ago, Gario said:

    Yeah, sorry 'bout that. I couldn't go into too many details in the e-mail, but ages ago (during the FF6 album kickstarter and release) Squaresoft got a bit touchy with their property - kickstarter money for a physical print is what did it - and they basically took a hard look at the site and all of the property it was playing around with. Got off pretty easy with just the samples being legally banned (still got the kickstarter done for a physical print, too!), but those were some pretty tricky times. It's why in the submission instructions we say no Squaresoft samples, and we do our best to respect that.

    Every other company is all good, though, as long as samples aren't the only way people can recognize the source. ;)

    Figured a bit of interesting history to go with my rejection would be neat, since that incident is so old now a lot of newer members aren't even aware of it.

    Yeah my bad man, I swear I thought I read the instructions but I obviously missed that part haha. and yeah that's nuts, but square has usually been a pretty uptight company so it's honestly not surprising. 

  6. On ‎2‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 4:41 PM, RustedMind said:

    I've been following this remix for months now, and it just keeps getting better and better, but the breakout into variation I was expecting for at least two months just hasn't happened yet.  It would seem to me that you've built one hell of a skeleton for what can only be described as an intricate, chill, yet deceptively exciting ride, but in making it over eight minutes long, without more variation, both from the original melody, and your own ideas, it can only be that--a skeleton.  I think you knew that at one point, which is why Star-Stealing Princess of Zeal is over eight minutes long--you wanted to expand upon it, but something happened along the way.  Maybe you thought you had too many technical issues to work through and postponed the final work until you forgot you wanted to do it.  If this is so, then now is the time.  The core--the thing that gives your remix movement and power--is perfect--it's time to give life!

    Although I hesitate to mention this after my earlier critique, it's better that you have the heads-up than get blind-sided by the judges later.   The use of CT samples could cause an issue for final submission, as remixes with samples taken from Final Fantasy games have been previously denied due to Square-Enix's overzealous use of attack dog lawyers. 


    All that said, please don't take this as completely negative criticism.  Star-Stealing Princess of Zeal has had me at the edge of my seat since the end of November, and I've been waiting for it to take off once you ironed out the concept.  Personally, I think now is the time for you to really cut loose and have fun with it.  Keep the version you just posted as your baseline and just go nuts, man.  You'll figure it out.

    well I submitted and yeah they told me no because of all the samples I used, so I had to take a lot out. I have 2 versions. one without the samples and another with. You're definitely right about the skeleton, it's quite massive lol. But I'm pretty sure it's there. I rearranged a lot, changed up the drums and it's finally starting to sound like a song. it's still long but I can't bring myself to shorten anything. I love the flow of it. thanks for the critique though. definitely helped. 


  7. 23 hours ago, Souperion said:

    Whoah, it gives me a trance/edm/techno (is that still a music genre?) vibe that somehow makes me think of Chrono Trigger. It brings to mind an endless color vortex. Nice redundant themes (and I mean that in a good way) keep it rolling, the sweeping effects were a good touch, and it runs the full course without getting dull. With the possible exception of two parts, from 2:20 to 3:10 or thereabouts, where the melody(?) threatens to get too repetitive, perhaps consider shortening that part or variating that little progression a tad. The same thing goes for 4:20 to 5:17. That said, this is a real nice piece, keep working with it!

    Thanks man, will do. I figured it was little repetitive. I'll keep at it.

  8. Hello everyone! 

    A while ago I undertook a challenge to recreate a track from "The Legend of Dragoon."  It's the part where Dart and company get on the "Queen Fury." I forget where they sailed to but I DO remember the song that had me playing that specific part for hours and while I can find the mp3 online, I can't for the life of me find any sheet music and/or a midi file to help me out. I  do remember reading somewhere this was a bonus track and actually wasn't going to make it into the final cut (which I'm glad it did). I'm not the greatest chord analyzer but what I have so far is pretty on par with the original song (I'm literally doing this by ear)... but, I'm running into problems after the beginning with sorting out what instruments go where. If anyone is interested in collaborating hmu. I'm not that far into it at as a for warning so it'll basically be from beginning to end thing. My time schedule can be hectic but I'm pretty devoted to completing this. 

    I'm using FL Studio 20. Sytrus and Directwav mostly. Any Presets you don't have I can provide a DL. Anyways thanks for reading and HMU if you're interested. 

    At the very least if anyone is interested in doing percussion/ drum, that would be amazing. This is totally for FREE. I've been wanting to remake this track for years so if anyone is interested in the undertaking lemme know. 





  9. On ‎12‎/‎1‎/‎2018 at 1:19 PM, Mak Eightman said:

    Drop down loudness of sequencer synth(panned), make wide panorama for snare, drop down  2:30(too loud). Hi-pass 50Hz at kick.

    Do this, and this is great! I think.

    Add link to the source plz.

    Fixed a lot of what you said, the kick still needs a bit of tweaking I think. Added some CT samples, not sure if it's too much yet. Fixed Choir attack, and gave it more opera hall kind of feel after finding some better vst's online but, I really don't know what you mean when you say "Wide Panorama for Snare." Very new to sequencing. All in all great advice and thanks for listening!

    Star Stealing Princess of Zeal

    Artist - EchoGhost

  10. 17 hours ago, Souperion said:

    Even a rough copy can hold promise! The drums do feel a little fuzzy and threaten to drown out the synths, which sort of contend with each other for the lime light, so take a look at the volume/frequency to make sure they aren't killing each, because I do like the direction you're going with this. Not quite sure what you would classify this as, but the original synth progressions and ambiance added to an admittedly oft done song gives it promise to become a refreshingly unique variation of good ol' Schala's theme. Keep at this one, it could be really cool!

    Thank you, I'm still working on it. I think it's definitely come a long way and your advice is very sound. I agree with all of it lol. Thanks for listening and the feedback. More updated version is up!

  11. On ‎11‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 6:34 PM, Souperion said:

    Never can have enough Chrono Trigger mixes. I rather like your direction and execution: it's a fairly popular track, and I enjoyed the cluby synths and beats. I don't have a lot of experience with the genre, so I apologize for a lack of useful feedback, but things sound pretty balanced to me. The familiar parts are nicely complemented by your innovations, nothing stands out as horrifically wrong. Nice work, all around!

    Thanks! Glad you liked it. 

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